Title: Max Weber
1Max Weber
- Father of German Sociology
- 1864-1920
- The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
(classic) - Sociology of Religion
- Economy and Society
- Charisma and Institution Building (edited volume)
3How are new ideas/religions born? (overview)
- Role of charismatic prophet
- Differed with Marx who put emphasis on material
factors - Importance of contextual factors
- Elective affinity (between message and audience)
- Inevitability of the routinization of charisma
- I.e., the institutionalization of religion
- The term charisma will be applied to a certain
quality of an individual personality by virtue of
which he is set apart from ordinary men and
treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman,
or at least specifically exceptional powers or
qualities. These are such as are not accessible
to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of
divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis
of them the individual concerned is treated as a
5Characteristics of the charismatic prophet
- Extraordinary in terms of either life or
teachings - He/she has penetrated to the deepest reality and
is in touch with ultimate values - Their revelation or expression does not seem to
be born of themselvesbut of God - Hence, their authority is not their own, but is a
gift of God
6Social context for charismatic expression
- Society is in social turmoil (political,
economic, spiritual) - Appeal of prophet/leader is to the alienated
and/or disinherited (I.e., those for whom the
system is not working) - Established classes are not attracted (except,
possibly, some alienated youth)
7Two types of charismatic prophets/leaders
- Exemplary prophet (vessel of the divine embodies
message in actions - E.g., Buddha
- Emissary prophet (instrument of divine through
words/teachings) - E.g., Hebrew prophets
8Characteristics of charismatic prophets
- Tend not to come from intelligentsia or upper
classes - Often have no formal training for task (e.g.,
seminary, higher education) - Represent a break with tradition
- E.g., It is written, but I say unto you.
- Critical of priestly class (which represents
corruption/traditional authority - Direct message (which cuts through formalism,
bureaucracy, ritualization)
9Typical responses to charismatic leader/prophet
- In an effort to discredit, labeled as
- Crazy
- Immoral
- Subversive (foreigner)
- Advocate of practices that corrupt youth or are
contrary to national values - I.e., charismatic prophet/leader threatens those
in power (they are social change agents)
10What does a charismatic leader/prophet offer
- A new vision of lifes possibilities
- New sense of meaning new social structure
- Break with oppressive ways of the present
- By recovering past golden age or creating a new
utopia - Exhilaration of creating something new
- Something to believe/commit oneself to
- Thus solving the identity crisis (esp. of youth)
11Earliest social organization
- Band of disciples
- Who are called rather than appointed
- No hierarchy (the charismatic leader is boss)
- Not salaried (typically live out of a common
purse) - Live communally
- No system of formal rules (beyond the authority
of charismatic leader)
12Inevitable crisis in social movement
- Death of charismatic leader
- Followed by dissolution of group
- Which may not be instantaneous, but nevertheless
is inevitable (if a new leader is not appointed) - Transfer of authority to new charismatic leaders
- Someone with same qualities (sometimes designated
by leader on deathbed) - A blood relative (esp. son, the heir apparent)
- Oracle or revelation points to new leader
13If a new charismatic leader is not found, and
movement survives
- Process of routinization/bureaucratization
emerges - Priestly classes emerges
- Sacred texts are identified (canonization)
- Rituals emerge (to contain/safeguard charisma)
- Organizational hierarchy develops
- Dogma, creeds, intellectual defenses emerge
14What is inevitable process?
- As charismatically founded movement becomes
increasingly routinized - Sectarian movements (often headed by charismatic
reformers) emerge - Splitting off from main movement
- Claiming to resurrect the true message
- Returning to the simplicity of earliest
expression of religious truth
15But, of course..
- Sectarian reformist movements also go through
routinization process - Which is the inevitable cycle of all social
movements that survive (namely, periods of great
vitality, followed by deadening bureaucracy,
followed by renewal movements)
16The big picture according to Max Weber
- There is an historical process at work that is
leading to the routinization of all spheres of
life - What Weber refers to as the disenchantment of
the world - Which means less magic, loss of prophetic
inspiration, and a hardening, more materialistic
approach to life
17Julien Freund (commentator on Webers view of
- With the process of science and technology, man
has stopped believing in magical powers, in
spirits and demons he has lost his sense of
prophecy and, above all, his sense of the sacred.
Reality has become dreary, flat and utilitarian,
leaving a great void in the souls of men which
they seek to fill by furious activity and through
various devices and substitutes.
18Webers comments about the future
- Not summers bloom lies ahead of us, but rather
a polar night of icy darkness and hardness. - For of the last stage of this cultural
development, it might well be truly said,
Specialists without spirit, sensualists without
heart this nullity images that it has attained a
level of civilization never before achieved. - Iron cage
19Definition of routinization
- Process by which explicit, abstract,
intellectually calculable rules and procedures
are increasingly substituted for sentiment,
tradition, rule of thumb in all spheres of
20Characteristics of routinization
- The displacement of religion by science
- The substitution of the trained expert for the
cultivated person of letters - The ousting of the skilled handworker by machine
technology - The replacement of traditional judicial wisdom by
abstract, systematic statutory codes
- Weber Rationalization means that principally
there are no mysterious incalculable forces that
come into play but rather than one can, in
principle, master all things by calculation.
This means that the world is disenchanted. One
need no longer have recourse to magical means in
order to master or implore the spirits, as did
the savage, for whom such mysterious powers
existed. Technical means and calculation perform
the service.