Title: ?a???s?as? t?? PowerPoint
1????? ?a?ep?st?µ?? ?µ?µa ???e????µ?a?
?etapt???a?? p????aµµa sp??d?? st?? ?p?st?µ? t??
?????f???a? ?etaded?µ??a st? ??f?a??
pe??ß????? Dublin Core ?ate???a
?????? ???t??? 2004
2Dublin Core
- p??t?p? µetaded?µ???? ??a t?? pe????af? p???? st?
??ad??t?? - ?a??pte? e???te?e? ?at?????e? ded?µ???? (??? µ???
ß?ß?????af???) - e??a? p?? ap?? st? d?µ? ap? t? Unimarc
- de? ??e? ?p???e?t??? ????a a?a??af? ?p?? t?
Unimarc - ???s?µ?p??e? s??ta?? HTML ? XML
3Dublin Core
- Dublin Core Metadata Element Set Dublin
Ohio1995 - http//www.dublincore.org/
- ISO 158362003
- ANSI/NISO Z39.85-2001
- http//www.niso.org/standards/resources/Z39-85.pdf
4St???e?a ded?µ???? Dublin Core (1)
- Data Elements
- 15 st???e?a ded?µ????, p??a??et???,
epa?a?aµßa??µe?a -
- Title (t?t???) (???µas?a p????)
- Creator (d?µ???????) (p??s?p?, ???a??sµ??,
?p??es?a) -
- Subject (??µa) (???e??-??e?d??, ta????µ????
??d????) -
- Description (pe????af?) (pe??????, pe??e??µe?a,
5St???e?a ded?µ???? Dublin Core (2)
- Publisher (e?d?t??) (p??s?p?, ???a??sµ??,
?p??es?a) -
- Contributor (s??te?est??) (p??s?p?, ???a??sµ??,
?p??es?a p?? s?µß???e? st? pe??e??µe??) -
- Date (?µe??µ???a) (d?µ??????a? ? p??s?t?s??)
- Type (?at?????a) (s?et??? µe t? pe??e??µe??)
- Format (µ??f?) (f?s??? ? ??f?a??, d?ast?se??,
6St???e?a ded?µ???? Dublin Core (3)
- Resource Identifier (a?a?????st???, URL,
ISBN) - Source (p????e?s?) (ap ?p?? pa???eta? t? pa???
te?µ????) -
- Language (???ssa) (t?? pe??e??µ???? t?? p????)
- Relation (s??s?) (a?af??? se s?et??? p???)
- Coverage (??????) (?e???af???, ???????)
- Rights (d??a??µata) (p?e?µat??? ?d???t?s?a)
7St???e?a ded?µ???? Dublin Core (4)
- ???a st???e?a ded?µ????
- Audience (a???at????) (??a p???? p??????eta?)
8Dublin Core
- ??t?µata ??a t?? ß?ß??????e?
- ?e? ?p?????? ?a???e? pe??e??µ????
- ???µ? ?a? a? ?p??????, s???? e??a? d?af??et????
ap? a?t? p?? ???s?µ?p????? ?? ß?ß??????e? - ?a st???e?a ded?µ???? p?? ??????ta? e??a? p???
ßas???, s???? ??e?????ta? ?a? ???a se ??p??e?
9???sd????st?? (Qualifiers)
- element refinement
- e?e?d??e?s? t?? st???e???
- encoding scheme
- s?st?µa ??d???p???s??
10???sd????st?? (Qualifiers) (1)
11???sd????st?? (Qualifiers) (2)
12???sd????st?? (Qualifiers) (3)
13???sd????st?? (Qualifiers) (4)
14???sd????st?? (Qualifiers) (5)
15S?st?µata ??d???p???s??(Encoding Schemes)
16S?st?µata ??d???p???s??(Encoding Schemes)
17S?st?µata ??d???p???s??(Encoding Schemes)
18???t?pa e?e?d??e?s??/??d???p???s?? (1)
- DCT1 DCMI Type Vocabulary. DCMI Recommendation,
11 July 2000.lthttp//www.dublincore.org/documents
/dcmi-type-vocabulary/gt - ISO639 ISO 639-2 - Codes for the representation
of names of languages. Alpha-3 code (ISO
/langhome.htmlgt - ISO3166 ISO 3166 - Codes for the representation
of names of countries.lthttp//www.din.de/gremien/
nas/nabd/iso3166ma/gt - MIME Internet Media Types.lthttp//www.isi.edu/i
19???t?pa e?e?d??e?s??/??d???p???s?? (2)
- RFC3066 Tags for the Identification of
Languages, Internet RFC 3066.lthttp//www.ietf.org
/rfc/rfc3066.txtgt - RFC2396 Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI)
Generic Syntax, Internet RFC 2396.lthttp//www.iet
f.org/rfc/rfc2396.txtgt - RFC2413 Dublin Core Metadata for Resource
Discovery. Internet RFC 2413.lthttp//www.ietf.org
/rfc/rfc2413.txtgt - TGN Getty Thesaurus of Geographic
lary/tgn/index.htmlgt - W3CDTF Date and Time Formats, W3C
20The DCMI Type Vocabulary (1)
- Collection
- (s????? ?e????st?? a?t??e?µ????)
- Dataset
- (p????f???e? ??d???p???µ??e? se s???e???µ???
d?µ?, p.?. ß?se?? ded?µ????, p??a?e? ??p) - Event
- (?e????? st? ?????, p.?. s???d???, ???es?, ??µ??)
- Image
- (?pt??? a?apa??stas?, e?t?? ?e?µ????, p.?.
p??a?e? ????af????, d?a???µµata, ???te?, f??µ) - Interactive Resource
- (d?ad?ast???? p????, ?p?? f??µe? se ?st?se??de?,
?p??es?e? s???µ???a?) - Service
- (s?st?µa p?? pa???e? ?p??es?e? µe a??a st???
te?????? ???ste?, p.?. d?ada?e?sµ??, t?ape????
e??p???t?s?, ?p??es?a a??e?t???p???s??)
21The DCMI Type Vocabulary (2)
- Software
- (p????aµµa ?p?????st?, ??? d?ad?ast???? p????)
- Sound
- (p???? p?? ?a p?????e? ????, p.?. a??e??
µ??s????, µ??s???? d?s???, ?????af?µ??? ?µ???a) - Text
- (p???? p?? p????????ta? ??a a?????s?, p.?.
ß?ß??a, a??? ?a? e????e? ?e?µ????) - Physical Object
- (t??sd??stat? a?t??e?µe??, ??? ? ??f?a??
a?ap??stas?) - Still Image
- (a?ap??stas? stat???? e????a?, p.?. p??a?e?
????af????, ??? ?e?µe??) - Moving Image
- (se??? a?ap?ast?se??, p?? d????? t?? e?t?p?s?
????s??, p.?. ?????µe?e? e????e?, ß??te?,
p?????µµata t??e??as??)
22?fa?µ???? µe Dublin Core
- Art, Design, Architecture Media Information
Gateway and the Visual Arts Data Service
http//adam.ac.uk/ - Australian Geodynamics Cooperative Research
Centre (AGCRC)http//www.agcrc.csiro.au/ - Business Entry Point (BEP) http//www.business.go
v.au/ - CIMI (Consortium for the Computer Interchange of
Museum Information)Dublin Core Metadata Testbed
http//www.cimi.org/ - Community Media Association multimedia archive
http//www.showcase.commedia.org.uk/ - Francois Rabelais University Libraries
http//www.scd.univ-tours.fr/ - French National Mathematical Preprint and Thesis
epub/ - Gateway to Educational Materials
http//gem.syr.edu/ - Gathering the Jewelshttp//www.gtj.org.uk/,
23AHDS Arts Humanities Data Service
- http//ahds.ac.uk/
- The AHDS is a federal organisation, consisting of
a central Executive and five service providers
encompassing archaeology, history, textual
studies and the performing and visual arts. The
goal of this organisation is to build an
integrated system capable of providing a seamless
whole to the user of the electronic resources
available from each service provider.
24(No Transcript)
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
28"ADS Record ID","Title","Description","Location","
Grid ref","Easting","Northing","Associated
tervention(s)","Project dates","Archive
contents/location","Bibliographic other
refs","Other Identifiers","URL","Record
Maintainer" "YATGAZ-1994.3210YYM","Curry's
Electrical Shop, 44-45, Parliament Street,
York","lta href '/catalogue/collections/YATabstra
cts/1994.3210.html'gt click for abstractlt/agt","44-4
5, Parliament Street, York,YORK,ENGLAND"," 1d 4'
43' W 53d 57' 30' N,SE 6044 5180","460440","451800
","York Archaeological Trust","Building","Medieval
,Modern","Evaluation","1994 - 1994","","1994/95
YAT Annual Report 17,1995 Interim Archaeology
in York 20 1 9-12,1995/96 YAT Annual Report
45,G. Bruce 1995 Archive Evaluation Report
1995/1 (1995 YAT report box file)","Depositor
ID 1994.3210 YORYM",""," York Archaeological
Trust - York Archive Gazetteer",
"YATGAZ-1987.13","Granada Television Shop, 16,
Parliament Street, York","Part of the fortress
wall and the rampart behind it was found to
survive to a height of 2.50m. The wall has a
stepped plinth at its base. Anglo-Scandinavian
material had built up against the wall's outer
face and a 10th century timber building had used
the Roman wall for support. The Roman wall was
partially robbed during this period.","16,
Parliament Street, York,YORK,ENGLAND"," 1d 4' 50'
W 53d 57' 31' N,SE 6032 5183","460320","451830","Y
ork Archaeological Trust","Drain","Medieval,Roman,
Anglo-Scandinavian,Post Medieval","Excavation","19
87 - 1987","","1987/88 YAT Annual Report
19,1987 Interim Archaeology in York 12 2
19-21,1988 Britannia XIX 439,1988 Yorkshire
Archaeological Journal 60 183,1987 CBA Group 4
Annual Report 30,Ottaway, P.J. 1996 Excavations
and Observations on the Defences and Adjacent
Sites 1971-90 Archaeology of York 3 3
235-46,Monaghan, J. 1997 Roman Pottery from York
Archaeology of York 16 8 830, 1058, 1066-7,
1143-4","Depositor ID 1987.13",""," York
Archaeological Trust - York Archive Gazetteer",
29(No Transcript)
30Australasian Virtual Engineering Library
- http//avel.library.uq.edu.au/
- The Australasian Virtual Engineering Library
(AVEL) is a gateway to quality Australasian
engineering and information technology web-based
resources. AVEL project documentation (including
metadata schema and metadata manual) is available.
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33(No Transcript)
34University of Washington Digital Collections
- http//content.lib.washington.edu/
- The University of Washington Digital Collections
is contributing to the development and adoption
of standard resource descriptors for networked
information our initial efforts in this arena
focus on image collections. The project is using
extended Dublin Core descriptors for image
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
39(No Transcript)
40(No Transcript)
41(No Transcript)
42(No Transcript)
43?fa?µ???? µe Dublin Core
- American Memory
- Digital library of reproductions of historical
sources (in text, image, sound, video) - Alexandria Digital Library
- Distributed digital library for
geographically-referenced information
44(No Transcript)
45(No Transcript)
46(No Transcript)
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48(No Transcript)
49(No Transcript)
50(No Transcript)
51(No Transcript)
52(No Transcript)
53(No Transcript)
54DC-Library Application Profile (DC-Lib)
- ?fa?µ??? t?? Dublin Core st?? ß?ß??????e?
- G?a t?? a?ta??a?? e???af?? ap? d?af??et???
p??t?pa µetaded?µ???? - G?a t? µetaf??? e???af?? Marc se ???a s?st?µata
- G?a t?? ap?? d?µ??????a e???af?? ?ata????? ??a
d??f??a s?st?µata - G?a ???e st???e?? ded?µ????, ????eta? a? e??a?
?p???e?t??? (mandatory M), ?p???e?t??? a?
?p?????? p????f???e? (mandatory if applicable
MA), s???st?µe?a (recommended R), p??a??et???
(optional O)
55DC-Library Application Profile (pa??de??µa
st???e?? ded?µ???? title)
56Dublin Core ?a? Marc
- Dublin Core/MARC/GILS Crosswalk
- http//lcweb.loc.gov/marc/dccross.html
57(No Transcript)
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59(No Transcript)
60(No Transcript)
61LDR/06 aLDR/18 008/00-05 system
supplied008/07-14 19959999008/35-37
eng042 a dc050 14 a Z8513.45245 10 a
John Locke Bibliography A List of Recent
Publications260 b John C. Attig c 1995-
.520 a A listing of recent publications by
and about the English philosopher John Locke.546
a Index and annotations in English includes
material in a variety of other languages.650 0
a Locke, John, 1632-1704--Bibliography.655 7
a Text. 2 short list655 7 a Bibliography.
2 long list700 1 a Attig, John C. (John
Charles), 1946- . e author856 7 u
q HTML 2 http
62ltHTMLgtltHEADgtltTITLEgtJohn Locke Bibliography Home
"John Locke Bibliography A List of Recent
Publications"gtltMETA NAME "DC.creator"TYPE
"Name.Personal"CONTENT "Attig, John C. (John
Charles), 1946- ."gtltMETA NAME
"DC.subject"SCHEME "LCSH"CONTENT "Locke,
John, 1632-1704--Bibliography."gtltMETA NAME
"Z8513.45"gtltMETA NAME "DC.description"CONTENT
"A listing of recent publications by and about
the English philosopher John Locke."gt ltMETA NAME
"DC.publisher"CONTENT "John C.
Attig"gtltMETA NAME "DC.date"CONTENT "1995-
63ltMETA NAME "DC.type"CONTENT "Text."gtltMETA
NAME "DC.type"CONTENT "Bibliography."gtltMETA
"DC.identifier"CONTENT "http//www.libraries.
psu.edu/iasweb/locke/home.htm"gtltMETA NAME
"DC.language"SCHEME "Z39.53"CONTENT
"eng"gtltMETA NAME "DC.language"CONTENT
"Index and annotations in English includes
material in a variety of other languages."gtltLINK
REL SCHEMA.dcHREF "http//purl.org/metadata/
dublin_core_elements"gtlt/HEADgtltBODYgt. . .
64??µ??????a µetaded?µ????
- ???a?e?a (tools)
- Templates
- Editors
- Generators
- http//www.dublincore.org/tools/
65??µ??????a µetaded?µ????
- ?a?ade??µata
- Nordic Metadata Project
- (http//www.lub.lu.se/metadata/DC_creator.html)
- Gateway to Educational Materials Cataloging
Module - (http//geminfo.org/Workbench/Workbench_cataloging
.html) - Dublin Core metadata editor http//www.ukoln.ac.uk
66(No Transcript)
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68(No Transcript)
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72(No Transcript)