Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Bleeding in early pregnancy
Clare Tower MBChB PhD MRCOG Senior Registrar in
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Subspecialty Trainee in Fetal and Maternal
Medicine/ Clinical Lecturer St Marys Hospital,
2Causes of bleeding in early pregnancy
- Placentation
- Miscarriage
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- Cervical lesions (erosion and/or polyp)
- Unknown
- History
- Examination
- Investigations
- Diagnosis
- Management
4History and examination
- Duration of amenorrhea
- Menstrual history
- Contraceptive history
- Planned?
- Nature of bleeding
- pain
- Observations ? Haemodynamically stable
- Abdominal palpation
- Speculum examination
- Vaginal examination
- Swabs
- Urine MSU/PT
- urine PT positive day 9 post con
- Quantitative ßHCG
- Progesterone
- USS (transvaginal)
- Group and save
6USS findings
- Transvaginal
- Look for pregnancy within the uterus
- Presence of fetal heart
- Should be present 6 weeks
- If CRLlt 6mm or MSDlt20mm with no yolk sac/fetus
rescan - Uncertain viability and unknown location
- Presence of yolk sac
- Adnexal masses
- Free fluid/ endometrial thickness
76.5 weeks Yolk sac ( left)Fetus is 3mm
longA fetal heartbeat
5.5 weeks Gestation sac and contents
812 weeks
8.5 weeks Still see yolk sac
- Pregnancy hormone
- Should approximately double in the first
trimester every 48 hours - Usually see something in the uterus on TV scan at
1000 (1500 TA) - Ectopics usually visible at this level
- Serial measurements are important every 48
hours - Rising, falling, stable, suboptimal rise
10Other investigations
- FBC - can indicate volumes of blood loss
- Progesterone - lt25 mmmol/l is associated with a
non viable pregnancy. - Absolute levels here
- gt60 v.strongly associated with viable pregnancy
- Blood group need for anti D
11First Trimester Miscarriage
- Management options
- Expectant management
- Medical evacuation
- Surgical evacuation
- Threatened PV bleeding (about 75 carry on to a
normal delivery) - Inevitable PV bleeding and uterine activity,
cervical dilatation and expulsion of POC - Incomplete POC partially expelled through the
dilated cervix - Complete POC completely expelled
- Missed fetus dies and POC retained within the
13Expectant Management
- Watch and wait
- Serial scans and HCG
- More successful if incomplete
- 28 success if intact sac
- 94 if incomplete
- May have prolonged bleeding
- Can convert at anytime to medical/surgical
14Medical Management
- Misoprostol (prostaglandin) mifepristone
(RU486) - Inpatient
- Higher success rates with incomplete
- 84-94 success
- Cheap and safe
- Counsel may bleed for 3 weeks
- Follow up USS
15Surgical Management
- Evacuation of retained products of conception
- General Anaesthetic
- Risks
- Perforation up to 6
- Infection (higher than medical)
- Bleeding
- Cervical damage
- Intrauterine adhesions - Ashermans
- Cervical priming
- Recommended for persistant/ heavy bleeding,
haemodynamically unstable, moles - Preferred by one third of women
16Anti D
- Rhesus negative
- Give to
- All over 12 weeks
- All intervention - medical or surgical, all
ectopics - All threatened under 12 weeks when associated
with heavy bleeding and pain - Not needed for complete under 12 weeks
- kleihauer
17Further management
- Psychological support written information
- Contraception
- Future pregnancies
- Recurrent miscarriage
- What to expect
- Sexual intercourse
- Folic acid
- Histology
- Cremation forms etc
18Ectopic pregnancy
- History
- Amenorrhoea
- Unilateral pain
- Usually pain before bleeding, prune juice
- Rectal pain/ shoulder tip pain
- Dizzy/faint
- Risk factors
- Examination
- Tenderness, peritonism (rebound/guarding)
- Cervical excitation
19Ectopic pregnancy
- Usually 10-13 maternal deaths per triennia
- Management options
- Expectant
- pregnancy of unknown location 44-66 resolve
spontaneously - HCGlt1000 and falling (50 in 7 days) ,
asymptomatic, no free fluid - Weekly scans and twice weekly HCG
- Until HCGlt20
- Surgical
- Salpingectomy
- Salpingotomy persistant trophoblast
- Laparoscopically
20Ectopic Pregnancy
- Medical Management
- methotrexate IM
- Minimal symptoms, HCGlt3000, small, no FH
- HCG checked on days 4 and 7, 15 fall should be
seen - Side effects
- Abdo pain 75
- Stomatitis, GI upset, conjunctivitis
- Contraception for 3 months
21Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
- Rare complication of pregnancy (1700) in which
abnormal trophoblastic proliferation occurs - Benign hydatidiform mole
- Partial Mole
- Highly invasive tumour Choriocarcinoma
- Signs a uterus filled with abnormal placental
tissue and absence of fetus
22Molar pregnancy
23Gestational trophoblastic neoplasia
- Complete mole
- Diploid
- Androgenetic
- Duplication of paternal chromosomes following
fertilsation of empty ovum - No fetus
- Partial Mole
- Triploid
- 2 sets paternal chromosomes, one set maternal
- Dispermic fertilisation of single ovum
- Fetus present
- Diagnosis
- Clinical features
- Bleeding, hyperemesis, early onset preeclampsia
- USS finding
- Biochemistry high HCG
- Surgical evacuation
- Registration
- Charing Cross
- Sheffield (Weston Park)
- Serial HCG monitoring
- 6-24 months
- Blood initially
- Urine
- After each subsequent pregnancy
26Persistent GTN and choriocarcinoma
- Can occur after live birth (150000) and after
any pregnancy - 15 need chemotherapy after complete mole
- 0.5 need chemotherapy after partial mole
- Chemotherapy
- Methotrexate 1st line
- Cure rates 98-100
27Further Management
- Future Pregnancy
- Advise to wait until HCG normal for 6 months
- Urine test after
- Contraception
- Barrier
- OCP may be used once HCG normal
- Recurrence rate
- 155
28Case study
- You are the GP at the out of hours Mandoc, 8pm
in the evening, Sunday night - 21 year old
- Presents with 6 weeks amenorrhoea
- Positive home pregnancy test
- Says she has been bleeding
- History
- Previous TOP 2 years ago
- Not using contraception
- Bleeding dark red
- Some pain comes and goes. Left more than right
- Thinks all happened together
- Examination
- Cardiovascularly stable
- Abdomen soft and minimally tender
- ? PV
- What will you do?
- Options
- Emergency gynae tomorrow?
- Refer to gynae on call now?
- Attends emergency urgency at 9am following
morning - Investigations?
- FBC, group and save, progesterone, quantitative
ßHCG - Speculum/PV
- Triple swabs
- USS - transvaginal
32Case- Results
- FBC Hb 11.2g/dl
- GS O positive
- QHCG 950
- Progesterone 20
- USS thickened heterogenous endometrium
measures 13mm, no intrauterine pregnancy, small
amount of free fluid, small cyst left ovary,
measures 2.5mm, normal left ovary
33Case diagnosis?
- Pregnancy of unknown location
- Could be an ectopic
- Could be a failing intrauterine pregnancy
- Management
- Repeat ßHCG in 48 hours
- If well can be managed as outpatient
34Case follow up (A)
- Repeat ßHCG 420
- Still bleeding like a period
- Diagnosis likely a completing miscarriage
- Further management
- Repeat ßHCG and scan in 1 week
- One week later
- ßHCG 25, USS shows normal adnexae, endometrium
35Case Follow up (B)
- ßHCG at 48 hours 1200
- Suboptimal rise
- Bleeding still light-ish, less than period
- Pain some, left sided
- Diagnosis?
- Possible ectopic
- Management?
- Conservative? not appropriate
- Medical
- Surgical