Title: Fast Start Training for the Unit Commissioner
1Fast Start Trainingfor theUnit Commissioner
This presentation is intended to provide a
general overview and as a supplement to existing
training programs offered in local Councils, and
should not be used as a substitute for that
excellent training.
- Sal DAlessio
- Assistant District Commissioner
- Black Hill District, NCAC, BSA
2What is the Commissioner Service?
- Briefly stated, the Commissioner Service of the
Boy Scouts is a core of dedicated volunteer
Scouters whose primary purpose is to provide
service and support to Pack, Troop, Team,
Venture, Post, Ship, and other Scout Leaders. - The journey down the scouting trail is a
challenge for our youth, and reaching the top is
almost impossible without good Unit Scout
Leaders. These Unit Leaders deserve the best
support we can give them. It is the Job of the
BSA Commissioners to help deliver the promise of
Scouting by serving these dedicated Unit
3What is Different aboutthe Commissioner Service?
- Unlike other Scout Leaders, Commissioners do not
work directly with the youth and are not
generally responsible for a particular Scouting
Program. - Rather, Commissioners provide service and support
to Unit Leaders, by providing them with extra
resources to assure that the Unit Leaders are
able to deliver the best possible Scouting
Program. - Within every District, there is one District
Commissioner, several Assistant District
Commissioners, and many Unit Commissioners, who
are all part of the Unit Service Team.
4Role of the Unit Commissioner
- The Unit Commissioner (UC) plays the most
important role on the Unit Service Team by
serving as a friend, counselor, and mentor to
Unit Leaders while operating quietly in the
background. - The UC acts as the Unit's direct point of contact
on District and Council matters effecting the
Unit. - Ideally, there should be one UC for each Unit
however, it is not uncommon for one UC to work
with more than one Scouting Unit. - The UCs primary mission is to help units succeed.
5The Goals of the Unit Commissioner
- Maintain a close liaison with the chartered
organizations and units they serve. - Work to assure effective active unit
committees. - Encourage units to participate in Roundtables.
- Establish good lines of communication between
unit personnel and Council and District leaders. - Help select and recruit unit leaders.
- Be constantly alert to fulfilling his or her
mission. The job of the Unit Commissioner is unit
service! - Cultivate and maintain the best possible ongoing
relationship with the unit leader. This is
important! - Attend a monthly Commissioners meeting to brag
about their Unit(s) or to get guidance from
6Special Note on Job Priorities
- UCs should not fall into the trap of doing
everything except their appointed job which is
Unit service - While many programs and activities of Scouting,
such as, promoting projects, carrying messages,
acting as judges, running activities, etc., are
all unquestionably important, they are not the
primary responsibilities of the UCs - UCs must concentrate their time on helping with
specific Unit needs and helping each Unit become
more effective with its program and operations - As a general rule, UCs should not be registered
as the Unit Leader rather, their principal
Scouting obligation should be with Commissioner
7What are Qualities of an Effective UC?
- The UC is a Frontline Diplomat handling new
and sometimes difficult situations in a way that
maintains good relations avoids offending
people - A good Unit Commissioner should
- Be an effective communicator, and a good listener
- Have sound judgment, and be tactful
- Have a scouting background or be willing to learn
about the Scouting program and advocate the
Scouting ideals - Be persistent and patient, adaptable, and
enthusiastic - Treat everyone with respect, even when its
difficult - The UC should be able to play the role of friend,
representative, unit "doctor," teacher
8The UC is a Friend
- He or she is there to help the unit lending a
hand when needed or when asked for help by the
Unit Leaders. - Develop a good relationship with the Unit
Leaders, they need to be comfortable with calling
upon the UC in times of trouble or need. - The UC is a friend, and should not be perceived
as a District SuperSpy
9The UC is a Representative
- The average unit leader is totally occupied by
working with kids. Some leaders have little
contact with the Council. This is OK. - The UC is the Unit's representative and is there
to act as the Unit's point of contact in District
matters which effect the Unit. - The UC is an advocate of the Units needs
10The UC is a Unit Doctor"
- When problems arise, and problems may arise even
in the best of units, the UC should be called
upon to help. - Watch for early warning signs, and practice
preventative medicine - thru constant Unit Health Assessment.
- Act when Unit lifesaving is required.
11The UC is a Teacher
- He or she can help in the growth of the unit
leaders by sharing his or her knowledge with
them, or by - Pointing Unit leaders to available resources and
expertise w/i the District - UCs do not need to know all the answers they
need to track down the answers for their Units or
facilitate contact with people who can help.
12The UC is a Counselor
- He or she is there to help Units solve their own
problems. - The UC offers suggestions to Unit leaders UCs
are not responsible for their Unit's programs or
activities. - But UCs can and should help, if asked or if it is
clear that help is needed.
13Unit Service Overview
- Friendly, personal help to foster the delivery of
scouting ideals to members - Cooperate with your Units Scout Leaders, to
deliver specific programs - But the UC is not directly responsible for the
delivery of any specific program(s) - Your Goal is to Help Units Succeed
- But how do you that? Lets look at some specific
examples, and learn what you will need to do to
help your Units succeed ?
14Annual Charter Renewal
- Begin 2 months before expiration
- Check back often with your Unit(s)
- Review package with CC and unit leader
- Encourage On-Line Re-chartering
- Submit package before the deadline
- Check the new charter for completeness
- Present it to the COR at a Unit ceremony
15Unit Contact
- Methods
- Visit Unit and Committee Meetings
- But let them know first that you are coming
- Announced Attendance at Unit Events
- Dinners, Derbies, Uniform Inspections, etc.
- Camping, Hikes, Family Picnics, etc.
- Telephone calls with Unit Scouters
- Email is an effective way to pass information
- At least 1 Contact per Month per Unit
- Record each meaningful contact
16Regularly Attend Sometimes Participate in Unit
- Cub Scout Rank Advancements
- Blue and Gold dinners (Cub Scouts)
- Webelos Crossing-Over Ceremonies
- Courts of Honor (Troop or Crew)
- Eagle Scout - Courts of Honor
- Inductions of new Unit Leaders CCs
- Unit and Scouter Award Presentations
17Leader and Unit Recognition
- Be aware of available award programs
- Unit Scouter nominations
- Encourage the Unit to nominate its Scouters
- Submit some nominations yourself
- Encourage Units to pursue awards
- Awards requiring record-keeping need some advance
planning and added encouragement - The National Quality Unit Award is one
demonstration of success - Recognition is VERY Important !
18Council and District Events
- Push for Unit participation
- Join Scouting activities are very important
- Webelos II Open House (to meet Troops)
- Scouting for Food campaign
- District Camporees and Webelos Weekends
- Training Events like Pow-Wow Wood Badge
- District Competitions (i.e., Pinewood Derby)
- Scouting Jamboree-On-The-Air
- Popcorn Fund-Raiser
- Friends of Scouting
- Some misses probably are inevitable
- But set your standards high
- The more your Unit does, the more likely it will
enjoy continued success and growth.
19District Meetings
- Monthly Roundtables Meeting
- First, always plan on going yourself and bring a
different Unit Scouter with you each month - Before the Meeting Encourage Attendance!
- After the Meeting report on what they missed
- Monthly Commissioners Meeting
- Quarterly Commissioners Cabinet
- UCs are welcome, check with your ADC
- Periodic Service Area Meeting
- Held by your ADC for UCs in your Service Area
20Unit Health Assessment
- Scouter training?
- Youth participation/leadership?
- Quality Unit status?
- Membership Growth?
- Boys Life ( of participation)?
- Are Meetings and Activities well planned?
- Advancement?
- Outdoor program?
- Are Parents Sufficiently Informed?
- Supportive Chartered Organization?
21Unit Lifesaving
- Know your Units well enough that you can spot
significant issues and serious problems early - Address problems right away
- Be a coach-counselor
- Persuasion, not dictation
- Get help from District Commissioners staff
- You are not expected to solve your Units
problems all by yourself dont hesitate to ask
others for help. - Dont let little problems become big ones
- Its much better and easier to help a troubled
Unit, rather than having to start a new Unit.
22Quick action is needed when
- Unit is not meeting regularly
- Unit has no Leader (or only one Leader)
- Unit has no Committee
- Unit has no new members (no recruiting)
- Unit conflict with Chartered Organization
- New Unit Leader lacks training
- Unit has weak leadership
- Youth is dropping out
23Some Words of Wisdom
- Regular all-year Unit contact is essential
- You absolutely must know your unit
- Ensure the continued viability of your Unit
through ongoing Unit Health Assessment - Be available to help if asked or needed, but
always remain behind the scenes - Continue to grow as a Commissioner through
consultation with others in the District,
experience and added training
24Unit Commissioner Training
- This is Fast Start training, and it is intended
only to provide you with a general overview - This presentation will help UCs identify their
main goals however, it is beyond the scope of
this presentation to teach how to meet those
goals - For that, and to accomplish your mission, you
need to take Commissioner Basic Training - which you should sign up for as soon as possible
- Other training and Award possibilities, include
- Wood Badge and University of Scouting
- Arrowhead Honor and Arrowhead Honor projects
- Commissioners Key Distinguished Commissioner
25Use the Annual Service Planto Help your Unit(s)
- It provides a reason for recurring and supportive
visits with units, guiding them towards having
activities that foster a great Scouting program
and results in qualifying for the Quality Unit
Award - The plan follows the normal yearly cycle of unit
life and covers adding new members, purchasing
uniforms, preparing for summer camp, unit program
planning, and replacing leadership - Use the Annual Service Plan, with its scheduled
opportunities, for Commissioner contact with Units
26Suggested Time-TableFor the Annual Service Plan
- Membership Inventory In December or before
charter renewal. - Uniform Inspection Fall for Packs Spring and
Fall for Troops. - Quality Unit Measurement First month of the new
charter year. - Unit Leadership Inventory Conducted by April 30
each year. - Charter Presentation Ceremony w/i 30 days of
charter renewal. - Unit Program Planning This should be completed
by August 31. - Youth Protection Training Conducted in the fall
of each year. - Other Commissioner Functions Ongoing - help
your Units solve their own problems, improve unit
program, and provide other help.
27Where to Get More Information
- Through Continued UC Training
- Basic Commissioner Training is a must
- From your discussions with other Unit
Commissioners, your Assistant District
Commissioner, or District Commissioner - Monthly Commissioners Meeting
- District Roundtable Meetings
- Yearly Commissioners Conference
- The Unit Commissioners Library -gt
28Unit Commissioner's Library
- College of Commissioner Science, No. 34522
- Commissioner Basic Training Manual, No. 33614
- Commissioner Conference, No. 33616
- Commissioner Fieldbook for Unit Service, No.
37123 - Commissioner Helps for Packs, Troops and Posts,
No. 33618 - Commissioner Job Description Cards, No. 34265
- Commissioner Unit Service Booklet, No. 34119
- Continuing Education for Commissioners, No. 33615
(1995) (Supercedes College of Commissioner
Science) - Self-Evaluation for Unit Commissioners, No. 34424
- The Commissioner (Newsletter distributed
quarterly ), No. 14-975 - The UC's Orientation Helping Units Succeed,
AV-04V001 (Video) - Unit Commissioner Program Notebook, No. 26-006
- Unit Commissioner Work Sheet (Pack), No. 34125
- Unit Commissioner Work Sheet (Post), No. 33619
- Unit Commissioner Work Sheet (Troop), No. 34126
29The InterNet can also be a valuable resource for
UCs, but make sure the information is from a
reliable source and is current. One excellent
InterNet resource is The NetCommish, which can
be found at http//netcommish.com.
- Credits and Acknowledgements, for this Slide
Presentation - The NetCommish, Resources for Commissioners
http//www.netcommish.com/ - The Unit Commissioner's Role by Joe Cotellessa,
ADC, George Washington District, National Capital
Area Council. PowerPoint 7.0 File - Dec. 1997
Sig. File. - http//usscouts.org/commish/
- Commissioner Fieldbook for Unit Service, BSA
Publication No. 37123 - Commissioner Basic Training Manual, BSA
Publication No. 33614
30The Commissioner's Pledge
I will do my best, by example in my daily life to
make the Scout Oath and Law a more vital force
for good character and citizenship in the lives
of the youth and leaders I serve. I will do my
best to help secure, and help to make effective,
the finest possible leadership, for the units I
serve. I will do my best to help make the program
of the units I serve, the best that can be given,
rich in wholesome fun and adventure. In all that
I do, I will strive to help my units attract into
membership, every possible youth so that through
their participation, that youth can help make
America a finer, greater nation in a world
Source http//usscouts.org/commish/ceremony.asp