Title: FPGA Notes
1FPGA Notes
- A few FPGA tips from Xilinx
- Timing Constraints
- Using Chipscope
3Timing Constraints
- Period constraint
- Pad-to-Pad
- Offset
4Period Constraint
- Does not constrain the In and Out paths
Combinational Logic
Constrains these paths
- Constrains purely combinational logic
- Rare in FPGAs
Combinational Logic
- Constrains the in-gtregister and register-gtout
times - Probably better to latch inputs and outputs w/o
Combinational Logic
Constrains these paths
7Example -- Period
Asterisk () preceding a constraint indicates it
was not met. This may be due to a setup or hold
violation. ---------------------------------------
Requested Actual
-------------------------------- TS_clk
PERIOD TIMEGRP "clk" 3 nS HIG 3.000ns
2.876ns 0 H 50.000000
------------------------------------------- All
constraints were met. Generating Pad Report.
- That worked. Lets try 2.5ns
9Constraint Failed
WARNINGPar62 - Timing constraints have not been
met. Asterisk () preceding a constraint
indicates it was not met. This may be due to a
setup or hold violation. -------------------------
----- Constraint
Requested Actual
Logic --------------------------------------
TS_clk PERIOD TIMEGRP "clk" 2.500 nS
2.500ns 2.885ns 0 HIGH 50.000000
-------------------------------- 1 constraint not
met. Generating Pad Report.
- Right-Click Implement Design
- PR Tab
- Effort to High
- Takes more time
11Made It
Asterisk () preceding a constraint indicates it
was not met. This may be due to a setup or
hold violation. ----------------------------------
Requested Actual
Logic --------------------------------------------
------------------------------------ TS_clk
PERIOD TIMEGRP "clk" 2.500 nS 2.500ns
2.439ns 0 HIGH 50.000000
------------------------------- All constraints
were met. Generating Pad Report.
- This is pushing the chip.
- Design next slide
12Why It Went So Fast
- The design is very simple
- module basic(clk, idata, odata)
- input clk
- input 70 idata
- output 70 odata
- reg 70 in
- reg 70 odata
- always _at_ (posedge clk)
- begin
- in lt idata
- odata lt in
- end
- endmodule
13Timing Reports
- Post Map and Post Place Route
- Also a timing estimate is on synthesis report
14Constraints Met
- Will say
- All constraints were met.
- and display some info about maximum frequency
- Minimum period 15.415ns (Maximum frequency
- Prints failing nets (default top 3 printed)
- Slack -5.415ns (requirement - (data path -
clock skew)) - Source pic1/instmem_m/instreg_7
(FF) - Destination pic1/statreg_m/Z (FF)
- Requirement 10.000ns
- Data Path Delay 15.415ns (Levels of Logic
16Detailed Info
- Data Path pic1/instmem_m/instreg_7 to
pic1/statreg_m/Z - Location Delay type
Delay(ns) Physical Resource -
Logical Resource(s) - ----------------------------------------------
--- ------------------- - SLICE.XQ Tcko
0.886 pic1/instlt7gt -
pic1/instmem_m/instreg_7 - SLICE.G1 net (fanout11) e
0.631 pic1/instlt7gt - SLICE.Y Tilo
0.418 pic1/instmem_m_instreglt7gt_1 -
pic1/instmem_m_instreglt7gt_1 - SLICE.F2 net (fanout15) e
0.631 pic1/instmem_m_instreglt7gt_1 - SLICE.X Tilo
0.418 pic1/alu_m/N33820 -
pic1/alu_m/Mmux_Aval_I5_Result35_SW0 - SLICE.F4 net (fanout1) e
0.631 pic1/alu_m/N33820 - SLICE.X Tilo
0.418 pic1/alu_m/Mmux_Aval_I5_Result35/O -
pic1/alu_m/Mmux_Aval_I5_Result35 -
- SLICE.G2 net (fanout2) e
0.631 pic1/aluZ - SLICE.CLK Tick
0.932 pic1/statreg_m/Z -
60/40 rule
17What To Do
- Duplicate FFs
- More pipelining
- Manually place
- Ive never done it
- Can set preferences to display more than 3 signal
18Offset Pad to Setup
19Offset Clock to Pad
20Pad to Pad
21Advice (from Xilinx)
- Dont overconstrain
- No more speed than you need
- Makes sense, but we dont have much feel for how
far we can push these devices
- Works like logic analyzer using part of FPGA and
some block RAMs - Two components
- Core that you insert also need to setup the
signals to act as triggers and to view - Run time viewer
- Youll need to install software
23New Source
24Chipscope appears
Have only tried one
Number of trigger signals
More complex takes more logic
Match Unit is a comparator
27Making Connections (1)
29Connections (3)
30Keep Hierarchy
- Turn on Advanced Dialog options
- Edit -gt Preferences
- Processes Tab
- Right click on Synthesize
- Click Keep Hierarchy
31Run Time Demo
- Probe JTAG chain
- Import signal names
- Setup trigger conditions
- Run
- Will wait for trigger conditions to be met
- Then capture
- You can change the way data displayed
- Group signals into buses also