Title: Regional Innovation Strategies RIS
1Regional Innovation StrategiesRIS
2About Regional Innovation Strategies
- The RIS projects aimed to support regions to
develop regional innovation strategies that would
enhance regional innovation and competitiveness
through optimising innovation policies and
infrastructure. - 32 regions have been supported to formulate
regional innovation strategies with RIS projects.
- It is based on a common methodology based on
three main elements - consensus-building among key actors
- analysis of the regional innovation system
- development of strategic frameworks on innovation
3Today competitive trends
Global Markets
The threats
Increasing competitive pressures
Competitive Advantage
The way to compete
Public sector
The key actors
RD institutions
The instrument
Regional Innovation Strategy
4Performance framework of RIS
- SMEs play a key role in developing and
implementing the strategy - It means a significant mobilization and
utilization of regional endogenous resources - Priorities and actions defined within a long term
framework - High level of consensus requires during the whole
process - Bottom up process ensuring the participation of
all regional key - Actors
- Public Authorities as promoting agents
5RIS designing process
Global trends
Regional Innovation Strategy
Regional industry
Regional RDi system
6RIS as mechanism for regional development (I)
- Globalization VS Regionalization. Enterprises
gain competitive advantage taking the most of
their closest resources. - A mixture of close competition with collaboration
generate an environment where firms can growth
being able to compete in global markets. - This performance of the industrial tissue
requires an strong innovation system with fluent
relations among its members (triple helix) - RIS encourages the formation of networks, thin
relationships between the public sector, the
research community and the business tissue.
7RIS as mechanism for regional development (II)
- The clarity of the objectives defined, the long
term scope and the consensus among participants
ensure a sustainable growth model based on
- So, a Regional Innovation Strategy is the first
step in order to turn a region in a learning
region able to compete in today global economy.
- Regional Innovation Strategies are powerful
instruments to develop regional economic systems
and the best model to ensure a sustainable
competitive growth.
8RIS as mechanism for regional development (III)
General Objective
Measures/ Actions
Common Targets
- Fostering innovation
- Focusing on critic technology sectors
- Development of technology offer
RDi support to business tissue
Strengthening the regional innovation system
- Knowledge transfer
- Clusters
- Technology platforms
- Networks
Strong and competitive productive system
Promotion of collaboration and networks formation
Sustainable competitive growth
- Medium long term
- Consensus
- Wide scope
- Clear identification of need and opportunities
A clear path for development
Defining objectives and actions to compete
- Change of mind
- Entrepreneurship
- Innovation culture
Continuous improvement
Spreading innovation culture across the entire
9Foreseen results of RIS
- Identification of key sector and technologies in
the region - Positioning the region within the global
competitive trend - Establishment of medium and long term objective
within a strategic framework - Definition of a sufficient range of actions to
reach the objectives defined - Development of mechanisms to follow-up and
evaluate the accomplishment of the Strategy
10Foreseen results of RIS
- Consensus about the path followed to gain the
regional competitive advantage - Strengthening of regional technology offer
- Development of a working method based on
collaboration and networking relations - Improved capacity of regional firms to assimilate
research results through collaboration with
research agents - Fist attempt to introduce innovation culture
and innovation awareness not only among
regional system but society itself.
11Foreseen results of RIS
- Level and quality of innovation raised. Levels of
RD expenditures and personnel employed grew. - Enterprises more involved in regional innovation
system. - Disparities with more developed regions both in
RDi and economic and competitive terms reduced. - A widen perception by economic agents that
measures implemented within RIS framework
contribute to improve the regional situation