Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
by Renzo MEDEOT Chairman of Technical Committee
CEN-TC 340
In recent years, the European techno-scientific
community has been called upon to make great
efforts to draft and then revise new building
codes the so called EUROCODES. Son yillarda
Avrupa tekno-bilimsel toplulugu EUROCODES olarak
anilan yeni bina normlarinin revize edilip tekrar
düzenlenmesi isinde üstün çabalar
3Each of the latter, has required in turn the
drafting of Standards on the design and
manufacturing requirements of specific devices
such as structural bearings, pre-stressing
systems, etc. Bu da, mesnetler, öngermeli
sistemler gibi kendine özgü cihaz ve sistemlerin
dizayn ve üretim gerekleri üzerine yapilan
Standartlarin hazirlanmasini gerektirmistir.
4Within this framework, Technical Committee TC 340
- ANTISEISMIC DEVICES was constituted. Bu
çerçevede TC 340-ANTISISMIK CIHAZLAR Teknik
Komitesi kurulmustur.
The scope of TC 340 was to proceed with the
standardization of anti-seismic devices for use
in structures erected in seismic areas in
accordance with EUROCODE 8. TC 340in hedefi
EUROCODE 8e göre sismik alanlarda yapilan
yapilarda kullanilacak anti-sismik cihazlarin
5Anti-seismic devices include, Anti-sismik
cihazlar, ve
- shock-transmitters
- isolators
- hydraulic dampers, etc.
- sok-ileticilergibi
- izolatörler
- hidrolik sönümleyiciler cihazlari
- içermektedir.
6As it is well known, anti-seismic devices were
developed within the last three decades above
all, in relation to the dissemination of the
Seismic Isolation concept, but they have found
valid employment in other seismic
strategies. Çok iyi bilindigi gibi anti-sismik
cihazlar son otuz yil zarfinda gelistirilmistir
bu herseyin ötesinde Sismik Izolasyon
kavraminin yayilmasi ile baglantili olmustur
fakat diger sismik stratejiler de zaman içinde
geçerlilik kazanmistir.
7As it is often the case when technological growth
in a given field reaches important levels of
development as well as a reasonable degree of
maturity, a need spontaneously arises to
establish ground rules that define principles of
general validity. Genel olarak herhangi bir
alandaki teknik büyüme önemli bir gelisim
gösterip belirli bir olgunluga erisince bu konuda
genel prensipleri tarifleyen temel kurallar
olusturmak gerekliligi dogar.
8Said rules ultimately come to nest in documents
of increasing importance like Bahsi geçen
kurallar sonuç olarak belgelerde, ve olarak yer
- recommendations
- öneriler
9Within the spirit of the above, in March, 1992,
the Italian Standardization Institute (UNI)
forwarded to the European Committee on
Standardization (CEN) a formal request calling
for the creation of a Technical Committee charged
with drafting a norm to cover anti-seismic
hardware. Özet olarak, Mart 1992de Italyan
Standartlari Enstitüsü (UNI), Avrupa Standartlari
Komitesine (CEN) resmi bir talepte bulunarak
anti-sismik donanimlari kapsayacak bir norm
olusturulmasiyla görevli bir teknik komite
kurulmasini istemistir.
10After having paid due bureaucratic tribute, the
first meeting of the officially nominated
Technical Committee finally convened in Vienna in
October, 1993. Bürokratik islemlerden sonra en
sonunda resmi olarak tayin edilen Teknik Komite
Ekim 1993de Viyanada ilk toplantisinda
11It took 11 years to complete the task and the
final Draft has been sent to Brussels just a few
days ago (30th September 2004). Bu görevi
tamamlamak 11 yil almis ve Taslak birkaç gün önce
(30 Eylül 2004) Brüksele gönderilmistir
A Standard, given its nature, is in principle a
document that limits user's freedom (i.e.,
manufacturers, design engineers,
etc.). Standart dogal olarak, prensipte
kullananin (üretici, dizayn mühendisleri, vb.)
özgürlügünü kisitlayan bir belgedir
13However, in order to be a good Standard, it
cannot prevent technological progress within its
area of applicability by favouring what is in
existence over what might be developed in the
future. Fakat bir standardin iyi bir
standart olabilmesi için uygulama alanindaki
teknik ilerlemeyi, mevcut halini
gelecekte olabilecek gelismelerden
önde tutarak engellememelidir
14So as to avoid such an eventuality, CEN
established few rules. The three most important
of these rules are Böyle bir olasiligi
önlemek için, CEN yeni kurallar olusturmustur.
Bunlarin en önemli üç tanesi
- 1. requirements should be expressed in terms of
performance as much as possible - 1. gereksinimler mümkün oldugunca performans
olarak ifade edilmelidir
15- only those characteristics which can be verified
by a given method shall be included in the
Standard - 2. sadece gösterilen bir yöntemle dogrulugu
kanitlanabilen özellikler Standartda yer
163. the Standard must represent an objective
state-of-the- art and thus must not exclude
any systems whose validity has been proven
through successful applications. 3.
Standart tarafsiz bakis açisinda olmali ve
geçerliligini basarili uygulamalarla
kanitlamis sistemleri dislamamalidir
17Point (1.-) above regards a long held controversy
between "product oriented" and "performance
oriented" Standard. -Yukaridaki madde 1 ürün
odakli ve performans odakli standartlar
arasindaki uyusmazlikla ilgilidir.
18In a product oriented standard devices are
already defined and the rules are given to
dimension them. Ürün odakli standartda
cihazlar zaten tanimlanmis ve ölçülendirilmeleri
için kurallar verilmistir.
Obviously, new type of devices as well as
patented devices cannot be covered by this type
of Standard. Yeni tip ürünler ve patentli
ürünler bu tip Standart tarafindan
19In a performance oriented standard the
behaviour (performance) of the devices is defined
and the rules are given to verify it.
Performans odakli standartda cihazlarin
davranisi (performansi) tanimlanmis ve
dogrulugunun kanitlanmasi için kurallar
This type of standard does not prevent the use of
newly conceived devices. Bu tip bir standart
yeni gelisen ürünlerin kullanimini engellemez.
20The application of the above cited criteria
favours progress inasmuch as it promotes loyal
competition through clear and fair rules that
protect the interest of the community. Yukarida
sözü geçen kriterler toplum çikarlarini koruyan
açik ve adil kurallar altinda dürüst rekabeti
saglayarak gelisimi desteklemektedir.
21The AASHTO Guide Specification for Seismic
Isolation Design is a typical product oriented
standard, in which only some devices presently
available in the American market are
covered. AASHTO Sismik Izolasyon Sartnamesi
tipik bir ürün bazli standart olup içerigi
sadece Amerikan pazarinda bulunabilen cihazlari
22A final observation about general criteria
regards the fact that the European Standard on
Anti-seismic Devices has been coordinated with
the Eurocodes particularly in what respects EC8
- Structures in Seismic Areas, whose logical
implementation it represents. Genel kriterlerle
ilgili son bir gözlem olarak su gerçegi de
gözönüne almaliyiz ki, Avrupa Standartlari
Anti-sismik cihazlar, Eurocode ile koordineli
olup özellikle EC8- Sismik Alanlardaki Yapilara
23Therefore, all the already codified design
criteria in the above documents are also
included. Dolayisiyla, yukaridaki belgelerdeki
halihazirda standartlasmis dizayn kriterlerinin
tümü de dahil edilmistir.
Before defining the structure of the Standard,
there was an attempt to group existing devices on
the basis of the functions they perform, the
common principles governing their functioning,
the types of materials used, etc Standartin
yapisini tanimlamadan önce, mevcut cihazlari
gösterdikleri fonksiyon, fonksiyonlarini
etkileyen genel prensipler ve kullanilan malzeme
tipleri v.s. bazinda gruplandirma yönünde bir
girisim vardi
25Thus, the starting point was the creation of
divisions of a general character and then moving
toward increasingly detailed subdivisions. Dolay
isiyla baslangiç noktasi genel karaktere gore
ayirim olmus, sonra daha detayli alt ayirimlara
26After several reconsiderations and changes of
mind, the existing seismic hardware has been
subdivided into the following four
groups Birçok tekrar gözden geçirme ve fikir
degisikliginden sonra mevcut sismik donanimlar
asagidaki 4 grupa ayrilmistir
27- Rigid Connection Devices
- -Rijit Baglanti Cihazlari
- Displacement Dependent Devices
- -Deplasmana Bagimli Cihazlar
- Velocity Dependent Devices
- -Hiza Bagimli Cihazlar
28Each group has been further sub-divided. For
instance, Rigid Connection Devices have been
sub-divided into Her grup kendi içinde alt
basliklara ayrilmistir. Mesela, Rjit Baglanti
- Permanent Connection Devices
- -Kalici Baglanti Cihazlari
- Sacrificial Restraints
- -Kirilgan Tutucular
-Temporary (Dynamic) Connection
Devices -Geçici (Dinamik) Baglanti Cihazlari
29Besides the sections dedicated to the four groups
of devices, in its definitive version it includes
also the following Dört grup altinda toplanan
cihazlarin yanisira nihai versiyonunda ayni
zamanda asagidakileri içermektedir
30-Scope - Kapsam
-Normative references - Normatif referanslar
-Terms and definitions - Terimler ve tanimlar
-General Design Rules - Genel Dizayn Kurallari
-Combination of Devices - Cihazlarin Kombinasyonu
-Evaluation of conformity - Uyum Degerlendirmesi
-Installation - Montaj
-In-service inspection - Servis halinde muayene
31Informative Annexes accompany the various
Sections of the Standard, in order to give
useful comments and explanations to the reader.
Okura faydali yorum ve açiklamalar vermek için
Standartin çesitli bölümlerine açiklayici ekler
32Much attention has been focused on the definition
of the various types of devices. In effect, the
CEN rules require that "the definitions shall be
unambiguous and as concise as possible".
Çesitli tip cihazlarin tanimina dikkat
çekilmistir. CENin kurallari tanimlamalarin
mümkün oldugunca özlü ve belirgin olmasini
33Some comments on the more important clauses
Önemli maddeler üzerine yorumlar
Combination of Anti-seismic Devices Combining
pre-existing devices generates "hybrids" that,
may show interesting new characteristics.
However, something quite to the contrary could
also occur. Thus, general rules are furnished to
avoid any such eventuality. Anti-Sismik
Cihazlarin Kombinasyonu Var olan cihazlarin
birarada kullanimi melez etkisi yaratarak ilginç
yeni özellikler gösterebilir. Ancak, tam tersi de
olabilir. Bu sebeble genel kurallar bu ihtimali
engelleyecek sekilde olusturulmustur.
34Evaluation of Conformity This clause is not to
be confused with "attestation of conformity". The
difference between the two is explained as
follows Uygunluk Degerlendirmesi Bu madde
Uygunluk belgesi ile karistirilmamalidir. Iki
kavram arasindaki fark asagida açiklanmaktadir
35- "evaluation" is the answer to the question "How
can conformity be ensured? ". - degerlendirme, uygunluk nasil saglanacak?
sorusuna cevap olup,
- "attestation" is the answer to the question
"Who is going to certify conformity, and under
what prerequisites and conditions? - onay, uygunlugu kim hangi sartlara göre
belgeleyecek? sorusuna cevap vermektedir.
36In other words, evaluation of conformity is seen
as a purely technical matter closely linked with
the category of device. Diger bir deyisle,
uygunluk degerlendirmesi tamamiyle teknik bir
mesele olup cihaz kategorisiyle siki sikiya
The clause on evaluation of conformity develops
criteria for type-testing, production control and
tests to be conducted. It clearly distinguishes
between Uygunluk degerlendirmesi üzerine olan
madde, tiplerin test edilmesi, üretim kontrolü ve
yapilacak testler için kriterler gelistirir. Bu
açikça asagidakiler arasinda ayird edilir
37- initial product testing - ilk ürün testi
- tests to be conducted by the - üretici
tarafindan yapilacak manufacturer testler
- tests conducted by second - ikinci veya üçüncü
taraflar or third parties tarafindan
yapilacak testler
38It should be noted that, in addition to the
above, individual Parts also contain clauses
governing the testing of various types of devices
(i.e., test methods, equipment and procedures) as
well as conformity evaluation criteria geared to
the specific type of device.
Yukaridakilere ek olarak unutulmamalidir ki, tek
tek bölümler belli tipteki cihazlarin uygunluk
dgerlendirmesi kriterleri kadar ayni zamanda
degisik tiplerdeki cihazlarin testini de
kapsamaktadir (örn test yöntemleri, ekipman ve
yöntemler) .
The Final Draft of the European Standard on
Anti-seismic has already been completed and a
preliminary document (prEN) in the three official
EU languages - French, German and English - to be
submitted to Public Inquiry is anticipated to
take place within this year. Anti-sismik
cihazlar üzerine Avrupa Standartlarinin Son
Taslagi (prEN) halihazirda tamamlanmis olup resmi
üç AB dili olan Fransizca, Almanca ve Ingilizce
dillerinde olmak üzere bu yil içinde kamu
arastirmasina sunulmasi beklenmektedir.
40Public Inquiry represents an important stage in
the process of a European Standard and entails
the right of any one person to submit
observations, comments and suggestions in writing
for a 6-month period subsequent to the prEN's
official publication. Kamu Arastirmasi Avrupa
Standardinin olusumundaki önemli bir basamaktir
ve prENin resmi yayininin sonrasindaki 6 aylik
süreçte her bireyin gözlemlerini, yorumlarini ve
önerileri sunmasina olanak verir.
41All such information must be examined by the
Technical Committee and there are two possible
outcomes Bütün bu veriler Teknik Komite
tarafindan degerlendirilmelidir ve böylece iki
sonuç dogabilir
- observations may be accepted as valid and thus
lead to Standard modifications - a) Gözlemler geçerli bulunur ve Standart
modifikasyonuna yol açar
42b) comments may be rejected, in which case the
reason for rejection is forwarded in writing
to the proponent, on a case by case
basis. b) Yorumlar reddedilebilir, bu durumda
red gerekçeleri ayrintili olarak
43Approval of the final version of the prEN is
carried out through a formal vote by CEN member
nations. Each of them is entitled to a number of
votes which is proportional to its population
(i.e., a weighed voting procedure). prENin
son versiyonu CEN üye ülkeleri arasinda yapilan
resmi bir oylama ile onaya sunulur. Burada
nüfüsla orantili agirlikli oylama sistemi
44All votes are unconditional but editorial
comments may nonetheless be made. All negative
votes must be accompanied by a justification.
Bütün oylar kosulsuzdur fakat yine de yayinsal
yorumlar yapilabilir. Bütün negatif oylar
beraberinde savunma tasimalidir.
The European Standard on Anti-seismic Devices
represents the most complete and up-to-date
document presently available to Seismic design
Engineers and Seismic Hardware Manufacturers.
Anti-sismik cihazlar üzerine Avrupa
Standartlari, dizayn mühendisleri ve Sismik
Donanim Üreticileri için mevcut en güncel ve
tamamlanmis belge niteligini tasimaktadir.
46In effect, the Standard aims to cover all types
of Seismic Hardware in existence and leave a door
open to future progress. Bu standart mevcut
olan her tip Sismik Donanimi içermekte ve
gelecekteki gelismelere de açik bir kapi
47This principally derives from the fact that the
Standard is highly performance-oriented and this
feature also constitutes per se a guarantee of
equity between the various systems that may be
used as alternatives. Standart tamamiyle
performans-odakli olup bu özelligi birbirine
alternatif olarak kullanilabilecek degisik
sistemlerin esit degerlendirilmesini garanti
48The wealth represented by alternative systems
available ensures a freedom of choice to the
design engineer insofar as the design strategy
deemed most appropriate. Alternatif
sistemlerden olusan bu çesitlilik, dizayn
mühendisine kabul ettigi dizayn stratejisine göre
seçme özgürlügü tanimaktadir.
49The 11 years necessary for the completion of the
European Standard on Anti-seismic Devices is
justified not only by the observance of
procedures and regulations established by CEN,
but also by the vast entity of the material
treated as well as the fact that important
processes of development are presently in
Anti-sismik Cihazlar üzerine Avrupa
Standartlarinin tamamlanmasi için geçen 11 sene
sadece CEN tarafindan konulan süreç ve kurallarin
yerine getirilmesiyle kalmamis, ayni zamanda
birçok sayidaki materyalin varligi ve gelisimi
ile ilgili önemli süreç halen sürdürülmektedir.
50Many thanks for your attention Ilginize çok
51(No Transcript)