Title: Harvest Fast Day PowerPoint Presentation
1Harvest Fast Day Primary PowerPoint
Picture credits Annie Bungeroth, Marcella
Haddad, Tina Leme, Bridget Naylor, Kate
Stanworth, Richard Wainwright
2Today, lets celebrate Harvest Fast Day with
3- Lets celebrate with children, like us,
- from around the world. At home in
- the Philippines.
4enjoying life in Mozambique
5 growing up in Bolivia.
6When we walk together with CAFOD on Harvest Fast
Day, we are walking in solidarity with families
around the world.
7- Lets walk alongside people who are working
- hard to make better lives for themselves
- by looking after the earth carefully
8by planting trees
9by growing good food to eat
10Communities all over the world are working
together to overcome poverty.
11Families from poor communities do a lot of
walking. These boys and girls are walking to
school together.
12Children walk a long way to collect water from
wells or pumps.
13Wood has to be collected to make fires for
14Grazing for animals such as goats and cows may
be a few hours walk away.
15Walking is a way of life for everyone!
16This Harvest Fast Day, lets remember That we
are all part of one world. We all deserve to
have a happy safe home
17clean water, food, education and health.
18Together, with CAFOD, we can make a difference by
making the world a better place for everyone.
Lets walk!
The money you raise will help us to go the extra