Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1 Competence policy building an integrated
system in Tuscany First outcomes
Luciano Falchini
2- Framing of the regional project for the
construction of a competence system within
national minimum standards - Priorities for the development of the regional
project - Progress report and outlook
3 Reference frame The European context
The priorities of the Copenaghen Process have
been reasserted and strengthened by Maastricht
Communiqué of 14 December 2004
? (open and flexible European qualifications
framework) based mainly on competences and
learning outcomes. It will improve permeability
within education and training systems, provide a
reference for the validation of informally
acquired competences and support the smooth and
effective functioning of the European, national
and sectoral labour markets
? More emphasis on the early identification of
skills and on the planning of VET provision .
Key partners, including the social partners, will
play a major role in this
? the increased relevance and quality of VET
through the systematic involvement of all key
partners in developments at national, regional
and local level, particularly regarding quality
4- European normative references
- Proposal for a decision COM (2003) 796 def
(Europass) - Directive 2001/19/CE
- Directive 92/51/CEE of the Council of 18 June
1992 -
- Decision of the European Council 85/368/CEE of
16 July 1985
a pathway towards a European system for the
recognition of titles and qualifications with a
view to promoting TRANSPARENCY and peoples
5Reference frame The national context
The main normative references of a Country-system
still in course of definition
- Law 131/2003 (conformation to C.L. 3/2001)
- Law 30/2003 and legislative decree 276/2003 on
occupation and labour market - Law 53/2003 which delegates to the Government the
definition of general rules on education and of
essential levels of performances in VET - Labour Ministry Decree 174/2001 concerning
competence certification in the field of
vocational training - Several MIUR (Ministry of Education, University
and Research) acts on specific training pathways
such as IFTS, compulsory training, higher
education, university education
6Reference frame The regional context
The regional normative framework defining the
lifelong learning integrated system
systematically regulates education, vocational
training and labour and contemporaneously moves
toward their integration
in order to
guarantee the citizens right to lifelong
learning, to work and to professional development
for the continuous improvement of competences
in view of lifelong and lifewide learning
Regional law 26/07/02 n. 32
7It finds in the system of competence
certification and credit recognition the
instrument to certify, define, classify and
recognize the competences acquired by the
Executive regulation R.L. 32/02
It provides the definition of a competence
certification model for the recognition of
learning acquired through formal and non formal
training courses, as well as through informal
8It gives operational guidelines to build a
regional competence system starting from the
characterization of professional standards
declined in terms of professional figures
Figures are described in terms of fundamental
activities and necessary competences and
constitute the reference for the different
systems of education, training and labour
Regional deliberation 347/2004
Starting from shared professional standards we
aim at building standards for the recognition and
certification of competences and standards
relating to training pathways directed towards
competence development
9Priorities for the project development
through the introduction of a system of
competence standards directed towards producing a
high degree of diversification and flexibility
of training courses with the aim of answering
individual needs and developing individual
- The competence system facilitates the development
of individual training courses through vocational
training and education systems - both formal and
non formal so as to allow the passing from one
to the other (bridge) and to favour the meeting
of supply and demand
- The system development enhances the quality of
employment services and the transparency of
certifications, thus overcoming the current
proliferation of profiles and qualifications and
guaranteeing greater horizontal and vertical
by promoting with the region of Piemonte an
inter-regional project which involves all regions
in the process for their valorisation and for the
definition of a common framework
by contributing to the identification of a common
pathway for all players at national level in
order to define suitable dialogue places, common
principles and work methods for building a
lifelong learning Country-system
by working at the realization of European
projects for the definition of instruments
agreed at European level in a framework to
facilitate the voluntary development of
competence based solutions at the European level
(Maastricht Communiqué 14 December 2004)
13Progress report of the project .
Constitution of the technical support
team Individualization of members, appointment
and installation of the regional Board for the
project coordination
First outcomes (see Competences transparency
mobility, Regione Toscana, 2005)
start of a reorganization action concerning the
current vocational training system taking into
account the competence system and rearranging the
relation between training levels and relevant VET
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16First outcomes
drawing up and sharing of a proposal to identify,
describe and classify professional standards in
terms of professional figures
? identification of 23 economic sectors
reflecting the Tuscan economic-productive reality
(goods and services)
? creation of the professional figure description
grid containing the standard components of
? Surveys and analysis of the current
description and classification systems so as to
guarantee their readability on the
competence approach in contracts
? testing interpretation of vocational training
titles and qualifications from the competence
point of view
17. Prospects for the future .
first test to verify the stamina and
readability of the proposal for the description
and classification of professional standards,
with the identification of broadband figures
sharing and validation by the regional Board
description of the different figures on the basis
of what has been elaborated at national level and
by the experts of the Tuscan economic system
identification of new training standards for
vocational training courses
personalization of courses and integration of
education systems
18definition of standards for the processes of
competence recognition and certification
services to citizens for
? putting into transparency, recognition,
validation and certification of competences
? registration of lifelong acquired competences
by means of a unitary data processing system
competence card