Title: Persuasion%20Addresses%20the%20Needs%20of%20the%20Reader
1Persuasion Addressesthe Needs of the Reader
Money Free time Productivity
Importance Power
Security Knowledge Desired Skill
Attractiveness Friends Health
Comfort Entertainment
2Types of Persuasive Letters
Sales or promotion Direct mail
Claims Collections
3Pattern for the S-A-L-E-S Letter
S S-park the imagination and curiosity of the
reader. A A-nnounce the product or
service. L L-ist the advantages to the
client. E E-xpress appreciation and
goodwill. S S-pecify exactly what the client
should do and when.
4Getting Readers to Open and Pay Attention to
Direct-Mail Letters
Use envelopes to invite curiosity. Get
attention in your opening line. Personalize
wherever possible.
5The A-C-T-I-O-N Plan for Claims Letters
A Access the situation C Consider your
audience T Tell your side of the story I
Insist on specific action O Offer
cooperation N Name specific action steps
6Five Factors Determining the Style of Collection
Assumed cause Emotional stance
Specific action Time and place Motivator