Title: Chapter 3.3: Egyptian Religion
1Chapter 3.3 Egyptian Religion
Learn about Egyptian gods andgoddesses. Find
out about the Egyptians belief in the afterlife.
Discover how and why the pharaohs had tombs
3Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Amon-Re - Chief god of the ancient Egyptians.
4Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Osiris The god of the living and the dead.
5Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Isis Goddess of women.
6Egyptian Gods and Goddesses
Horus The sky god.
7Belief in an Afterlife
Afterlife - A life after death.
8Belief in an Afterlife
Mummy - A dead body preserved in lifelike
9Belief in an Afterlife
Mummy - A dead body preserved in lifelike
condition.The Egyptians believed the soul left
the mummy, but returned to it for food offerings.
10Belief in an Afterlife
Mummy - A dead body preserved in lifelike
condition.The Egyptians believed the soul left
the mummy, but returned to it for food
offerings.The body had to be preserved so that
the soul could find it.
11Belief in an Afterlife
Process to preserve bodies artificiallyWorkers
removed the organs. The body was filled with a
natural salt and stored until it dried out.
Then it was cleaned and bathed with spices.
Finally, it was wrapped in layers of long linen
12The Pharaohs Tombs
Pyramid - A huge building with four sloping
triangular-shaped sides built as royal tombs in
13The Pharaohs Tombs
Giza - An ancient Egyptian city the site of the
Great Pyramid.
14The Pharaohs Tombs
Building the Pyramids
15The Pharaohs Tombs
Moving the blocks of the Pyramids