Title: Alberto Oliva
12008 AMS-02 Cosmic Muons TestA Tracker
AnalysisHold Time Scan
2Cosmic Rays Test
- 6 months of Tracker pre-integration data acquired
- 2 months Full Tracker GSTTCS
- 357 Calibrations
- 384 Tracker related Runs
- 274M Events (? exp. 30M tracks), 886 GB
Trigger rate test
n. Events Acquired
- Various tests performed
- hold time scan
- DSP code tests
- several thresholds
- dynamic pedestals
- Rotation test
- Acquisition in mix mode
TRD 72 h test
Nominal Conditions
Rotation test
Hold time test
3Ground Support TTCS (I) The System
Water IN/OUT
hot spots
The bottle is always open (pressure const. p 60
Here is placed a restriction, giving a Dp PT02
PT01 5 bar
4Ground Support TTCS (II) Temperature Monitoring
hot spots
Tracker OFF
14 May 2008
dT/dt gt 1C/h
- Typical temperature path
- 1 hour of ramping temperature many calibrations
and short runs - 10 hours of nominal conditions 1 calibration
for each hour
5Typical Calibration
14 May 2008
Noisy Strips Fraction
6Calibration Stability
318 calibrations (from 23 April to 10 Jun)
- average dead channels fraction (DSP) 0.04
(0.26) for Y (X) side - average noisy channels fraction (DSP) 2.11
(3.36) for Y (X) side - average channel noise (ltsgt) 2.71 (3.31) for Y
(X) side
7Calibrations Dependence from Temperature
- Pedestals drift depends from temperature
(electronics) - Noise depends from temperature (silicon)
Thermal Chamber Measurement (2007)
Cosmic Rays Test (2008)
From WJB
8Cluster Reconstruction Efficiency
- Tracks Reconstruction
- Development of new Tracker SW
- Alignment (next talk by S. Haino)
- Excluding the layer under analysis
- Minimum 6 hits per track
- An hit on the layer on the opposite side of the
same plane is required - Cut on c2 to avoid multiple scattering
- Sample used
- 10 M events of 14 May 2008
- 170 k tracks reconstructed
under analysis
9Geometric Inefficiencies
- Out of ladders hits
- Out of sensor hits
edges effect
1 mm
Layer 2
1 mm
- Sensitive area is reduced to a fiducial area due
to edges effect (1 mm)
- For a window of 500 mm
- Y-side eff. 96
- X-side eff. 95
Layer 2
- Sources of inefficiencies
- Dead/Noisy strips inefficiency, around both for
X and Y - TDR cluster reconstruction (cut on the
Signal-over-Noise), estimated around few from
the Landau profile
11Ladder efficiency
All Layers
12Signal Analysis (I)
- Sample used
- 07-15 May 2008 the largest sample in stable
condition - 48 M events
- Reconstructed 5.6 M Tracks
- Preselection
- Reconstructed track
- Clusters attached to the track
- No one strip cluster
- Ladders 410, -807 are excluded
13Signal Analysis (II) Inclination Signal Scaling
Each slice is fitted with Landau-Gaussian
A correction up to 30 of the ladder signal
14Signal Analysis (III) Function of Impact Point
and Angle
Particle Trajectory (fit of n-1 hits)
Impact Point
Impact Angle
YZ Projection
- Inclination signal scaling
- each point is the MPV of a Landau-Gaussian fit
- A reasonable pattern is found
Impact Angle and Impact Point dependence is of
the order of 1.5 (1.5) for p (n) side
15Signal Analysis (IV) VA Gain Spread
- Inclination scaling IA, IP corrections
- The 640 (384) channels signals are amplified 10
(6) VA, each one amplifies 64 channels - The signal of each VA was fitted using
Landau-Gaussian convolution
The 10 Y-side VAs
The 10 (6) VAs gain spread is 2.9 (4.5) for p
(n) side
16Signal Analysis (V) Ladders Gains
- Inclination scaling, IA-IP and VA corrections
- Refitting of the ladders Landau distributions
- a Ladder gain global spread of 7 (4) is been
Ladders have a uniform behaviour (without
corrections) at the 7
17Signal Analysis (VI) Hit Correlation
- Applying all the correction a unique gain is been
- Further developments
- Hit correlation applied in reconstruction (? See
A. Oliva PhD Thesis) - Probability density functions (pdf) for muons can
be defined - Track charge likelihood construction
18Other Test (I) Ladders Shaping Time Test
- Scan between 1900-5100 ns
- 11 points with statistics approx. 2 M events per
Test Beam 2003 (6 ladders mean)
CR 2008 (190 ladders mean)
Presence of an Extra-Delay?
19Other Test (II) AMS Rotation
Tracks reconstructed rate
RUN taken during rotation
? See next presentation by S. Haino
202008 Tracker Cosmic Muons TestA Preliminary
Signal Analysis
21Eta Distribution
- Presence of a track
- Clusters attached to the track
- Excluding 1 strip clusters
- Two higher strips
- p-side is indep. from qxz
- n-side is indep. from qyz
22CofG3 Distribution
- Presence of a track
- Clusters attached to the track
- Excluding 1 strip clusters
- nstrip gt 3
- Three central strips
is not used
23CofG4 Distribution
- Presence of a track
- Clusters attached to the track
- Excluding 1 strip clusters
- nstrip gt 4
- 4 higher strips
the best fourth strip is added
24Number of Strips VS Impact Angle
Seed S/N gt 3.5 and Neig. S/N gt 2.
The 1 MIP signal is well described by 3 strips
25IP VS Eta
- Presence of a track
- Clusters attached to the track
- Excluding 1 strip clusters
- Impact point is predicted by a nhits-1 fit
extrapolation - Only straight tracks projections are taken into
account - A correlation between IP and eta is seen
26About the Cosmic Rays Test
- What full tracker does it mean?
- Ladder 410 bias not connected
- Ladder -807 K cable disconnected (photo)
- 2 ladders with a low K-gain (requires definition
? ) - TDR 5 crate 5 has problems
- Other problems
- Ladder -310, 303 very low K gain
- Ladder 614, 815 very low statistics, maybe a SW
27Tracker SW DevelopmentToward an Affordable