Title: Andrew Ironside
1Andrew Ironside Strategic Director (Resources)
- What is the Directorate?
- How does it support the institutions Strategic
Plan? - Financial overview for the institution
- Future priorities
3- The Directorate
- Money People Buildings Facilities
Operations - Departments
- Finance (incl. Purchasing)
- Human Resources
- Staff Development
- ) Estates
- Facilities Management ) Campus Services
- ) Hospitality
4- Supporting the Strategic Plan
- Enabling a sustainable organisation in terms
- of Human Financial Environmental issues
- Ensuring the institution can attract and retain
- high calibre staff able to fulfil their full
- potential
- Enhancing the quality and sustainability of
- the Universitys estate and delivery of first
- class customer focussed services
5Universitys Financial Position 2007/08INCOME
Income 89,286
Expenditure 87,761
Surplus 1,525
6Significant growth
Year Income in Index Annual
000s Increase 1999/00 39,850
100 2000/01 45,193 113 13 2001/02 50,81
6 125 11 2002/03 57,480 142
13 2003/04 64,294 161 12 2004/05 69,241 1
74 8 2005/06 73,590 185
6 2006/07 82,333 207 12 2007/08 89,286 22
4 9
7Significant Growth
Income (000s)
8Financial Overview 2007/08
INCOME 2007/08 000s Hefce
24,033 27.3 TDA 12,339
11.9 Grant Release 634
0.9 Fees Full-time home
12,856 Part-time home 1,788 NHS
10,982 International Office
1,946 Other
368 27,940 31.3 Research grant contracts
885 1.0 Other services rendered
53 0.1 Res. Catering 6,324
7.1 Acad Spt Svcs 2,530
2.8 Commercial 3,216
3.6 Companies 11,159 12.5 Interest
receivable 175 0.2
89,286 100
9Financial Overview 2007/08
EXPENDITURE 000s Academic Faculties
Depts. 30,591 34.9 Academic Services
6,413 7.3 Administration 13,755
15.7 Premises ex depreciation 5,844
6.7 Residences Catering 6,931
7.9 Research Grants Contracts 672
0.8 Other 6,033 6.9 Commercial
3,549 4.0 Companies 10,468
11.8 Depreciation 3,856
4.4 Contingencies unallocated expenditure
(351) (0.4) 87,761 100
Buildings 18,680
Equipment 2,820
Works Projects 246
Total 21,746
11- Future Priorities
- Estate Development
Barton Court - Sports Facilities
4m Augustine House - Integrated
Learning Resource Student Services
30m St Gregorys - Music
Performance 7m Folkestone
- Joint University Centre Completed
Summer 07
12- Future Priorities cont.
- Facilities Management
- - Implement outcomes from Review
- - Devise future Estates Strategy
- Human Resources
- - Investors in People re accreditation
- - Review Appraisal processes
- - Revise Employment Policies
13- Future Priorities cont.
- Finance
- - Roll out Devolved Resource Allocation
and Management (DRAM) - - Introduce range of new IT based systems
electronic purchasing etc. - - Improve financial management information
- - Ensure effective financial control move
towards 3 surplus -