Title: PowerPoint
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An emerging technology based upon the ability to
assemble individual molecules and atoms into
precise structures. 1 nanometer 0.001 micron
10-9 meter
3There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom
Richard Feynman 29/12/1959
I am not afraid to consider the final question
as to whether, ultimately---in the great
future---we can arrange the atoms the way we
want the very atoms, all the way down!
The principles of physics do not speak against
the possibility of maneuvering things atom by
atom. a development which I think cannot be avoi
41989 Atomic manipulation by STM
IBM logo 35 Xenon atoms
The enabling tool STM (Scanning Tunneling
Microscope) Can be used not only to image a su
rface with atomic resolution, but also to
manipulate individual atoms and molecules.
IBM Almaden Research Center, San Jose
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"????? ??????" 48 ????? ???? ?? ???? ?????,
????? STM
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STM Image Gallery, IBM, 1995
6The worlds smallest abacus
width 10 nanometers
made of C60 molecules
nano-engineering, where solid-state physics and
chemistry merge. We may be able to assemble comp
lex structures from the bottom up, as nature
does, molecule by molecule, and thus break ground
for entirely new fabrication technologies with a
broad range of applications (source IBM l
aboratory in Zurich)
ICTAF- Interdisciplinary Center for Technological
Analysis and Forecasting
7Building molecules one at a time
single-molecule construction with STM.
future applications in nanofabrication, the
creation of materials and devices at the atomic
or molecular level Source Cornell University,
8molecular-dynamics simulation of a nanogear
made of Fullerene molecules
atomically precise manipulation of matter is
becoming increasingly common... As this control
moves into aerospace systems, huge improvements
in computers, high-strength low-weight materials
for aircraft, launch vehicles, and other systems
are expected
Source NASA Ames Nanotechnology group
ICTAF- Interdisciplinary Center for Technological
Analysis and Forecasting
Tel-Aviv University
9Molecular Wheel
Such wheels may someday become the smallest
conceivable components of molecular engines. -
10Discovery of Molecular Wheel Offers Promise
for Design of Nanoscale Devices
propeller-shaped molecules that rotate rapidly
in a bearing-like structure formed by surrounding
molecules. the molecular wheel, which works in
a dry state and appears to be wearless, is
advantageous for creating gears and motors at the
nanoscale level." James Gimzweski, IBM's Zurich
Research Laboratory, July 1998
hexa-butyl decacyclene (HB-DC) with a diamete
r of about 1.75 nanometers
11Medical nanobots
Nanomotors might power small mixers to whip up
tiny batches of drugs, then pump out the freshly
made pharmaceuticals directly to tissues that
need them. These nanofactories could be targete
d to specific cells, such as those of tumors,
where they would synthesize and deliver
chemotherapy agents. C. Montemagno, Cornell Uni
13Towards Nanotechnology merging of science
technology disciplines
Source Rohrer, 1995
solid -state technology
macro- molecules biology
chemistry increasing complexity
1940 1960 1980
2000 2020
14The far future Nanotech vision of Eric Drexler
an appliance which if you turn it on and give
the raw materials and press the right buttons,
will produce any object in the catalog including
an atomically perfect copy of itself
ICTAF- Interdisciplinary Center for Technological
Analysis and Forecasting
Tel-Aviv University
15Nano-related Delphi Forecasts
- Technology capable of manipulating single
molecules - 2006
- Impact of engineering techniques that control
molecular arrangements felt in all aspects of
production - 2010
- High-speed devices switching by single atom
- 2016
- Molecular control leading to widespread use of
- functionality materials and super materials
- 2018
- Evolving structure systems and self
multiplicating and
- repairing devices
- 2021
- Source NISTEP Rept.No 52, Science Tech.
Agency, Japan, 1997
16President Clinton announces National
Nanotechnology Initiative
A new 497 million National Nanotechnology
Initiative. Nanotechnology could revolutionize t
he 21st century in the same way that the
transistor and the Internet led to the
Information Age. Increased investments in nanote
chnology could lead to breakthroughs such as
molecular computers that can store the contents
of the Library of Congress in a device the size
of a sugar cube, and new materials ten times
stronger than steel and a fraction of the
weight. White House press release, 21.1.2000