Laboratorio di Calcolo I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Laboratorio di Calcolo I


examples: Intel Pentium, AMD K6, Motorola PowerPC, Sun SPARC, Hardware: RAM ... GNU C (UNIX, Linux) Turbo/Borland C (Win95, WinNT) Visual C (Win95, WinNT) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Laboratorio di Calcolo I

Laboratorio di Calcolo I
  • Docente prof. Berardi (Dip. Informatica)
  • Lezione introduttiva su Computing ed
    esercitazioni di Unix/Linux tenute da Fabrizio
    Bianchi (saro il vostro docente di Laboratorio
    di Calcolo II)
  • Lezioni teoriche tutti insieme
  • Esercitazioni individuali al computer

Textbook Slides
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What is Programming?
  • A sequence of statements that instruct a computer
    in how to solve a problem is called a program.
  • The act of designing, writing and maintaining a
    program is called programming.
  • People who write programs are called programmers.

What kinds of statementsdo computers understand?
  • A computer only understands machine
    language statements.
  • A machine language statement is a sequence of
    ones and zeros that cause the computer to perform
    a particular action, such as add, subtract,
    multiply, ...

Machine Language (ML)
  • ML statements are stored in a computers memory,
    which is a sequence of switches.
  • For convenience of representation, an
    on switch is represented by 1, and an
    off switch is represented by 0.
  • ML thus appears to be binary (base-2)
  • 0010111010110101

Early Computers
  • ... required a programmer to write in ML...
  • Easy to make mistakes!
  • Such mistakes are hard to find!
  • Not portable -- only runs on one kind of machine!
  • Programming was very difficult!

A Bright Idea
  • Devise a set of abbreviations (mnemonics)
    corresponding to the ML statements, plus a
    program to translate them into ML.
  • The abbreviations are an assembly language, and
    the program is called an assembler.

Assembly Languages
  • Allowed a programmer to use mnemonics, which were
    more natural than binary.
  • Much easier to read programs
  • Much easier to find and fix mistakes
  • Still not portable to different machines

High Level Languages
  • Devise a set of statements that are close to
    human language (if, while, do, ...), plus a
    program to translate them into ML.
  • The set of statements is called a high level
    language (HLL) and the program is called a

HLL Compilers
  • Where an assembler translates one mnemonic into
    one ML statement, a
    HLL compiler translates one HLL statement into
    multiple ML statements.

  • High level languages (like C) are
  • Much easier to read programs
  • Much easier to find and fix mistakes
  • Portable from one machine to another
    (so long as they keep to the language standard).

Objectives in Programming
  • A program should solve a problem
  • correctly (it actually solves the problem)
  • efficiently (without wasting time or space)
  • readably (understandable by another person)
  • in a user-friendly fashion
    (in a way that is easy for its user to use).

  • There are levels to computer languages
  • ML consists of low level binary statements,
    that is hard to read, write, and not portable.
  • Assembly uses medium level mnemonics easier to
    read/write, but not portable.
  • C is a high level language that is even
    easier to read/write, and portable.

Computer Organization
Hardware and Software
Computing Systems
  • Computers have two kinds of components
  • Hardware, consisting of its physical devices
    (CPU, memory, bus, storage devices, ...)
  • Software, consisting of the programs it has
    (Operating system, applications, utilities, ...)

Hardware CPU
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • the brain of the machine
  • location of circuitry that performs arithmetic
    and logical ML statements
  • measurement speed (roughly) in megahertz
    (millions of clock-ticks per second)
  • examples Intel Pentium, AMD K6, Motorola
    PowerPC, Sun SPARC,

Hardware RAM
  • Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • main memory, which is fast, but volatile...
  • analogous to a persons short-term memory.
  • many tiny on-off switches for convenience
  • on is represented by 1, off by 0.
  • each switch is called a binary digit, or bit.
  • 8 bits is called a byte.
  • 210 bytes 1024 bytes is called a kilobyte (1K)
  • 220 bytes is called a megabyte (1M).

Hardware (Disk)
  • Secondary Memory (Disk)
  • Stable storage using magnetic or optical media.
  • Analogous to a persons long-term memory.
  • Slower to access than RAM.
  • Examples
  • floppy disk (measured in kilobytes)
  • hard disk (measured in gigabytes (230 bytes))
  • CD-ROM (measured in megabytes), ...

Hardware the Bus
  • The Bus
  • Connects CPU to other hardware devices.
  • Analogous to a persons spinal cord.
  • Speed measured in megahertz (like the CPU), but
    typically much slower than the CPU...
  • The bottleneck in most of todays PCs.

Hardware Cache
  • While accessing RAM is faster than accessing
    secondary memory, it is still quite slow,
    relative to the rate at which the CPU runs.
  • To circumvent this problem, most systems add a
    fast cache memory to the CPU, to store recently
    used instructions and data.
  • (Assumption Since such instructions/data were
    needed recently, they will be needed again in the
    near future.)

Hardware Summary
  • Putting the pieces together

Programs are stored (long-term) in secondary
memory, and loaded into main memory to run, from
which the CPU retrieves and executes their
Software OS
  • The operating system (OS) is loaded from
    secondary memory into main memory when the
    computer is turned on, and remains in memory
    until the computer is turned off.

Software OS
  • The OS acts as the manager of the system,
    making sure that each hardware device interacts
    smoothly with the others.
  • It also provides the interface by which the user
    interacts with the computer, and awaits user
    input if no application is running.
  • Examples MacOS, Windows-98, Windows-NT, UNIX,
    Linux, Solaris, ...

Software Applications
  • Applications are non-OS programs that perform
    some useful task, including word
    processors, spreadsheets, databases, web
    browsers, C compilers, ...
  • Example C compilers/environments
  • CodeWarrior (MacOS, Win95, WinNT, Solaris)
  • GNU C (UNIX, Linux)
  • Turbo/Borland C (Win95, WinNT)
  • Visual C (Win95, WinNT)

Software User Programs
  • Programs that are neither OS programs nor
    applications are called user programs.
  • User programs are what youll be writing in this

Putting it all together
  • Programs and applications that are not running
    are stored on disk.

Putting it all together
  • When you launch a program, the OS controls the
    CPU and loads the program from disk to RAM.

Putting it all together
  • The OS then relinquishes the CPU to the program,
    which begins to run.

The Fetch-Execute Cycle
  • As the program runs, it repeatedly fetches the
    next instruction (from memory/cache), executes
    it, and stores any results back to memory.

Thats all a computer does fetch-execute-store,
millions of times each second!
  • A computer has two kinds of components
  • Hardware its CPU, RAM, Disk(s), ...
  • Software, its OS, Applications, and User Programs.
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