Title: The Skeletal System 2
1The Skeletal System 2
2Fun Fact A 110 lb adult humans skeleton weighs
15.5 lbs How is bone formed?
3Three types of Ossification
- Intramembranous
- Flat bones
- Heteroplastic
- Os cordis, Os penis
- Endochondral
- Long bones
- Primary Ossification Center
- Length of bone
- Secondary Ossification Center
- Changes in the epiphysis
5Zones of Transition
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7Reserve Cartilage Zone of Cartilage
Proliferation Zone of Cartilage
Maturation Hypertrophy Zone of
Degeneration Zone of Ossification
8Simple Fracture
9Compound Fracture
10Complete Fracture
11Comminuted Fracture
12Growth Plate Fracture
13Greenstick Fracture
14Stress Fracture
15Good Healing Requires
- Immobilization
- Alignment
- Time
16Fracture Repair Events
- Hematoma Formation
- Establish Blood Supply
- Callus Formation
- Remodeling
17What lies behind us and what lies before us are
small matter compared to what lies within
us R.W.E.
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25Cantors Law of the Preservation of Ignorance
A false conclusion once arrived at and widely
accepted is not easily dislodged and the less it
is understood the more tenaciously it is held
27Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Circumductio
n Rotation
28Classification Based on of Bones Articulating
29Classification Based on Uniting Medium
Fibrous Cartilaginous Synovial
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