Conflict - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Pharisees rulers, suffering, dying, raise up in three days. ... Revealed by certainty by transfiguration on the Mountain. 2nd Part was the Instruction: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Conflict

  • Conflict
  • Great Commandment
  • Son of David
  • Matthew 2215 46

Matthew 1724
Matthew 171
  • Israel in the New Testament

Matthew 191
  • Review / Some thoughts that we can take from our
    last classes are
  • Weve been discussing, over the last few lessons,
    the Rejection of The King in 2 parts. 1st Part
    was the Revelation
  • Jesus revealing details about this Kingdom of
    Heaven and it being realized in the establishment
    of the church.
  • Jesus revealing details about the plan in place
    to establish the Kingdom / church upon
    Jerusalem, betrayed, scribes Pharisees rulers,
    suffering, dying, raise up in three days.
  • Reveals His reward.
  • Reveals His 2nd coming.
  • Revealed by certainty by transfiguration on the
  • 2nd Part was the Instruction
  • Instruction about their faith.
  • Instruction about His death 2nd time
    (1721-22). (1st was 1621)
  • Instruction about humility.
  • Instruction about causing offence parables.
  • Instruction about forgiveness.
  • Instruction about divorce.
  • Instruction about wealth parables.
  • Instruction about His death 3rd time
  • Instruction about ambition.
  • All of this was for the Preparation of the Kings

Conflict Great Commandment Son of David
  • The Pharisees Herodians Mt 2215 - 22
  • The Pharisees and Herodians thought they had a
    bullet proof question for Jesus with respect to
    paying tribute. Is it lawful to give tribute
    unto Caesar, or not? Their thinking was
  • 1a. If He says yes, describe the trap
  • He will offend the Jews who despise paying tax to
    Rome. A painful reminder of who
  • they are subject to.
  • b. If He says no, describe the trap
  • The Herodians (probably those devoted to the
    Herods family) would consider it
  • treason against Rome.
  • 2a. Who ordains government? _________(Romans
    131-7 1 Peter 213-14)
  • God ordains government. He is in control!
  • 2b. Do we benefit from government and owe a due
    amount? _______
  • Look again at Ro 136-7 For this cause ye pay
    tribute also Render to all their dues.
  • 1 Pt 213 Be subject to every ordinance of man
    for the Lords sake
  • 2c. How do we separate what belongs to man what
    belongs to God?
  • Give Caesar his tax money Give all of yourself
    to God.
  • 3. The response of the Pharisees Herodians
  • They marvelled, and left him, and went their way.
  • What they supposed to find conflict in, Jesus
    showed harmony.
  • What was supposed to be an either/or, was a both.

Conflict Great Commandment Son of David
  • On The Resurrection of The Dead Mt 2223 33
  • 4a. Who came to Jesus with a question about the
    resurrection of the dead what is
  • significant about their understanding in this
  • Sadducees the Sadducees do not even believe in
    the resurrection.
  • CQ-a Do you think the Sadducees viewed Jesus as a
    nuisance or a threat?
  • answer probably a real threat to the position
    that they held wrt the resurrection. They too
    have an interest to be rid of Jesus.
  • 4b. What flawed assumption do the Sadducees make?
  • Their question assumes that the marriage
    relationship on earth will continue in
  • the Afterlife just the same.
  • Their well thought out question designed to
    show the absurdity of the resurrection
  • and trip up Jesus with their wisdom the
  • 4c. What two charges are contained in the reply
    of Jesus? _______ __________
  • Err do to ignorance err wrt the power of God
  • 4d. Who has spoken on the subject of the
    resurrection of the dead? ____________
  • V29 not knowing the scriptures v31 which was
    spoken unto you by God saying
  • 5a. The response of the multitude (v33)?
  • V33 they were astonished at his doctrine.
  • 5b. Was the reply of Jesus sufficient (v34)
  • The reply silenced the Sadducees.

Conflict Great Commandment Son of David
  • The Great Commandment Mt 2234 40
  • 6) If you were in the crowd when this question
    was asked, how closely would
  • you have paid attention to the answer that would
    be given here it comes
  • which is the greatest of all the commandments?
    (these smart guys were not
  • about to be duped like the Sadducees, after all,
    Jesus would have to pick
  • from 613 prohibitions and commands).
  • 7) One answer plus one more. What is the great
    commandment? __________
  • V37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
    heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
    mind. This is the first and great commandment.
    Deut 65
  • V39 The second is like unto it, Thou shalt love
    thy neighbour as thyself.
  • V37 The total man ALL
  • Heart emotions, loves nothing in comparison.
  • Soul will, with all his life. Ready to endure
    persecution. Loved not their lives unto the
    death. (Rev 1211)
  • Mind intellect, applies himself only to know
    God. next slide too

Conflict Great Commandment Son of David
  • The Great Commandment Mt 2234 40
  • 7) One answer plus one more. What is the great
    commandment? __________
  • V37 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
    heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
    mind. This is the first and great commandment.
    Deut 65
  • V37 The total man ALL with the strength (Mk
    1230 Lk 1027) of Heart, Soul, Mind
  • Heart emotions, loves nothing in comparison.
  • Soul will, with all his life. Ready to endure
    persecution. Loved not their lives unto the
  • Mind intellect, applies himself only to know
  • CQs-b (3 scenarios)
  • 1st - What would you have if there was one who
    loved with the strength of
  • emotions and the weakness of will?
  • Emotionalism
  • 2nd - What would you have if there was one who
    loved with the strength
  • of mind and the weakness of emotions?
  • Intellectualist
  • 3rd - What would you have if there was one who
    loved with the strength
  • of will and the weakness of emotions?
  • Volitionalist (power of using ones will)
  • i.e. 1 Corinthians 13 but not
    have love

Conflict Great Commandment Son of David
  • On The Christ The Son of David Mt 2241 46
  • 8) What did the Pharisees know about the Christ?
  • 1st - The question is not what they thought of
    Him, but rather what they thought about the
    Christ. All along they have been trying to expose
    Him as a Charlatan, but He will demonstrate that
    they did not understand the Christ.
  • Their answer The son of David
  • 9) To show them that their lack of understanding
    is why they are rejecting Him
  • (at least one of the reasons), what did they not
  • Psalm 1101 (most quoted OT passage in the NT)
  • 10) How was Jesus more than a son and successor
    to Davids earthly throne He was Davids
    ______________ His throne is __________________.
  • He was Davids God
  • Rom 13 -4 concerning his Son, who was born of
    the seed of David according to the flesh, who was
    declared to be the Son of God with power,
    according to the spirit of holiness, by the
    resurrection from the dead even Jesus Christ our
  • His throne is higher than any earthly throne, it
    is heavenly. (126 41-42).
  • One greater than the temple, one greater than
    Jonah, one greater than
  • Solomon is here. (Rev 2216 I am the root and
    the offspring of David)

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