Title: Presentaci
ProArbol Program and Climate Change
- Presentation
- Categories and Impact areas
- Stages of ProArbol
- Budget 2007
- Main Goals 2007
- ProArbol and Climate Change
- Conclusions
- The social focus in politics by the Mexican
Government, can be framed in the Vivir Mejor
program. - Vivir Mejor gathers all government actions to
channel them in a same objective, the sustainable
human development, avoiding its dispersion and
focusing the impact in obtaining the greatest
benefit from the public resources invested. - Vivir Mejor incorporates sustainability
criteria to social policies. Recognizes that
there is not only a gap from rich to poor that
needs to be covered, but also the gap between
nature and men.
Mexicos forestry program is called ProArbol,
started by President Felipe Calderon, in February
2007. ProArbol is congruent with the social
policies of the program Vivir Mejor. ProArbols
objectives are Generate development and
contribute to the economy from valuation,
conservation, restoration and sustainable
production of forestry resources. Assistance in
diminishing the poverty indexes that exist in
most forestry areas. Give support to owners and
possessors of land forests, for reforestation and
payments for environmental services these last
ones are destined to cover the opportunity cost
of dedicating their lands to other different
activities than silviculture.
5Categorías y áreas de impacto del ProÁrbol
Conservation and Restoration
Competitiveness and Production
- Reforestation and Restoration
- Forestry Protection
- Environmental Services
- Sustainable forest management
- Commercial forestry plantations
- Financial support to competitiveness
Impact Areas
- Climate Change
- Environmental Improvement
- Biodiversity conservation
- Employment and Income
- Company and development of productive chains
- Reducing the forestry imports
6Stages of ProArbol
- Launch and broadcasting of the callings.
- Reception of applications from forest owners.
- Resolution of applications in national and
states technical commitees. - Advance payment.
- Control and following of the activities from
beneficiaries. - Final payment.
72007 Budget of ProArbol
Millions of US Dollars
Subsidies ProArbol Operation Rules 348
Other Subsidies 80
Plant Production 65
Protection against forest fires 44
Environmental Compensation 28
Operation, Support and Administration Expenses 38
Total 603
El presupuesto (PEF) 2008 se incrementó en
1,128.2 millones de pesos (27) respecto a 2007.
8Principales avances en 2007 del ProÁrbol
ProArbol Conservation and Restoration Progress
Reforestation and Restoration (degraded soil) 645,781 ha.
Forestry Protection Forestry fires (natural forest and tropical forest) Phytosanitary diagnostic Phytosanitary treatment In relation to 2006 32.6 less number of fires 41.9 less affected areas 663,743 ha. 45,695 ha.
Environmental services (natural and tropical forests) 610,000 ha.
It includes Commercial Forestry Plantations
12 in progress of establishment
ProArbol, Production and Competitiveness Progress
Sustainable forestry management (incorporation) 1.9 million ha.
Sustainable Forestry Development (Capacitating, equipment, ecotourism, good management certification and technical audit) 6.3 million ha.
9Reforestation and Restoration (Degraded soil) Reforestation and Restoration (Degraded soil) Reforestation and Restoration (Degraded soil)
Ecosystem Plant Number of plants
Forest and Tropical Forest Trees 251 million 779 thousand 394
Desert Bushes and weeds 218 million 870 thousand 707
Total 470 million 650 thousand 101
10ProArbol y Climate Change
11Mexico is coherent with their international
commitments of environmental protection and has a
National Strategy for Climate Change it has
establish opportunities for the vegetation sector
and soil use mitigation.
- The main objective is to preserve the forestry
carbon and reduce the greenhouse gasses emissions
produced by activities related to the soil use,
changes in soil use, silviculture, agriculture
and livestock. - There are some established actions in ProArbol
- Conservation of carbon through the Sustainable
forestry development, - Retribution of environmental forestry services,
- Units for improvement and management,
- Forestry sanitation,
- Carbon sequestration through
- Reforestation
- Reforestation with soil restoration
- Commercial plantations
- MDL projects
- Carbon substitution with forestry bio-fuels.
12Mexico and CO2 emmissions
- The 14 equals to 89,854 Gg (CO2 eq) throw by
- Change in soil use (10)
- Lost of organic carbon in the soil (fires,
erosion) and forest exploitation (4)
13Mitigations through ProArbol
There are direct actions to reduce CO2 emissions
in the forestry sector through ProArbol program.
- 1. Carbon conservation
- Sustainable Forestry Development
- Forestry Communitarian Diligence
- Environmental Services (water, biodiversity and
agro forestry) - Conservation and restoration of forestry
- 2. Carbon capture
- Reforestation
- Commercial plantations
- Benefits for Environmental services
14- Strenght of institutional capacities for the
formulation and implementation of forestry
projects of conservation and carbon
sequestration. - Promotion, development and implementation of
forestry projects in the framework of Mechanisms
for a Clean Development (MDL, in spanish), and
direct retributions for environmental
hydrological services and biodiversity
conservation. - Creation of opportunities for carbon project
developments in the voluntarty market, and from
local markets of retributions from environmental
15Aid from ProArbol for Climate Change
- These are
- Creation of projects for carbon caption.
- Acceptation of policies to grant aid to forestry
projects in carbon caption, and the promotion of
rules for the development of a national market of
emissions. - Reward for hydrological services and biodiversity
conservation. - Diligence of the approval letters on the
nationals authorities side, designated in carbon
projects. - Fortification in technical and organizational
capacities for the creation and execution of
carbon caption projects.
16ProArbol MDL projects of Forestation/Reforestatio
- Objectives
- Encourage the creation of forestry projects
within the MDL framework. - Promote the development of technical capacities
for the creation of MDL forestry projects. - Incentivize the construction of strategic
alliances between suppliers, NGOs, education and
research institutions and potential buyers. - Take advantage of the opportunity that MDL is
offering to channelize international financing
resources for the project development.
17ProArbol Reduction of emissions for
deforestation and forestry degradation. (REDD)
- From the participation of CONAFOR in different
forums and the recent UNFCCC decision, it has
been working in - The preparation of a mechanism for positive
incentives to reduce the emmissions for
deforestation and degradation (REDD) of the
framework of CoP/13. - Activity incorporation from ProArbol for the
generation of carbon credits, in a national
strategy of REDD. - Explore a voluntary market of carbon credits
based in forestry projects (we have more than 40
Idea Projects in Development IPDs). - Alternative exploration to incorporate
sustainable forestry management activities and
forest conservation to the credit carbon market
(Balis Action Plan). - Preparation, commercialization and following of
the carbon projects (MDL F/R, REDD, voluntary
market, etc.).
- In 2006, it was established the Environmental
Services Project between CONAFOR, the World Bank
and the Global Environment Facility (GEF),
agreeing in the creation and operation of a
Biodiversity Patrimonial Fund, on the financing
support for the conservation of forestry
ecosystems that protect the biodiversity, in
worlds interest locations. - The objective is to establish a fund that
provides permanent financing to the
conservation/restoration of the forestry
ecosystems that have biodiversity of global
importance. - The layout is through payments for Environmental
Services to the owners and possessors of the
forestry lands located in eligible zones. This
Fund will initiate in 2008 with a initial capital
of 10 million US dollars.
- ProÁrbol helps to preserve Carbon in forests,
tropical forests and other kind of vegetation, it
also helps to capture CO2 from the atmosphere. - Mexico has assumed a voluntary commitment to
reduce and mitigate its emissions, and also to
undertake actions of mitigation/adaptation in
view of the Climate Change. - The related activities with the forestry
vegetation and the soil use changes, are elements
that contribute in a 14 to the Greenhouse Effect
Gases (GEG) in Mexico. - Mexicos forests have a great potential for
emission reduction and CO2 conservation. - Forestation, reforestation and natural forests
management to avoid deforestation are capable to
compensate the emissions of GEG in Mexico.