Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1European Commission - Call for proposalsPreparat
ory actions to promote European digital content
on the global networksDEMANDSDemonstrate
Efficiency in MANaging Digital Sites
- Location located in Northern Italy, at the
centre of the Emilia Romagna region, Modena is
crossed by two very important motorways the A1,
running the entire length of the country, and the
A22, connecting Italy to Northern and Eastern
Europe - Population 175.124 inhabitants
- Territorial extension 184 Km2
- Economy high concentration of SMEs, intensive
agricultural production, developed tertiary
sector, low unemployment rate - Social services presence of a broad network of
services for the citizens (nursery schools,
services for the elderly, for migrants, ...)
3Comune di Modena
The City of Modena is the local authority running
the town of Modena, offering to citizens,
associations and enterprises, a wide range of
The functions carried out by the City of Modena
are organised in four areas
1) Relations with citizens and security
services2) Financial resources and patrimony
3) Services for the citizens4) Town/land
4The departments of the City of Modena involved in
Demands are
Comune di Modena
- Telematic City and Information System
Dep.carries out the following activities - statistic services
- information, telecommunications and telematic
systems - offices automation
- personnel training on information technologies
Progetto Europais the department of the City of
Modena in charge of European affairs and
international relations.It provides technical
assistance to all City Departments in the project
management of EU funded projects and in the
relations with the European Commission
5Demands covers all the information services
offered by the City of Modena in the following
Town planning, land planning, private building
Household Economic development, commerce,
small businesses Education Municipal
police Culture and Tourism Environment -
traffic Sport and LeisureTaxation Demogr
aphic Services
Modern limited company with public capital that
manages energy distribution and environmental
services to 409,000 people in the territory of
the province of Modena. The company capital is
about 200,000,000 eur.
Founded in 1999 form the existing company
N_at_scent, it is a pan-European Information
Technology incubator with offices in Paris,
Geneva, London and Milan.
Nerano offers its support to start-up companies
in the information technology sector in Europe.
In particular, it provides the incubated company
with a range of services that include legal,
financial, technical and overall strategic
advice, as well as assistance with fund
rising.Nerano specialises in a few segments of
the Information technology industry Business to
Business, e-commerce and related mobile
The main activity of this company is focused on
consulting and brokerage in the information
technology field.
In particular, Codifin offers the following
servicesTechnical assistance to the planning
and support to the management of outsourcing
activities for information and telecommunication
systems.Starting up of projects on Intranet
networks.Financial management of several
activities related to the telecommunication
To verify the economic and technical feasibility
for the setting up of a company based on a
partnership composed by the City of Modena with
one or more private entities, in order to create
a destination for offering the users (citizens,
firms, associations etc.) digital services linked
to Public Administration.
This way the City of Modena could progressively
outsource its services, keeping co-ordination and
The project will provide for a business plan able
to define all technical, legal, management,
fiscal, economic and financial issues. The model
created by the end of the project (business
model, public-private partnership) may be
transferred and reproduced in other European
11DEMANDS Milestones
- Market analysis, which will lead to the
assessment of the services to be provided by the
new company - Legal assessment, in order to ensure the correct
application of norms compelling public
authorities when dealing public data - Business model, in order to ensure the
dissemination of the experience and the
methodologies applied to other European cities
- Budget
- Total cost of the project 189.661
- EU funding 94.831 (50)
- Duration of the project 9 months
(January-September 2001)
13City of Modena Network infrastructure
All of the approximately 70 locations are
adequately cabled and connected to the network
through different technologies and at various
transmission rates. The network is fully IP and
the SNA protocol, used to access the management
procedures residing on the central processor, is
packaged and carried by the IP. This network is
connected to the Internet through Telecom, using
a 8 Mbps RING access the City manages its
Internet and intranet sites on its own server.
For several years, Public Agencies, National
and Local Administrations have been connected.
14City of Modena Network infrastructure
- The optical fibre network, currently being
constructed by META S.P.A., will soon (Spring
2001) connect another 16 sites, including the
Chamber of Commerce and the Provincial
Administration. - The schedule META is following to lay the optical
fibre lines will also reach additional sites
within such public organisations such as - Province
- University
- AUSL (Local Health Authority)
- Hospital
15City of Modena Network infrastructure
The City of Modena is served by Telecom Italia, a
telecommunications operator whose telephone
network covers 100 of the territory. In
addition, 5 other national telecommunications
operators (Albacom, Infostrada, Wind, ePlanet,
e-Via) have POPs available within the territory
(or being completed). Approximately 25 ISPs
operate within the City of Modena territory,
offering Internet connections through analogic
(RTG), digital (ISDN) and xDSL lines.
16City of Modena Network infrastructure
Broad band services using optical fibre
connections will mainly involve businesses
(medium and large-scale companies) while the
remaining market share (including residential)
will be served by xDSL access, taking advantage
of disaggregated access to the local Telecom
Italia network (available starting
September-October 2001). Meta Spa is a member of
Tre.A.Web Spa, a new local telecommunications
company that plans to install approximately 90 km
of access/dorsal optical fibre network and WLL
radio coverage within a period of two-three
years. The company is marketing its services both
to businesses and to residential users. The
City of Modena is served by 4 mobile telephone
operators, at least two of which provide complete
coverage of territory. By the end of 2001 all
operators present will be able to provide GPRS
service. In addition 3 of the 4 operators have
obtained UMTS licenses.
17City of Modena Municipal information system
Approximately 1600 stations are connected in a
local network. The technological quality of
this network is relatively high and this holds
both for the hardware and the instruments used to
achieve general-administrative productivity at
all levels individual, professional and
technical. To date, automation of the
procedures has involved all sectors and services,
covering a fair portion of all management needs.
18City of Modena Municipal information system
The contents already available in digital form
are a lot These e-contents concern all the areas
of activity of a public administration In
province of Modena many public authorities are
interested in common investments, at least for
studies concerning systems planning.
19City of Modena Municipal information system
Development and maintenance of the applications
procedures is handled by the Telematic City and
Information System Department which maintains and
co-ordinates such services and contacts outside
suppliers for specific topics and projects.
This Department is also responsible for user
support, emergency intervention, installation of
all hardware and software as well as providing
users training courses.
20City of Modena Municipal information system
Following Research into accessibility and use of
information systems in the simplification and
streamlining of administrative activities, in
recent years activity has overcome the series of
vertical databanks and evolved toward the concept
of information systems. Organisation, procedures
and responsibilities are implemented on the basis
of a series of well organised, unitary databanks,
thus ensuring that the data contained is always
up-to-date, consistent and complete.
21City of Modena Municipal information system
- Territorial information system bringing together
georeferences and locations throughout the
territory - Population information system and services for
individuals bringing together personal registry
codes and fiscal codes - Accounting information system bringing together
centres of responsibility and the codes in
legislative decree and national law.
22City of Modena ComNet - Internal network services
- e-mail service and mailing lists
- city bulletin boards and space to share
destructured information (program documents,
circulars, regulations and standards, news and
bulletins) - simple, browser guided access to information and
management archives (protocols, legislative and
management decisions) - new interface for management procedures (on-line
budget estimates, filling out investment forms,
budget modifications, City Executive Management
Plan (PEG) objectives, training calendar and
23City of Modena MoNet - Civic Network
Modenas civic network was expressly founded in
1995 by the City Executive Committee and inserted
in a true and proper ICT development policy at
the local level (the Città Telematica
project). Differing from other Italian
realities, the Information Systems, Marketing and
Communications Department have always co-operated
with one another.
24City of Modena MoNet - Civic Network
- Achieve high quality relations between the local
public administration and the citizens - Assert an avant-garde image of the city and its
services - Reinforce the public administration reform
process - Stimulate development and innovation within the
local economic system.
25City of Modena MoNet - Civic Network
- Campaign to train and familiarise the citizens
with the basic use of interactive services - Gradual testing of new means of participation in
the local decision-making processes, through the
use of such instruments as on-line conferences on
particular topics and spaces for participation
and debate - Strategic use of ICT as an opportunity to create
a system of international co-operation relations,
at the same time promoting the local name.
26City of Modena MoNet - Civic Network
- Development of digital services, including their
gradual extension to citizens and businesses,
interoperability and sharing of data between the
various Administrations throughout the territory
and introduction of new services such as
territorial information system, direct access to
databanks, cartography services for
professionals, on-line enrolment, etc. - Promotion of widespread use of ICT, involving
the local socio-economic players such as
universities, schools, business associations,
institutions and cultural associations,
libraries, the service sector
27City of Modena MoNet - Civic Network a few
28NEWCO ... WHY ?
Public authorities like the City of Modena, with
a good ICT situation and with a good development
of telematic services, are looking for new
solutions and new interventions. This should
enable public authorities to work in new field of
actions, in respect of the existing structures
and institutional tasks, but looking for new
synergies, increased quality and added value.
29The socio-economic context of Modena is extremely
interesting and favourable for an initiative such
as that of Newco
- Good schooling (over 60,000 diplomates/graduates
out of approx. 168,000 inhabitants) - High per capita income (43,500 million per capita
income in 1997) - Good tendency of exploiting the information
services (including the web) available today (on
average 330,000 contacts/day to the civic network
30- Strong entrepreneurship (60,000 enterprises
registered in the province of which about 2500
export firms) - Marked tendency for innovation and technological
excellence (for example, Ferrari in the
mechanical sector, product quality in the
biomedical sector, leadership in the tiles
sector, etc.)
This context is open to an innovative
entrepreneurial initiative
- Services which at present are not adequately
developed, or which are not completely related to
public authorities institutional activities - Services aiming at exploiting digital contents
owned by public authorities, to improve,
elaborate and transfer them, even against
payment, to other public authorities or companies
32 - Services for other public authorities to transfer
and disseminate model and tools developed by the
city of Modena for its activities - Services already outsourced by the city of
Modena - Services for which it is no longer profitable to
perform by the city itself.
33Portal - First level
- Static information organised in a homogeneous
interface - Search engines to navigate the static information
- Interactive applications already available in the
systems meta and the city of Modena use to supply
services to citizens but organised within a
single, homogeneous interface (portal) - Aggregated knowledge concerning the available
systems (e.G. The single counter for companies or
the system that guides the user in requesting
meta services) organised in a single interface - Management of electronic forms
34Portal - Second level
- Unified search engine to search all sources of
static and dynamic information made available by
the two agencies - Classification system to support the final user,
guiding him to the information as quickly as
possible - First customisation system user recognition,
user preference registration and registration of
other information required for content
customisation (home page, services) - Generalised use of the digital signature (to
access services of both the city and meta). This
will also enable the agencies to produce
certificates authenticated by the digital
signature technology - A unified credit card payment system
35Portal - Third level
- Integration of the services and data originated
by the two organisations participating in the
portal. Integration is achieved through the
development of a common data warehouse made
available to the outside world through
appropriate services - Creation of user profiles based on preferences
expressed during registration and on the type of
navigation the user normally performs - Workflow system between the various agencies
- CRM system used, for example, to create a single
web call centre - On-line co-operation
36Portal - Fourth level
- Integration of applications both within a single
agency and between the two using the web services
model - On-line transactions to access and update the
content of the agency information systems
grouping these objectives translates into perfect
integration of web services and the companies
internal information systems
37According to the business model, the Newco will
act within three different business areas
- progressive outsourcing of services the PA is
already providing - enhancement and better exploitation of the
existing PA resources and services - innovative services. CRM web call center service,
distance surveillance and e-learning services
38The holding company will initially consist of the
following partners
- the City of Modena
- Meta, the citys multi-utility company, which
currently provides users with electricity, gas
and water but which in the near future will also
be involved in the provision of TLC and Internet
services using fiber optic and broad-band cables.
Meta is controlled by the Municipality of Modena - a private-sector partner, ideally a company whose
mission is to act as an accelerator for new
businesses, which will be able to contribute
capital and technological know-how
39NEWCO key elements from the moment of its
- availability of content and the capacities for
delivering services based on a network
infrastructure - close knowledge of the local territory and
familiarity with the local clientele - knowledge of the technologies and of the
entrepreneurial opportunities as well as the
capacity to attract venture capital.
40Future involvement
- other public-sector bodies such as the local
health units (Ausl), provincial governments etc.
who in Newco will find the means for an effective
and efficient interface with their clients/users - local economic agencies such as CONFINDUSTRIA,
the League of Cooperatives, API (the SME
association), CNA (the microenterprise
association), etc. Such bodies will be able both
to express the needs of their members and, in
their institutional role, to help open up Newcos
potential market - financial partners such as banks and insurance
companies - venture capital or private equity investors.
41Legal issues
Juridical nature of the activity planned for Newco
- ?These activities are not a public service but
instead activities of promotion
42Legal issues
Composition of the company structure and choice
of company name
- The most suitable juridical form for Newco is the
limited liability company - (società a responsabilità limitata - s.r.l.)
43Legal issues
Relationship between public administration and
- The relationship should be based on a
- service contract
44Legal issues
Ownership and responsibility of data
processing Privacy protection Agreement by the
parties concerned
- We have to comply with directive 95/46/CE
- Ownership and responsibility of data processing
are entrusted to the local authority - The agreement of the parties concerned is always
required when data are treated by private
companies. For public authorities, such agreement
is not necessary
45Self Assessment
- Investors
- - we have targeted different sort of
professionals involved in the financing process,
such as fund raisers, incubators, investment
banks and corporate investors - - we have selected our contacts in different
major European financial centers -
- Many investors contacted agreed to challenge the
project and were interested in addressing the
questions prepared to conduct the self assessment
process. -
- Overall they welcomed the initiative and some of
then have expressed a true interest in meeting,
in due course, the management of Newco.
46Market Analysis
- Broadband technology what is the timeline for
the future?
The recent slow down in computer penetration is
making investors cautious about the deployment of
broadband Internet connection over Europe in the
coming year. Mass penetration is likely to take
longer than expected
47Challenging the project rationale
- What Market should be addressed?
Main market will be joint agreements with
neighbor cities and/or central administrations. Mo
reover, even if alliances are one way of widening
sources of revenue, they are also a mechanism for
reducing marketing and technology costs.
- What services should be offered by the public
- Services and information promoting the city
- Services providing local administrative
information - Services leading to more efficiency in the way
the public administration works and in executing
local policies - Services establishing a direct link between
governmental bodies and citizens
48Executive Summary
- Business Model Assessment
- Network rollout is likely to take longer than
expected to reach mass penetration. - Content is key. It will shift from an
information based interface to a entertainment
and commerce based interface. - The market of value added services will be driven
by on-demand features such as videos, gaming and
music. - However, the need for services to be offered to
citizens by the public administration is
relevant. - Investors have analysed the proposed services and
- . identified different services relevant to a
public administration offering
- Financing Assessment
- In distressed market conditions raising capital
appears very stressful. - Companies that do not have a credible management
and rational business plan are unlikely to fly. - Investors believe the public administration may
have what it needs to get access to users on some
specific sectors - This would require to transform public
administration data in appealing products that
fill the users need.
49Challenging the project rationale
- Business model assessment
50Investment Analysis
- Investment Positive
- New funding seems to be hardly available in the
new capital environment - An issue may arise as far as valuation and
controlling interest are concerned - Value added service providers may be strongly
affected in the near future by the broadband
operators scaling back plans
- Investment Concerns
- The public administration may have the potential
to dominate the underexposed online niche that is
regional and administrative content - A key success factor would be transforming public
administration data in appealing products,
attractively priced that fill the users need,
with a cost basis that permits sufficient returns
to investors - As long-haul transport becomes increasingly a
commodity, owning users should bring the
greatest reward