Ancient Rome: Punic Wars - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ancient Rome: Punic Wars


SOL WHI.6d, e, & f Roman Expansion After Rome overthrew the Etruscan government they began to expand through military conquest and political policies. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ancient Rome: Punic Wars

Ancient Rome Punic Wars
  • SOL WHI.6d, e, f

Roman Expansion
  • After Rome overthrew the Etruscan government they
    began to expand through military conquest and
    political policies. By 265 B.C/B.C.E the Romans
    had expanded its territory to include most of the
    Italian Peninsula.
  • Military
  • The Roman army played a big role in their
    expansion. All adult male citizens were required
    to serve in the army. The main unit of the Roman
    army was the legion. The Legionnaires consisted
    of 4,500-6,000 citizens. These men were well
    trained and disciplined.

Roman Expansion
  • Political Policies
  • As Rome conquered neighboring territories they
    implemented political policies that would ensure
    loyalty. They granted full citizenship to nearby
    Italian cities and partial citizenship to cities
    further away. Partial citizenship allowed people
    to own property and marry but not vote. All
    conquered people were required to provide land
    for Roman farmers and distant allies could remain
    independent as long as they provided soldiers for
    the Roman army

Prelude to the Punic Wars
Why do you think these two empires went to war?
1st Punic War
  • When 264 B.C./B.C.E and lasted 23 years
  • Cause Rome feared Carthage would gain control of
    all of Sicily and cross the Strait of Messina
    into Italy.
  • Rome came to the aid of the city of Messina as it
    rebelled against Carthaginian rule. This would be
    the catalyst for the wars.
  • Events of the War During this war Rome would
    build a navy using a captured Carthaginian ship
    as a model. They would also use boarding bridges
    for hand to hand combat aboard enemy ships.
  • Outcome In 241 B.C./B.C.E a peace agreement was
    signed and Carthage had to give up Sicily and
    some money. After the war some Roman senators
    renegotiated the peace terms and acquired the
    island of Corsica and Sardinia.

Roman Empire After 1st Punic War
2nd Punic War
  • When 218 B.C./B.C.E. and lasted 16 years.
  • - After the 1st Punic War, Carthage began to
    regroup and expand its empire in Spain.
  • - When Carthage attacked the city of Saguntum in
    Spain, Rome felt it was a threat to their
    interest ( the city of Saguntum and Rome had an
    alliance) and declared war against Carthage.

2nd Punic War
  • Hannibal, the great Carthaginian general, would
    lead his army, which included elephants, through
    Europe and across the Pyrenees and Alps to
    invade Italy.
  • Hannibals father, Hamilcar, was instrumental in
    Carthages Spanish expansion. Hamilcar was filled
    with hatred for Rome and shame from the 1st Punic
    War. He would pass on his hatred and shame to
  • His plan against Rome was simple early decisive
    victories and convince Roman allies to side with
  • He was successful with early decisive victories
    would was not able to convince Romes allies to
    join him.
  • Without the necessary equipment needed to take
    the city of Rome, Hannibal devastated surrounding
    cities and country side.

2nd Punic War
  • Battle of Cannae
  • -Early, Roman adopted a delay approach to
    Hannibal. The plan was to wait him out until he
    was tired, supplies diminished, and not meet him
    head on. They had learned that Hannibal was a
    shrewd and efficient general. Though effective
    this plan was not popular with the public or the
  • -This policy would change for one battle,
    Cannae. New consuls were elected with the promise
    of a decisive victory over Hannibal. They were
    granted double their normal army to fight and
    decided to draw Hannibal out in the open. Rome
    out numbered Hannibal 2-1.
  • -Hannibal soundly defeated the Roman army. About
    10,000 of the 70,000 Roman soldiers survived the
    fight. Hannibals tactics are still studied today
    as a maneuver to defeat a larger army on an open
  • -After this battle Rome would go back to its
    delay policy and not openly face Hannibal.

2nd Punic War
  • Scipio, Roman general
  • - While Hannibal was preoccupied in Rome, Rome
    sent a young general Scipio to Spain.
  • - Scipio conquered Spain and divided the area
    into two Roman provinces. This effectively cut
    off Hannibals supplies while in Italy.
  • -Scipio then crossed over to Africa and marched
    on Carthage.
  • - With Hannibal in Italy, Carthage was somewhat
    defenseless against Scipio. They quickly called
    for peace and Hannibal was sent home, having won
    every major battle he had fought.

2nd Punic War
  • Battle of Zama
  • - Hannibal and Scipio face off on the
    Battlefield near Carthage. Scipio would win,
    delivering Hannibals first lost and the complete
    defeat of Carthage.
  • - This battle would end the 2nd Punic War and
    Scipio would be honored with the name Africanus
    because he conquered Africa.

2nd Punic War Outcome
  • Carthage was defeated. The price was its colonies
    in Spain, surrounding territory in Africa, most
    of its navy, and even more money.

Roman Empire After 2nd Punic War
  • Map

3rd Punic War
  • When 149 B.C/B.C.E and lasted 3 years
  • Cause Hatred/ Rome hated Carthage
  • - After losing everything in the second Punic
    War, Carthage did try to recover some of its
    prosperity. This displeased Rome and they
    declared war on Carthage.
  • Events Rome burned the city, sold remaining
    inhabitants into slavery, and was rumored to have
    sowed salt into the soil so nothing would grow.
    It was just that a rumor.
  • Outcome Rome dominated the Mediterranean basin
    which led to expanded trade, greater wealth, and
    the spread of Roman culture.

War Macedonia Greece
  • During the 2nd Punic War Phillip V of Macedon
    became allies with Hannibal and began to threaten
    Rome to the east.
  • Rome began to fight a series of wars with
    Macedonia and defeat them in 197 B.C/B.C.E.
  • By 133 B.C/B.C.E Greek cities would be under
    Romes protection.

Effects of the War Government
  • Review What was the role of the Senate in the
    Roman Republic?
  • Senate and nobility more powerful
  • Provincial government more corrupt

Effects of the Punic Wars Society
  • High unemployment in the city of Rome
  • Need for public welfare
  • Expanded trade created a new social class of
    wealthy business people, Equities

Effects of the Punic Wars Agriculture
  • Small farmers lost their land
  • Rome dependant upon provinces for grain

Project Punic Wars
  • The Mission
  • You are the top field reporters of KGMS. Your
    mission is to send radio reports of the events of
    the wars. Information is needed on each Punic
    war, the battles, the people, and the effects at
  • Your Equipment
  • For this mission you will need your field
    (class) notes, a computer, the audacity program,
    and your written story. There are resource
    websites linked to my webpage for additional
  • Your Requirements
  • 1- Introduction( your name, reporting with KGMS
    World News, period, and Title of Story)
  • 2- Must use proper names of people, places, and
  • 3- Describe where you are ( the sound, the smell,
    the looks, the atmosphere)
  • 4- Length 1 ½ -3 min.

Examples of News Stories
  • Gaza Cease-Fire Negotiations Stall
  • Israeli Forces Enter Gaza City
  • The Toll Of War On Iraqi Lives
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