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Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint

The history of doping
Doping is a bad habit from ancient times
...Because of the fact that in ancient times
champions have been compared with the Gods from
the antique mithology, each possible way to reach
the gold medal has been considered as an allowed
method. Maybe that this fact led to the
development of the positive consideration of the
concept of the doping in the sport for hundreds.
Ancient Greece
For example, the fighters in ancient Greece, 3
b.C., used to assume a special mixture of
mushroomsextract, in order to increase the
motivation... The Greek athletes have used
stimulators for better sport performances, Galen
130-200 b.C. ... The winner at 200m. In the
Olympic Games in 668 b.C. has been considered to
have followed a special kind of diet, based on
dried figs.
In ancient Rome
In the Coliseum of ancient Rome the gladiators
used to consume roots of plants and herbs with
stimulating effect, in order to be capable to
fight even after been injured.
In the next centuries the use of substances is
getting more diffused, as well as the combination
of these, thus first problems are appearing.
18th century
The British cyclist Arthur Linton wins the gold
medal at Parigi-Bordeaux and dies immediately
after finishing, because of the abuse of exciting
medicines (strychnine-cocaine)
19th century
1904 - Thomas Hicks, after winning the olympic
marathon in St.Louis, gets a shock wave in his
body, due to abuse of strychnine in combination
with a strong alcoholic drink (brandy), during
the run competition.
Also during the World Wars stimulating substances
have been used by the pilots...
... In order to increase the speed of reaction
and to overcome the fear.
Chase of the AirForce (LuftWaffe) in the air
above Great Bittain
... Furthermore, the amphethamines, given to the
pilots, helped them to gain better motivation
capacity during the long flights.
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After the periods of war the consumption of
stimulating medicines has been diffused in the
sport sphere In sport history, there are some
cases that have left strong impressions. For
instance, the death of the cyclists Alfredo
Falzini (sympanime and steanamine), 1949, Knud
Jansen (amphetamine) in the Olympic Games, 1960,
Tom Simpson (amphetamine) during Tour de France,
1967, as well as of the French football player
Lui Quadri (amphetamine), 1968.
The death of Simpson at Mount Ventou, on 13 July
1967 In the pockets of his jacket stimulating
medicines have been found
Photo of Tommy Simpson before his death
In the 50s in the USA for the first time
anabolics appear, due to which the use of doping
at the day of the competition is replaced by a
longer cure period of the athletes, for weeks
and months before their performance. In the
60s the so called cultural revolution changes
the habits and the perceptions of people and
brings at the same time better tollerance towards
the different types of drugs. Pharamceutical
researches and science show good development in
this field and produce new medicines, which give
the athletes the possibility to choose between
many products, according to their needs. In the
following years to win in the sphere of the
sport becomes part of the politics of some
countries, in order to testify the validity of
one type of politics against another.
The state itself, through its politics, has
often organised the portions of doping for
athletes, as giving them different types of
chemical products, capable to improve the results
of their perfomance.
A popular example are the so called Blue
Pills, strong anabolics, which after a period
of time provoked irriversible physical damages to
the athletes, for instance Tumours of the
liver Tumours of the breast Serious gynecological
problems Disfunctions Abortions
The most obvious example
The abuse of hormon substances, based on
steroids, could lead to complete gender
transformations, from female to male, as the case
of Heidi Krieger, now Andreas Krieger, called
Andreas Krieger, 39, nowadays with his wife Ute
H.Krieger wins gold medal at Putting the shot at
the European Championship in 1986, at the age of
The case of DDR is found out After the
falling of the Berlin Wall in 1989, at the
beginning of the 90, the government of United
Germany finds out the files with the names of
10.000 athletes from East Germany, who have been
given doping substances, as a part of secret
state politics.
1st case of doping found out in the blood of the
Ben Johnson remains champion for less than 24h
the title has been taken him away because of
doping abuse.
As a result of this disqualification, the gold
medal is given to Carl Lewis, an example for
sport loyalty during his sport career of 15 years.
  • The female swimmers from China (1992-1994)
  • 1998 the death of Florence Griffith Joyner, at
    the age of 38 years, due to cardial crysis.
  • The Olympic Games in Atlanta have been called GH
  • In the blood of the chinese female swimmer Yan
    Yan has been found the somathotropyne (hormon of
    the growth) at the World Championship in 1997.
  • 1998 the doping scandal arises at Tour de France

  • 27 Chinese athletes are excluded from their
    national teams
  • The national teams of Bulgaria and Romania in
    weightlifting are excluded from participation.
  • The medical staff of the US-teams renounces tha
    participation at the doping tests.
  • There are doubts for more than 12 hidden tests
    with positive results in the last 2 years.

Andrea Radukan, Romania abuse of ephedrine at
the Olympic Games, Sidney, at the age of 17 years.
Which are the factors that contribute to the
spread use of doping?
The minimal differences between the final results
of athletes
  • fractions of seconds in the short distances
  • seconds in the long distances

Aiming even the smallest improvement in the
performance of the athletes, special kinds of
pharmaceutical inventions are used by the
Financial profits and popularity
The champions are sponsored by the big
organizations but only if they are still winning
High spirit during the training period.
In order to maintain the high spirit and
discipline in the hardest sports, medical
additives are needed.
Nadia Komanechi
Anna Kurnikova
The pressure of the parents...
Often the parents are those who afford the sport
career of champions from their children...includin
g also doping among the instruments for the
realization of their own dreams.
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The term doping is supposed to derive from dope
an antique word, with ancient origins from
South Africa, which means an ancient alcoholic
drink, used as a stimulator during ceremony
dances... ...The word derivates also from the
Dutch doop, literally salsa a mix of
energizing substances, used from Dutch sailors
already 4 centuries ago in the storm in the
In 19th c. From doop derive the english verb
to dope and the adjective doping, which is
used to modify physical characteristics.
Types of Substances Examples Forbidden
substances Stimulants, etc.
Amphetamine, Ephedrine, Caffeine etc. Drugs
Cheroin, Methadona, Morphine
etc. Anabolic steroid Clostebol, Nalodron,
Phenoterol, Testosteron etc Diuretics Bumethadi
ne, Furusemide etc. Peptical hormons
The hormon of growth Forbidden
methodes Transmission of doping Other substances
barred for use Alcohol, Marihuana,
Anaesteticals, Hashish, local anaestetica,
Betablocants, etc.
  • WADA World Anti Doping Agency adds to the
    definition of doping, given by the international
    Olympic Committee the following points
  • - each athletes task is to bar the entrance of
    forbidden substances in his/her body.
  • every athlete is responsible for each substance,
    that has been found out in his body.
  • For doping is concerned the refusal of
    biological researches if the athlete by absence
    of valid justifications.
  • For doping is concerned the refusal of control
    exams of the athlete during the training
  • Doping is falsification or the trials to
    falsificate the elements, that belong to a
    biological athlete body.
  • Doping is possession of forbidden substances
  • Doping is traffic with forbidden substances
  • Doping is promotion or trials to spread and
    promote forbidden substances or methods

The three most spread types of substances, that
are abused of (The Olympic Games, Sidney)
Non-steroid anti inflammatory medicines
Nutritional Integrators
Non-Steroid Anti Inflammatory Medicines FANS
  • Why do they get used?
  • Traumatic lesions
  • Hurts
  • Inflammations
  • Specific risks for the athlete
  • Anaesthetic effect by muscle injuries, aiming at
    minimising the inflammatory process? risk of
    complications of the injury
  • Changes of the cardial homeostasis ? risk of
    cardial insufficiency and congestion.
  • Disease of Danny Renally (risk of death appearing
    in certain situations and ambiency)
  • Lateral Sclerosis

Nutritional integrators and Vitamines
The term integrator concerns with widely
spread nutritional products and such providing
energy. A wide diversity of them is existing.
Some of them are rich of proteines, others of
carbohydrates and other of vitamines and mineral
salts. Products of a kind can be legally bought
in fitness centers, in many specialised shops,
on-line, even in some supermarkets. Some of the
reasons for the use of such substances in the
sport area are The physical activity of the
human body determinates the need of the body for
specific nutritional substances. In order to
compensate the augmentation of the energy need of
the human body, adequate integration in the
nutrition is required. If some of the
substances included in the human nutrition are
provided in higher amounts than the actual needs
of the body, they get accumulated. If one uses
those accomulated body reserves, that could lead
to higher sport performances. Both
considerations seem to be plausible, but only at
first sight...
Actually Otherwise, practicing sport does not
raise the body needs only of proteines, fats or
carbohydrates, but of all these components. If
one follows adequate and harminical way of
nutrition, the energy used by sport activities
can be totally compensated.
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Does doping cause death?
It has been noticed that the number of cases of
Amiotrofic Lateral Sclerosis is raising among the
US and british football players (disease of
Gehrig, after a US famouse player of american
football, who suffered from this disease). ALS
generate nervous cells, responsible for the
voluntary movements of the human body. The
symptoms vary according to the muscles which have
been damaged first lost of control upon the
limbs, difficulties in speaking, in swollowing,
in breathing, dynamic problems, muscle
contractions, etc. Till now no effective
solutions to cure this disease are known in some
cases riluzole is used, to increase the life
duration of the patients of ALS. Lou
Gehrig The death cases in the American
football (at least 65 from 1997 till now) are due
to heart diseases 7 time higher than the general
rate for the US population and 12 times higher
for the age of 25-40 years of age.
Doping is part of the characteristics of
  • ..the champion, who refuses to get older
  • ..the incapable, who dreams to become a
  • ..the thief of gold medals
  • ..the unfair doctor
  • ..the death in the stadium

In order to win against the doping one should
know the effects and the harms caused by the
forbidden substances
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