Title: 10 Yoga Poses That Improve Sexual Life
Yoga Poses That Improve Sexual Life
2Yoga is great routine for physical as well as
psychological well-being.
3Yoga also helps in improving sexual life
Boosting stamina Increasing endurance Promoting
flexibility Improving strength
4Yoga Poses That Help Sexual Life
5Sitting Wide-Legged Straddle Pose (Upavistha
Boosts blood flow between abdomen thigh region
How to Perform
- Sit on floor
- Spread legs as wide as you can
- Keep your thighs pressed with floor
- Either sit straight or bend forward and touch
your toes - Stay in this position for few breathes, and then
6Legs up the Wall Pose (Viparita Karani Pose)
Improves circulation of blood in the pelvic area
How to Perform
- Lie on back
- Lift your legs up in air with straight knees
- Lift your body till you can
- Keep this position for some breathes
- Then relax
7Childs Pose (Shishuasana)
- Relaxes body and mind
- Effective in stress relieving
How to Perform
- Kneel on ground
- Then sit on your heels
- Now bend forward and stretch your arms to touch
ground - After a few breathes you can relax
8Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)
Helps in strengthening pelvic muscles
How to Perform
- Sleep on your back
- Lift your body with bent knees, until thighs are
parallel to ground - Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then relax
9Lotus Pose (Padmasana)
Increases flexibility of thigh and hip muscles
How to Perform
- Sit crossed-leg on floor
- Pull each feet on top of opposite thigh
- Hold this position for few minutes to feel the
pull of muscles
10Plow Pose (Halasana)
- Increases blood flow to the brain
- Enhances stimulation and alertness
How to Perform
- Lie on back
- Gently lift your legs in air
- Now bring it beyond head and try touching floor
- Hold this position for some deep breathes and
then relax
11Eagle Pose (Garudasana)
Enhances blood circulation in cervical area
How to Perform
- Stand on one leg
- Twine the other leg around first
- Twist it as much as you can
- Then get back to normal position and repeat with
other leg
12Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
Helps in relieving pain, especially in
How to Perform
- Stand with some space between your feet
- Now bent legs from knees
- Stay in this position for some time
- Then get back to normal
13Downward Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
One of the basic and most effective pose
How to Perform
- Be on floor on all fours i.e. both hands and feet
- Push hips back to straighten legs
- This pose would look like an inverted V
14Lizard Pose (Utthan Pristhasana)
Promotes flexibility of hips and thigh muscles
How to Perform
- It is an extension to downward dog pose
- When in downward dog pose, bring your right foot
beside right arm - Keep thigh parallel to ground
- Then slowly get back to relaxed position
- Repeat it again with other leg
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