Ships are safe in harbour, but that is not what they are designed for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ships are safe in harbour, but that is not what they are designed for


'Ships are safe in harbour, but that is not what they are ... A deeply personal, unique process of changing one's attitudes, ... Own embarrassment to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ships are safe in harbour, but that is not what they are designed for

Ships are safe in harbour, but that is not
what they are designed for
  • Andy Luckhurst, Service User Consultant, Oxleas
    NHS Trust
  • Gina Benjamin, Project Manager, Community Options

  • What do you think Recovery means?

Defining Recovery
  • A deeply personal, unique process of changing
    ones attitudes, values, feelings, goals, skills
    and/or roles. It is a way of living a satisfying,
    hopeful and contributing life even with
    limitations caused by illness. Recovery involves
    the development of new meaning and purpose in
    ones life as one grows beyond the catastrophic
    effects of mental illness

(Anthony, 1993. pp559-560)
Themes of Recovery
  • Hope
  • Being believed in
  • Developing perspective on the past
  • Changing other peoples expectations
  • Gradually gaining a sense of greater wellbeing
  • Developing a new meaning and purpose in life
  • Persevering (not a linear process)

(Turner- Crowson Wallcraft, 2002)
Themes of Recovery cont
  • Taking personal responsibility for ones life
  • Acting to rebuild ones life
  • Developing valued relationships and roles

(Turner-Crowson Wallcraft, 2002)
Understanding Recovery
  • Recovery is a journey and that is a very
    individual experience for each and everyone
  • People can go in and out of recovery
  • It is important that a persons personal history
    is listened to
  • It is vital to get to know the person not the
  • Goal setting is important, where are you now
    where would you like to be
  • Recovery does not offer a cure, but a means of
    looking at your life differently, of gaining a
    sense of hope for a better future for yourself

Bromleys RecoveryNETMission Statement
  • The Recovery Group is committed to the support
    and encouragement of people recovering from
    mental illness.
  • Whilst it is recognised that Service Users hold
    the key to their own recovery, the valuable
    knowledge and experience of others is an
    important aspect of recovery.
  • The group will provide professional and personal
    support needed to help the individual to take
    responsibility to have active involvement, to
    ensure the ongoing long-term recovery process.

Bromleys Recovery Groups Mission Statement
  • Recovery is
  • Maintaining a sense of hope about ones own
    future journey in life. It is about developing
    coping skills to both manage and improve ongoing
    self-development and gaining the opportunity to
    lead an independent, meaningful life in the
  • Recovery is not a linear journey, but a journey
    with many twists and turns.

Bromley Mind
Understanding Recovery
  • While in recovery formulating a wellness
    toolbox (what keeps you well), a crisis
    intervention plan (WRAP, Wellness Recovery Action
  • It is important to build up a rapport with your
    support team, you can discuss with them what you
    want out of life, and how they can help you
    attain what you want
  • Peer support from other people who are on the
    road to recovery, together you can discuss coping
  • Look at people holistically, it could be
    housing/lack of benefits/lack of a social
    life/lack of friends and family that are stopping
    them recovering
  • Recovery cannot be packaged or delivered or
    done for or to people

Wellness Recovery Action PlanWRAP
  • What makes a WRAP?
  • DMP or Daily Maintenance Plan
  • Crisis Plan
  • Post-crisis Plan

Before you can create a WRAP, we need to
consider what the words WRAP mean
  • Wellness the maintenance of good physical and
    mental health, especially when maintained by
    proper diet, exercise and habits
  • Recovery regain your ability to manage your
  • Action how you are going to do your plan
  • Plan lists what you are going to do

Recovery Principles
  • The Service User directs the recovery process
    therefore the Service Users input is essential
    throughout the process
  • The Mental Health system must be aware of its
    tendency to enable and encourage Service User
  • Service Users are able to recover more quickly
    when their hope is encouraged, enhanced/and or
  • Life roles at work, and meaningful activities are
  • Spirituality is considered and their culture is
  • Educational needs as well as those of their
    family/ significant others are identified
  • Social involvements also need to be identified

Taken from NIMHE (National Institute for Mental
Health in England) Emerging Recovery Policy and
Resource Guide
Recovery Principles Cont
  • Individual differences are considered and valued
    across the whole life span
  • Recovery from mental illness is most effective
    when a holistic approach is considered
  • In order to reflect current best practice there
    is a need to merge all intervention models and
    approaches, including medical, psychological,
    social and recovery
  • Workers initial emphasis on hope and the
    ability to establish trusting relationships
    influences the Service Users recovery
  • Workers operate from a strengths/assets model

Taken from NIMHE (National Institute for Mental
Health in England) Emerging Recovery Policy and
Resource Guide
Recovery Principles Cont
  • Workers and Service Users together develop a
    recovery management plan. This plan focuses on
    the treatments and supports that will facilitate
    recovery and the resources that will support the
    recovery process
  • Family/significant others involvement may enhance
    the recovery process. The Service User defines
    his/her family/significant other/s
  • Mental Health services are most effective when
    delivery is within the context of the Service
    Users community
  • Community involvement as defined by the Service
    User is important to the recovery process

Taken from NIMHE (National Institute for Mental
Health in England) Emerging Recovery Policy and
Resource Guide
Community Options Flexible Support for People
with Mental Health Needs
working together for social inclusion
Bromleys Recovery Groups
  • There are currently three groups. One in each of
    the three localities
  • Each group session meets weekly for 26
    consecutive weeks and lasts for 1 ½ hours
  • The group sessions are held at non-medical/day
    service locations e.g. Church Hall
  • Groups have between 6 and 10 members
  • The groups decide what issues/topics they want to
    talk about

Topics that have come out of groups
  • Common experiences
  • Self-harm
  • Overdose
  • Hallucinations (visual and auditory)
  • Suicide
  • The use of illicit drugs
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Treatment
  • Debt
  • Duvet days
  • Stigma (label)
  • Coping strategies stress management

Mental Health Stigma
  • These are some of the areas Service Users felt
    there was stigma
  • Stigma within services from health professionals
    and admin staff
  • Stigma attached to a particular diagnosis
  • Negative media coverage
  • Family overcoming stigma with family members
  • Own embarrassment to have mental illness
  • Societies ignorance for example many people have
    the perception that all paedophiles, and those
    that may harm others etc suffer from mental ill
  • Stigma within the workplace

What comes after a group?
  • Personal development
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
  • Psychotherapy
  • Recovery group facilitation
  • Social network building
  • Person-centred planning
  • Anger management
  • Employment supported employment, independent
    employment, volunteering
  • Education Adult Ed., College etc
  • Healthy living
  • Environmental changes e.g moving home

Experiences of people on their recovery pathway
  • Recovery does not mean cure, it is a hopeful
    attitude, a way of approaching the day.
    Practitioners and carers working with people with
    mental illness need to see the person as more
    than the illness
  • Pat Deegan (an author, a person diagnosed with
    schizophrenia, living in the USA)
  • Recovery requires self-confidence, self-esteem,
    self-awareness, self-acceptance, it is a
    liberating process, a social process and one in
    which practitioners need to believe in
  • Ron Coleman (diagnosed with schizophrenia, a
    voice hearer and author)

Experiences of people on their recovery pathway
  • My recovery process involved rest and good food
    but the hardest part was raising peoples
    (including my own) expectations of myself.
  • Rufus May (diagnosed with schizophrenia, a
  • Recovering from psychosis is an individual
    journey that needs a wide variety of therapeutic
    options to be available to the person
  • Peter Chadwick (diagnosed schizophrenia,
    psychologist and author)

Experiences of a Bromley Recovery Group member
  • The group made me realise that moving on and
    leading a normal life was obtainable and made
    me remember that every morning is a new day. It
    also taught me not to be hard on myself and give
    myself a break once in a while. The group helped
    me gain the confidence and strength to start
    looking at career options and start part-time
    work after many years of unemployment

Experiences of a Bromley Recovery Group member
  • My name is Chris. I am on the pilot recovery
    group. Here are a few thoughts that I have had
    about recovery. I find it very beneficial from
    the point of view that it helped me recognise the
    pattern of my illness, and to ask for help from
    my support team, before my illness gets too bad.
  • It has empowered me to have a say with my own
    recovery with my support team and psychiatrist,
    rather than sitting there and letting them tell
    me what to do. Also, it has helped me to take a
    major step, which really is a major step for me,
    to start volunteering in the community, and
    moving away from the safety of my day centre.
  • At times, it was not easy because listening to
    other peoples stories was quite distressing for
    me. But we did learn a lot from each other, and
    ways of coping and to accept the bad days as well
    as the good days.
  • My own recovery journey has taught me that there
    can be light at the end of the tunnel and my own
    personal experience has not been wasted, because
    now I can use it to help others on their own
    personal journeys of recovery.

I find that the greatest thing in the world is
not so much where we stand, as in what direction
we are moving.To reach the port of heaven, we
must sail sometime with the wind and sometime
against it - but sail we must, not drift or lie
at anchor.
Oliver Wendall Holmes
Thank you
  • Andy Luckhurst
  • Gina Benjamin

With thanks to Dee Ashton, Bromley Mind
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