Title: Apresentao do PowerPoint
1The Sixth International Conference on the
Quality Assurance on Land and Offshore Piling
September 11, 12 and 13, 2000
São Paulo, BRAZIL
3Please select region that is your main business
- 1 Africa
- 2 Asia
- 3 Australia and Oceania
- 4 Central and North America
- 5 Europe
- 6 South America
- 7 Worldwide
4Please select your main activity
- 1 Academic (professors and students)
- 2 Contractor
- 3 Foundation Designer and Consultant
- 4 Government Agency
- 5 Owner of foundation jobs
- 6 Testing Consultant Company
- 7 Equipment manufacturer
- 8 Nome of the above options
5How long have you been working with Stress Wave
- 1 less than 1 year
- 2 1 to 5 years
- 3 5 to 10 years
- 4 10 to 20 years
- 5 more than 20 years
- 6 I never used it
6According to your own experience, what kinds of
piles are most commonly tested?
- 1 auger cast
- 2 Franki type
- 3 precast concrete
- 4 drilled
- 5 open ended steel pipe
- 6 steel (other)
- 7 wooden
7Wave Mechanics and its Applications to Pile
8Which is the field investigation more frequently
used in your country to estimate the static
capacity for driviability prediction?
- 1 SPT or SPT-T
- 2 CPT or CPTU
- 3 Pressiometer or Dilatometer
- 4 other
9Which is the usual method for pile installation
predictions and field control in your country?
- 1 Wave Equation Analysis
- 2 Dynamic Formula
- 3 Simplified Methods from Wave E. Theory
- 4 Calibrated Dynamic Form. based on W.E.Theory
- 5 Other
10Do you think that the Smith soil model represents
reasonably well the soil behaviour during dynamic
- 1 Yes
- 2 No
- 3 Only for some soils
- 4 I do not know
11Do you use more sophisticated soil models for
pile installation predictions and signal match?
12Do you normaly perform wave equation analysis
considering the Residual Stress Effect?
13For a given time after pile installation, what is
the applied energy concept to evaluate the static
bearing capacity?
- 1 One blow with constant energy
- 2 Multiple blows with constant energy
- 3 Multiple blows with increasing energy
- 4 none of the above
14How many dynamic tests with different time after
installation are necessary to evaluate the set-up
- 1 Only one
- 2 From 1 to 3 tests
- 3 From 3 to 5 tests
- 4 more
15In your opinion Quake and Damping are soil
16If you have the possibility to measure only one
variable during dynamic test, which would be your
- 1 Force with time
- 2 Acceleration with time
- 3 Displacement with time
17Driving Equipment and Recent Developments -New
Technologies for Quality Assurance of Piles
18Which hammer technology have you mostly analyzed,
monitored, operated and/or studied?
- 1 diesel
- 2 free-fall
- 3 hydraulic
- 4 steam or air compressed
- 5 vibratory
- 6 none of the above options
19What is the most important hammer quality for a
pile driving contractor?
- 1 adjustability
- 2 kinetic energy
- 3 momentum
- 4 potential energy
- 5 ram weight
- 6 reliability
- 7 transferred energy
- 8 none of the above options
20What is the most important hammer quality for a
dynamic load tester?
- 1 adjustability
- 2 kinetic energy
- 3 momentum
- 4 potential energy
- 5 ram weight
- 6 reliability
- 7 transferred energy
- 8 none of the above options
21How frequently do you BELIEVE the hammer cushion
replacement should take place (EXCEPT HYDRAULIC
- 1 of course it depends of the cushion type, but
before it reaches 5000 blows is wise - 2 of course it depends of the cushion type, but
between 5000 and 10000 blows is wise - 3 of course it depends of the cushion type, but
between 10000 and 20000 blows is wise - 4 I have it changed only when it burns or when I
hear a metallic impact sound - 5 I never think about it
22Have you ever designed or specified a hammer
- yes, I always do it
- no, I always use the hammer
- manufacturers recommendation
- yes, but just when it is really
- necessary
- 4 I never think about it
23What is the most important property of a pile
cushion (packing on top of concrete piles)?
- 1 ability to adjust to pile surface
- 2 ability to easily replace
- 3 high coefficient of restitution
- 4 softness
- 5 none of the above options
24Pile integrity and low strain dynamic testing
25Please select the appropriate name for integrity
by low strain dynamic testing
- 1 Integrity by low strain dynamic testing
- 2 Low strain pile integrity testing
- 3 Sonic integrity testing (SIT)
- 4 Pile integrity testing (PIT)
- 5 Integrity by impact echo measurement
- 6 Integrity by pulse echo measurement
- 7 Integrity by acoustic wave analysis
- 8 Integrity by low strain wave analysis
- 9 None of the above
26Please select THREE of the following that you
consider most vital for wider use and acceptance
of pile integrity by low strain dynamic testing
- Standardization of testing
- interpretation procedure
- Further research on piles and models
- with known defects
- Use of the latest in acquisition and
- processing of dynamic signal
- Research to quantify the reliability of
- and the risk from predicted defect
- Predefined clear strategy for remedial
- action when defects are predicted
- Research on analytical processing and
- display of vital information
- Continuing education and awareness
- efforts aimed at practicing engineers
- Further research on testing on piles with
- footings in existing structures
- 9 There are other aspects more important
27Pile-Soil Interaction
28Statement Today almost all affects concerning
the pile soil interaction are described and
29Statement Today most of the questions related
to the comparison of static and dynamic load test
results are answered!
30How are static load tests in your home country
performed and then compared with dynamic load
- 1 Constant rate of penetration test
- 2 Long term maintained load test
- 3 Stepped load increment test
- 4 Cyclic loading test
- 5 Combination of the above
31What minimum time do you consider necessary
between a dynamic and a static load test at a
pile embedded in silt/clay?
- 1 gt 1 day
- 2 gt 2 days
- 3 gt 1 week
- 4 gt 2 weeks
- 5 gt 4 weeks
32Do contractors and/or officials from your
experience generally demand the evaluation of
dynamic load test results by static load tests?
- 1 no, normally not
- 2 yes, sometimes in critical cases
- 3 yes, frequently
- 4 yes, always
33Statement Today most of the questions related
to set-up effects of piles are answered!
34From your experience Up to what percentage can a
driven pile embedded in silt/clay gain shaft
resistance four weeks after the end of initial
- 1 100 - 125
- 2 125 - 150
- 3 150 - 175
- 4 over 175
35What period of time between two tests would you
recommend, if you want to test for set up effects
in sand?
- 1 gt 1 hour
- 2 gt 1 day
- 3 gt 1 week
- 4 gt 2 weeks
- 5 gt 4 weeks
36Do you take advantage of finite element analysis
of the pile-soil interaction in your daily
- 1 no, usually not
- 2 yes, sometimes
- 3 yes, frequently
37Do you use finite element analysis for the
evaluation of _____ pile properties?
38Statement Today almost all affects concerning
the pile soil interaction are described and
39Statement Today most of the questions related
to the comparison of static and dynamic load test
results are answered!
41Are you familiar with concepts of limit states
- 1 Yes
- 2 Have heard of it.
- 3 No
42Do you think that limit states design leads to
more rational and more economical design ?
43Are you familiar with ISO 2394 "General
principles on reliability for structures"?
- 1 Yes.
- 2 Have heard of it.
- 3 No.
44Which do you prefer, material factor approach or
resistance factor approach for pile foundation
- 1 Material factor approach
- 2 Resistance factor approach
- 3 Depends
45My rating for Signal matching is
- 1 excellent
- 2 fair
- Bad
- Dont know the method
46My rating for Case method is
- 1 excellent
- 2 fair
- Bad
- Dont know the method
47High strain dynamic testing of Driven and
Cast-in-Site Large Piles - Dynamic testing of
Large Piles
48For those performing high strain dynamic pile
testing, what piles do you dynamically test?
- 1 Only driven piles (concrete or steel)
- Only drilled Shafts, bored piles, CFA
- piles or other non-driven cast-in-situ piles
- 3 More driven piles than non-driven piles
- 4 More Non-driven than driven piles
49What global or total safety factor should be used
for high strain dynamic testing and signal
matching (e.g. CAPWAP) of non-driven piles like
drilled shafts, bored piles or CFA piles?
- 1 less than 2.0
- 2 2.0
- 3 2.25
- 4 2.5
- 5 greater than 2.5
50What is main consideration in planning for
dynamic testing of large piles? (max. 2 options)
- 1 Obtaining appropriate sized hammer
- 2 Acceptability of test results by client
- 3 Pile top preparation
- 4 Cost savings or time savings
- Prove higher loads or reduce safety
- factor for economic benefit
51If dynamic test result is lower than desired
ultimate capacity, but permanent set is less than
1 mm per blow, you would...
- Require more energy input to
- prove desired ultimate load
- Consider dynamic result as acceptable
- "proof test", if safety factor is at least 1.5
- Use safety factor of 2.0 to compute a
- reduced design load
- 4 Reject dynamic test result
52What aspect of dynamic testing of large diameter
piles needs the most additional research? (max. 2
- 1 Shaft soil model
- 2 Toe soil model
- 3 Pile Model for non-uniform shafts
- 4 How to select hammer
- How to analyze a sequence of
- blows with variable drop heights
53Signal matching (e.g. CAPWAP) of dynamic pile
test results provides resistance distribution
information for high capacity piles. Which use
is LEAST important to you?
- 1 Helps optimize pile lengths
- 2 Uplift capacity
- 3 Compression capacity
- Evaluates soils for negative
- friction (downdrag) potential
- Superposition of driving and
- restrike results at refusal
54What capacity evaluation method for static load
tests is preferred for large diameter end bearing
- Methods relating to diameter
- (e.g. load at settlement of D/10)
- Methods for some fixed settlement
- (e.g. load at settlement of 20 mm)
- Methods relating to pile stiffness
- (e.g. Davisson procedure)
- Methods evaluating shape of curve
- (e.g. tangents)
- 5 Judgment
55SPT Measurements and Special Field Monitoring
56Did you have any experiences of measuring the
driving efficiency of SPT at actual sites?
- 1 None
- 2 1-2 times
- 3 over 3 times
57If you select b or c in question 2, which
region does your country belong to?.
- 1 North America
- 2 South America
- 3 North Europe
- 4 South Europe
- 5 Asia
- 6 Middle East
- 7 Africa
- 8 Oceania
- 9 Others
58Is it necessary to measure the driving energy or
work done, for accuracy of SPT N value in every
test? Or, Is it sufficient in practice to use a
constant driving efficiency for each SPT?
- 1 Necessary to measure
- 2 Use a constant driving efficiency
- 3 Others
59What kind of test do you think is preferable for
pile foundation design, SPT or CPT?
- 1 SPT
- 2 CPT
- 3 Combination SPT and CPT
- 4 Others
60Is there any possibility of determining some soil
parameter or strength from SPT?
- 1 I think so
- It is difficult. It needs to
- change SPT method itself.
- If some other testing, such as
- shear velocity measurement, is
- combined, it may be possible.
- 4 Others
61Which is better for obtaining the soil
parameters, the development of a new testing
method combining SPT with CPT, such as percussion
drilling, or the modification of the current SPT?
- 1 New Method
- 2 Modification of SPT (including interpretation)
- 3 Others
62Vibration Pile DrivingVibration in Pile Driving
63Does the statement below describe an aspect of
your professional practice and local experience
? Variable frequency vibratory hammers are
commonly used to install sheet piles
64Does the statement below describe an aspect of
your professional practice and local experience ?
Fixed frequency vibratory hammers are commonly
used to install sheet piles
65Does the statement below describe an aspect of
your professional practice and local experience
?Pre-construction surveys of existing structures
to document pre-existing damage are often
1 Yes 2 No
66Does the statement below describe an aspect of
your professional practice and local experience
?Predictions of ground vibrations are made as a
part of the design studies
67Does the statement below describe an aspect of
your professional practice and local experience
?Ground vibrations are often monitored when
vibration-induced problems for nearby facilities
are a project concern
68Does the statement below describe an aspect of
your professional practice and local experience
?Measurements of vibratory hammer-pile
performance (e.g. force and acceleration
measurements) are becoming a part of our practice
69Ground vibrations can have the following
- Soil slope instability
- Damage to structures
- Disturbance to people
- Damage to buried pipes
- Instability of retaining walls
70The levels of tolerable vibrations are
established by (max 3 options)
- 1 National building code
- 2 Regional or local building code
- 3 Published empirical correlations
- 4 Synthesis of local experience
71What three factor(s) most influence the
determination of threshold levels of ground
vibrations causing problems?
- 1 Types of nearby structure/foundation
- 2 uses of nearby facilities
- 3 Site-specific geology
- 4 Groundwater level
- 5 Type of pile driving equipment
- 6 Type of pile
- 7 Distance from the pile driving activity
72At what distance from your sensitive nearby
structures should you become concerned about
vibrations from impact-driven piles?
- 1 60 m
- 2 30 m
- 3 15 m
- 4 10 m
- 5 5 m
- 6 Closer
73When pile driving in a city environment, in loose
to medium granular soils, what hammer type is
most preferable?
- Low frequency vibrodriver
- High frequency non-resonant vibrodriver
- Air hammer
- Heavy hydraulic hammer
- Pre-augering
74Which method of installation of a closed end pipe
pile to a given depth into medium dense sand will
provide the highest long-term bearing capacity ?
- Impact driving
- Vibratory driving
- Jacking
- No difference
75Statnamic and Other Similar Tecniques
76How is your intuitive feeling on the accuracy of
rapid load testing compared to static load
testing (SLT)?
- 1 Almost equivalent to SLT
- 2 Within 10 error of SLT
- 3 Within 20 error of SLT
- 4 Poor
- 5 Variable
77Case Histories, Pile Setup and Correlations
Between Test MethodsPrediction Reliability
78If you could choose only one set of test results
from a given site to predict static performance
(load x displacement curve to failure) of driven
piles, which one would you choose for design
- 1 SPT
- 2 triaxial tests of samples taken at several
depths - 3 dilatometer
- 4 cone
- 5 pressuremeter
- 6 other
79If you could choose only one set of test results
from a given site to predict static performance
(load x displacement curve to failure) of
cast-in-place piles, which one would you choose
for design purposes?
- 1 SPT
- 2 triaxial tests of samples taken at several
depths - 3 dilatometer
- 4 cone
- 5 pressuremeter
- 6 other
80Consider the ratio A Qd/Qs, where Q represents
ultimate bearing capacity and subscripts d and s
refer to dynamic and static load tests. On
average you would expect
- 1 A gt 1.3
- 2 1.3 gt A gt 1.1
- 3 1.1 gt A gt 0.9
- 4 0.9 gt A gt 0.7
- 5 0.7 gt A
81Consider the ratio C Sd/Ss, where S represents
displacement at working load and subscripts d and
s refer to dynamic and static load tests. On
average you would expect
- 1 C gt 1.3
- 2 1.3 gt C gt 1.1
- 3 1.1 gt C gt 0.9
- 4 0.9 gt C gt 0.7
- 5 0.7 gt C
82Quality assurance of driven piles is most
efficiently achieved by means of
- just pile construction records
- (set elastic rebound)
- static load tests pile
- construction records
- dynamic load tests pile
- construction records
- statnamic load tests pile
- construction records
- static load tests dynamic or statnamic
- tests pile construction records
- 6 other
83Quality assurance of cast-in-place piles is most
efficiently achieved by means of
- just pile construction records (penetration
- torque, injection pressures and volumes)
- static load tests pile construction
- records
- dynamic load tests pile construction
- records
- statnamic load tests pile construction
- records
- static load tests dynamic or statnamic
- load tests pile construction records
- 6 other
84Consider N to be the number of piles in a
specific job and n the number of tests required
for quality assurance. The ratio n/N should be
specified in codes as
- 1 a fixed ratio
- a variable ratio, dependent
- on pile type
- a variable ratio, dependent on
- pile type and working load
- a variable ratio, dependent on pile type,
- working load, and size of pile groups
- a variable ratio, dependent on pile type,
- working load, size of pile groups, and N
85Confidence of Pile Integrity Testing
Workshop 1
86In what region of the world do you exert most of
your professional activities?
- 1 South and Central America
- 2 North America
- 3 Europe
- Middle East
- Far East
- 6 Australia and New Zealand
- 7 Africa
87What is your or your companys main activity?
(Multiple choices allowed)
- Foundation design and Geotechnical consulting
- Specialist testing company
- 3 Foundation contractor
- 4 Main contractor
- 5 University (professor, student)
- 6 Hammer manufacturer
- 7 Other
88What kind of dynamic testing is older in your
- 1 Dynamic Load Testing
- 2 Low strain (sonic) integrity testing
- 3 Both started at about the same time
89What kind of integrity testing is more popular in
your region?
- Low strain (sonic) integrity
- testing (PIT or SIT)
- Cross-hole Sonic Logging
- (CSL)
- Core drilling
- Other
- None (no integrity testing is
- usually done in my region)
90What do you think of the results of low strain
(sonic) integrity testing?
- 1 Always reliable
- 2 Most of the times reliable
- 3 Sometimes reliable
- 4 Never reliable
91What do you think of the results of Cross-hole
Sonic Logging (CSL)?
- 1 Always reliable
- 2 Most of the times reliable
- 3 Sometimes reliable
- 4 Never reliable
92Is the Transient Response Method used in your
- 1 Always
- 2 Sometimes
- 3 Never
- I dont know what the Transient Response
- Method is
93Is Frequency Domain Analysis used in your region?
- 1 Always
- 2 Sometimes
- 3 Never
- 4 I dont know what Frequency Domain Analysis is
94What integrity test method you think is more
- 1 Low strain (sonic) integrity testing (PIT or
SIT) - 2 Cross-hole Sonic Logging
- 3 Both are equally reliable
- 4 Both are totally unreliable
- 5 Depends on the job
95Quality in Dynamic Testing
Workshop 2
96From whom did you receive training in your field
of testing?
- 1 The manufacturer of the testing equipment
- 2 An agent of the equipment manufacturer
- A member of my company who had
- received training from the manufacturer
- A member of my company who had
- received similar internal training
- I received no formal training
- Not applicable
97When I am uncertain about data I have collected
or analyzed, I generally .
- 1 Cover up the problem
- 2 Solve the problem myself
- 3 Report the uncertainty to my client
- 4 Seek assistance from a senior colleague
- Seek assistance from the manufacturer or his
agent - Not applicable
98When I am testing in the field, I generally .
- Give the client as much advice
- as he requests
- Give the client as much advice
- as I can
- Give the client some preliminary
- written advice
- Give the client some preliminary
- verbal advice
- Never give any advice on the pile
- capacity or condition
- Not applicable
99My pile testing involves
- Assessments of pile compression
- capacity only
- Assessments of pile compression
- and tension capacity
- Assessment of pile damage and/or
- capacity
- All the above PLUS hammer
- performance
- All the above PLUS providing advice
- on driving criteria
- Not applicable
100I believe that pile testing should be conducted
by persons with at least the following
- 1 A specialist geotechnical engineer
- 2 A civil engineer
- 3 An engineer (other branch)
- A university graduate with a Science
- degree
- A technician
- No opinion
101The term quality assurance means to me
- A system which requires reporting of
- any outcome or process which is not
- in compliance with the specification
- A system where there is a checking
- superintendent
- Having experienced personnel
- performing the construction
- Having experienced personnel
- performing the testing
- 5 Lots of paperwork
102My clients
- Have no knowledge of pile
- design or testing
- Have no knowledge about
- pile testing
- Understand only the broad basis
- of pile testing
- Have a good understanding of
- pile testing
- Are able to independently
- evaluate my results
- Not applicable
103On most projects, the testing services I provide
- The only method of foundation
- verification used
- The primary method of foundation
- verification used
- A secondary method of foundation
- verification used
- Used only as a back-up
- 5 Question does not apply
104On most projects, the number of piles tested is
- 1 1 or less
- 2 2 to 5
- 3 6 to 15
- 4 16 to 25
- greater than 30
- Not applicable
105Comment on this statement.I feel I need more
training to increase my testing knowledge
- 1 Strongly agree
- 2 Agree
- 3 Partly agree
- 4 Disagree
- Strongly disagree
- Not applicable
106Comment on this statement. I believe
there is a need for a comprehensive textbook or
guide to be written in my field of pile testing
- 1 Strongly agree
- 2 Agree
- 3 Partly agree
- 4 Disagree
- Strongly disagree
107Comment on this statement. Given that pile
testing is a central element of foundation
quality assurance, pile testers should be subject
to a quality assurance process.
- 1 Strongly agree
- 2 Agree
- 3 Partly agree
- 4 Disagree
- 5 Strongly disagree