Title: Neue Herausforderungen
1Collaborative Research Unit 640
Representations of Social Order in
Transformation Project C4 Reproducing Kinship
Cultures of Relatedness in the Context of
Technological and Social Change
Gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft
2Collaborative Research Center 640 Changing
Representations of Social Order - Intercultural
and intertemporal comparisons
Department of European Ethnology at
Humboldt-University Berlin
Research Project Kinship Cultures
3The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German
Research Foundation) is the central,
self-governing research organisation that
promotes research at universities and other
publicly financed research institutions in
Germany. The DFG serves all branches of science
and the humanities by funding research projects
and facilitating cooperation among researchers.
4Changing Representations of Social Order -
Intercultural and intertemporal comparisons
SFB 640 - an interdisciplinary project of
global and local comparison by specialised
experts - Focus on Religions, Cultures,
Languages, Politics, Economics, Histories and
Present Times
Comparison and Transfer - basic proceedings for
scientific reasoning between and within the
subprojects - therefore a main theoretical and
methodological focus
5SFB 640 Countries
Biosocial Arrangement
a natural fact that is socially and culturally
7Fields of Interest Perspectives of Anthropology
- Reproduction Medicine
- Techniques, Technologies and Nature
- Kinship and Culture
- Comparisons within and across nation-state
8- Concepts of Kinship at stake?
Pluralisation of Social Forms of Living Together
9Socio-cultural anthropological perspectives on
kinship and reproduction technologies
1. Strategies and Processes of Naturalisation and
2. Meanings and social effects of gifts
3. Recapturing the Social Stratified
reproduction and emergent moral practices
10doing kinship I
11doing kinship II
surrogate mothers
egg donors
12Research design and central issues II
Givens and Mades
Medical Practice and familiary context
Identities and Memories of Families
Continuities and Distances
Forms of Solidarity and Trust
Creations of Togetherness
Legal regulations and bioethics
Representations and Reflections of
13Kinship Networks
Berlin Istanbul Izmir - Ankara
- Kinship Networks in Different Contexts
Kinship Networks and Practices doing kinship
The Other and the Self Dissolving of Discrete
and Homogenous Entities
Similar and Unsimilar in Front of Social and
Cultural Specificity
? Assumption of Plurality and Principle of
Multiple Modernities
Indigenisation of Modernity
- pure modenity Western Ideas of the
Individual and Cosmology
- Spatial Dichotomies active center passive
Time Modernization and Hierarchisation of