Title: Prepoved kartelnih sporazumov,
1Prepoved kartelnih sporazumov,
- sklepov združenj in usklajenega delovanja (81 PES)
2Struktura 81. clena 1. odst.
- Vsebuje prepoved sodelovanja (collusion) ki ima
za posledico - .
- navaja tipicne primere
3Struktura 81. clena
- 2. Odst sankcija-
- avtomaticno nicnost (delna nicnost ECJ)
- 3. odst - izjeme
- 1. odst. se ne uporablja za sporazume, ki
izpolnjujejo 4 pogoje (2, 2-) - pozitivnih ucinkov vec kot negativnih
481 PES
- 1. Kot nezdružljivi s skupnim trgom so
prepovedani vsi sporazumi med podjetji, sklepi
podjetniških združenj in usklajena ravnanja, ki
bi lahko prizadeli trgovino med državami
clanicami in katerih cilj oziroma posledica je
preprecevanje, omejevanje ali izkrivljanje
konkurence na skupnem trgu, zlasti tisti, ki
5- a) neposredno ali posredno dolocajo nakupne ali
prodajne cene ali druge pogoje poslovanja - b) omejujejo ali nadzorujejo proizvodnjo, trge,
tehnicni razvoj ali naložbe - c) dolocajo razdelitev trgov in virov nabave
- d) uvajajo neenake pogoje za primerljive posle z
drugimi trgovinskimi partnerji in jih tako
postavljajo v podrejen konkurencni položaj - e) pogojujejo sklepanje pogodb s tem, da
sopogodbeniki sprejmejo dodatne obveznosti, ki po
svoji naravi ali glede na trgovinske obicaje
nimajo nikakršne zveze s predmetom takšnih pogodb.
- 2. Vsi sporazumi ali sklepi, ki jih ta clen
prepoveduje, so nicni.
- 3. V naslednjih primerih se lahko doloci, da se
dolocbe odstavka 1 ne uporabljajo za - - sporazume ali skupine sporazumov med podjetji,
- - sklepe ali skupine sklepov podjetniških
združenj, - - usklajeno ravnanje ali skupine usklajenih
ravnanj, ki prispevajo k izboljšanju proizvodnje
ali distribucije blaga oziroma k pospeševanju
tehnicnega ali gospodarskega napredka, pri cemer
zagotavljajo potrošnikom pravicen delež doseženih
koristi, in ki - a) zadevnim podjetjem ne dolocajo omejitev, ki za
doseganje teh ciljev niso nujne - b) takšnim podjetjem glede znatnega dela zadevnih
izdelkov ne dajejo možnosti izkljucitve
8Consten Grundig
- Consten je bil ekskluzivni distributer
Grundigovih izdelkov v Franciji. Prav takoje imel
ekskluzivno pravico v Franciji uporabljati
Grundigovo blagovno znamko GINT (Grundig
International). V skladu s pogodbo Consten ni
smel prodajati konkurencnih izdelkov drugih
proizvajalcev. Komisija je odlocila, da pogodba
med Constenom in Grundigom krši 81. clen PES.
Consten je vložil pravno sredstvo pri SES.
9Consten Grundig
10Namen 81. clena PES
- Prepoved omejevalnih sporazumov, sklepov,
usklajenih ravnanj - Horizontalnih
- Vertikalnih
11Sporazumi, sklepi in usklajena delovanja
- The list in Article 81(1) of the Treaty is
intended to apply to all collusion between
undertakings, whatever the form it takes. There
is continuity between the cases listed. The only
essential thing is the distinction between
independent conduct, which is allowed, and
collusion, which is not, regardless of any
distinction between types of collusion.
12Bistvo kartelne prepovedi
Koordinacija (collusion)
Neodvisno ravnanje
13Elementi generalne klavzule
- Dve ali vec samostojnih podjetij
- Podjetniško združenje
- Koordinacija (collusion) v obliki sporazuma,
sklepa ali usklajenega ravnanja - Namen ali ucinek je preprecevanje omejevanje ali
izkrivljanje konkurence - Znaten vpliv na konkurenco
- Znaten vpliv na trgovino med DC
- the concept of an agreement within the meaning
of Article 81(1) of the Treaty centres around the
existence of a concurrence of wills between at
least two parties, the form in which it is
manifested being unimportant so long as it
constitutes the faithful expression of the
parties' intention. (Bayer AG v Commission)
- Pojem ni enak kot v civilnem pravu
- Najmanj 2 subjekta
- Skupna volja glede preprecevanja
- Formalni ali neformalni
- Lahko izjaja iz SPP
- Pravila poslovnih/trgovskih združenj
- Zadostuje tudi gentlemen's agreement (Quinine).
- Ni treba, da je pravno zavezujoc,
- Npr. žepotekel a se še spoštuje
- Oblika ni važna, lahko se obstoj destilira iz
okolišcin. - Lahko se na obstoj sklepa na podlagi daljšega
poslovnega odnosa med strankama.
17Ni sporazum
- Dogovor znotraj skupin podjetij (koncerni)
- Pristna zastopniška pogodba
- Kolektivna pogodba o zaposlitvi
18Complex arrangement
- Polypropylene
- Single continuing agreement
- The undertakings have expressed their joint
intention to conduct themselves in the market in
a specific way.
19ECJ - Anic
- "When ... the infringement involves
anticompetitive agreements and concerted
practices, the Commission must in particular,
show that the undertaking intended to contribute
by its own conduct to the common objectives
pursued by all the participants and that it was
aware of the actual conduct planned or put into
effect by other undertakings in pursuit of the
same objectives or that it could reasonably have
foreseen it and that it was prepared to take the
20Samostojno ravnanje in sporazum
- ECJ The only essential thing is the distinction
between independent conduct, which is allowed,
and collusion, which is not... - Prilagajanje drugim
- Sledenje vodilnemu na trgu
- Sandoz export prohibited
- Dozdevno samostojno ravnanje se lahko šteje za
del pogodbenega razmerja (AEG) - Eksplicitna ali implicitna privolitev (Bayer)
- A refusal by a manufacturer to approve
distributors who satisfy the qualitative criteria
of his system of selective distribution does not
constitute, on the part of the undertaking,
unilateral conduct On the contrary, such an
attitude forms part of the contractual relations
between the undertaking and resellers, since the
admission of a distributor is based on the
acceptance, tacit or express, by the contracting
parties of the policy pursued by the undertaking,
which requires inter alia the exclusion from the
network of distributors who are qualified for
admission but are not prepared to adhere to that
22Association of undertakings
- Not limited to particular type (e,g, trade
associations) - Legal personality not important
- Only important that it has influence on the
market behaviour of its members - BNIC, v Guy Clair Case 123/83
23Sklepi združenj podjetij
- Ni omejitve na dolocene tipe
- Trgovska združenja
- Poklicna združenja (odvetniška zbornica)
- Ni potrebna pravna osebnost
- Ni potreben formalni statut
24BNIC v. Guy Clair
- Article 81 of the Treaty applies to agreements
between undertakings and decisions by
associations of undertakings. The legal framework
within which such agreements are made and such
decisions are taken and the classification given
to that framework by the various national legal
systems are irrelevant as far as the
applicability of the community rules on
competition are concerned. An inter-trade
agreement made by two groups of traders must
therefore be regarded as an agreement between
undertakings or associations of undertakings
within the meaning of Article 81 even if they
meet within an organization which the national
courts have held to be governed by public law.
25Sklep združenja podjetij
- Sklep o dolocitvi rabata
- Ni potrebna formalna veljavnost oz. obveza
- Vpliv na ravnanje clanov!
- Neobvezijoca priporocila glede cen (Fenex)
- Tudi ce dolocitev cen naloži/odobri država
- Certifikati (SCK FNK)
- Tudi statut je lahko sklep
- Združenje
- Posamezni clani
27Usklajeno ravnanje (UR)
- Enako/podobno ravnanje na trgu
- Lahko neformalno sodelovanje
- Skrivanje, unicenje dokazov
- Razlika med usklajenim ravnanjem in naravno
reakcijo na tržne razmere - Razlicni proizvodni stroški
28Odnos med sporazumi, sklepi in UR - ECJ
- The list in Article 81(1) of the Treaty is
intended to apply to all collusion between
undertakings, whatever the form it takes. - There is continuity between the cases listed.
- The only essential thing is the distinction
between independent conduct, which is allowed,
and collusion, which is not, regardless of any
distinction between types of collusion.
29Definicija - ECJ Dyestuffs (ICI)
- a form of coordination between undertakings
which, without having reached the stage where an
agreement properly so-called has been concluded,
knowingly substitutes practical cooperation
between them for the risks of competition.
30ECJ (Sugar Cartel) The concept of a 'concerted
practice' refers to
- a form of coordination between undertakings
- without having been taken to the stage where an
agreement properly so-called has been concluded, - knowingly substitutes for the risks of
competition, - practical cooperation between them
- which leads to conditions of competition which do
not correspond to the normal conditions of the
market, - having regard to the nature of the products, the
importance and number of the undertakings as well
as the size and nature of the said market.
31Cimenteries CBR v. Commission
- Any direct or indirect contact between economic
operators - of such a nature as to disclose to a competitor
the course of conduct which they themselves have
decided to adopt or contemplate adopting on the
market constitutes a concerted practice where
the object or effect of such contact is to create
conditions of competition which do not correspond
to the normal conditions of the market in
32Dokaz UR
- In order to prove that there has been a concerted
practice, it is not therefore necessary to show
that a trader has formally undertaken to adopt a
particular course of conduct or that the
competitors have colluded over their future
conduct on the market. - It is sufficient that, by its statement of
intention, the trader eliminated or, at the very
least, substantially reduced uncertainty as to
the conduct to expect of it on the market.
33Vertikalna razmerja (Pioneer)
- A company whose purpose is to import and
organize the sale of products in several Member
States and which to that end attempts to find a
distributor in each of the Member States in
question, offers it an exclusive distributorship
agreement, divides the products imported amongst
the national distributors - and seeks to coordinate their sales efforts,
inter alia by holding regular meetings, is
obliged, on account of its central position, to
display particular vigilance in order to prevent
concerted practices contrary to the competition
rules, even if those activities do not
necessarily confer on it a decisive influence on
the conduct of each of the distributors.
34UR in dopustno naravno paralelno ravnanje
- Pri UR ni bistvo v razlikovanju med sporazumom in
UR ampak v razlikovanju med UR in dopustnim
paralelnim obnašanjem na trgu, ki ne nasprotuje
konkurencnopravnim pravilom!!! - Lahko problem v situaciji oligopola
- Malo prodajalcev
- Težko dostopen trg
- Malo diferenciacije proizvodov
- Transparentnost stroškov in cen
- Naravno nižanje cen
- Problem je struktura trga in ne ravnanje
36UR in paralelno ravnanje
- Conscious parallellism
- Sprejemljiva razlaga enakega/podobnega ravnanja
- ICI (Dyrestuffs)
- Sugar (Suiker Unie)
- Züchner v. Bayerische Bank provizije za transfer
sredstev med DC - Asturienne Rheinzink
- Woodpulp
37ICI v Commission, case 48-69
- Although every producer is free to change his
prices, taking into account the conduct of his
competitors, - it is contrary to the rules on competition for a
producer to cooperate with his competitors, - in order to determine a coordinated course of
action relating to a price increase and - to ensure its success by prior elimination of all
uncertainty as to each other' s conduct regarding
the essential elements of that action, such as
the amount, subject-matter, date and place of the
38Suiker Unie (Sugar Cartel)
- " each economic operator must determine
independently the policy which he intends to
adopt on the common market including the choice
of the persons and undertakings to which he makes
offers or sells. - this requirement of independence does not deprive
economic operators of the right to adapt
themselves intelligently to the existing and
anticipated conduct of their competitors,
39Suikerunie (Sugar Cartel)
- it does, however, strictly preclude any direct
or indirect contact between such operators, the
object or effect whereof is either to influence
the conduct on the market of an actual or
potential competitor or - to disclose to such a competitor the course of
conduct which they themselves have decided to
adopt or contemplate adopting on the market..
40Züchner v. Bayerische Bank -
- Ali so se stiki nanacali na provizije v
preteklosti ali v prihodnosti? - Ali bi bile provizije v situaciji konkurence
razlicne? - Število in pomen bank, ki so aktivne v
transferjih denarja med DC - Volumen transferjev kjer se je uporabila enotna
tarifa v primerjavi s skupnim številom
- Obljuba konkurentu, da ne bo konkuriral na
dolocenem trgu - Izmenjava info med konkurentoma na podlagi
prošnje enega od njih - did not make it inconceivable that the Italian
undertaking, despite everything, allowed the
information to influence its export prices".
42Sprejemljiva drugacna razlaga ravnanja
- Asturienne Rheinzink
- Woodpulp
- Parallel conduct cannot be regarded as
furnishing proof of concertation unless
concertation constitutes the only plausible
explanation for such conduct - Article 81 does not deprive economic operators
of the right to adapt themselves intelligently to
the existing and anticipated conduct of their
competitors. - necessary to ascertain whether the parallel
conduct cannot, taking account of the nature of
the products, the size and the number of the
undertakings and the volume of the market in
question, be explained otherwise than by
44- it must be stated that, in this case,
concertation is not the only plausible
explanation for the parallel conduct. - the system of price announcements may be regarded
as constituting a rational response to the fact
that the pulp market constituted a long-term
market and to the need felt by both buyers and
sellers to limit commercial risks. - The similarity in the dates of price
announcements may be regarded as a direct result
of the high degree of market transparency. - Finally, the parallelism of prices and the price
trends may be satisfactorily explained by the
oligopolistic tendencies of the market and by the
specific circumstances prevailing in certain
periods. - Accordingly, the parallel conduct established by
the Commission does not constitute evidence of
- Dogovarjanje cen
- Quinine, Dystuffs (ICI), Cement Cartel, Sugar
Cartel - Omejitve proizvodnje/prodaje (kvote)
- Qinine, Belasco
- Delitev trgov (nacelo domacega trga)
- Cement Cartel, Peroxygen, SAS/Maersk
- Dogovarjanje glede ponudb na javnih razpisih (bid
rigging) - Heating pipes
- Omejevanje reklamiranja ipd.
- Milchforderungfonds
- Leniency
46Zastopanje, distribucija, franchising, licenca
- Lastna distribucija ali vertikalna integracija,
- zastopanje,
- Pristno in nepristno zastopanje (alokacija
rizikov) - Distribuciske pogodbe
- Ekskluzivna distribucija (STM)
- Selektivni distribucijski sistemi (Metro, BMW)
47Ekskluzivna distribucija (STM)
- it is appropriate to take into account in
particular - the nature and quantity, limited or otherwise, of
the products covered by the agreement, - the position and importance of the grantor and
the concessionnaire on the market for the
products concerned, - the isolated nature of the disputed agreement or,
alternatively, its position in a series of
agreements, - the severity of the clauses intended to protect
the exclusive dealership or, alternatively, - the opportunities allowed for other commercial
competitors in the same products by way of
parallel re-exportation and importation.
48Selektivna distribucija Metro
- selective distribution system accords with
Article 81(1), provided that - resellers are chosen on the basis of objective
criteria of a qualitative nature relating to - technical qualifications of the reseller and his
staff and - the suitability of his trading premises and
- that such conditions are laid down uniformly for
all potential resellers and are not applied in a
discriminatory fashion.
- Pronuptia, Yves Rocher
- Specificna skupinska izjema4087/88
- Sedaj splošna glede vertikalnih razmerij 2790/99
50Namen ali ucinek - omejevanje konkurence
- Kaj je omejevanje konkurence?
- Horizontalne in vertikalne omejitve
- Absolutna teritorialna zašcita
- Tudi pozitivni ucinki
- Dva možna pristopa
- Široka razlaga 81/1 in uporaba možnosti izjem
- Ožja razlaga 81/1 in manj potrebe po izjemah
51Namen ali ucinek omejevanje konkurence
- Alternativno
- ekskluzivne klavzule
- Consten Grundig
- hard core restrictions (omejitev per se)
52Object or effect preventing, limiting or
distorting of competition
53Object or effect (STM)
- The fact that these are not cumulative but
alternative requirements, indicated by the
conjunction 'or,' leads first to the need to
consider the precise purpose of the agreement, in
the economic context in which it is to be
applied. -
- Where, however, an analysis of the said clauses
does not reveal the effect on competition to be
sufficiently deleterious, the consequences of the
agreement should then be considered and for it to
be caught by the prohibition it is then necessary
to find that those factors are present which show
that competition had in fact been prevented or
restricted or distorted to an appreciable extent.
54Consten Grundig
- Since the agreement thus aims at isolating the
French market for Grundig products and
maintaining artificially, for products of a very
well-known brand, separate national markets
within the community, it is therefore such as to
distort competition in the common market. - It was therefore proper for the contested
decision to hold that the agreement constitutes
an infringement of Article 81(1). No further
considerations, whether of economic data (price
differences between France and Germany,
representative character of the type of appliance
considered - and no possible favourable effects of the
agreement in other respects, can in any way lead,
in the face of the abovementioned restrictions,
to a different solution under Article 81(1).
55Economska analiza (STM)
- The competition in question must be understood
within the actual context in which it would occur
in the absence of the agreement in dispute. - In particular it may be doubted whether there is
an interference with competition if the said
agreement seems really necessary for the
penetration of a new area by an undertaking. - Therefore, in order to decide whether an
agreement containing a clause 'granting an
exclusive right of sale' is to be considered as
prohibited by reason of its object or of its
effect, it is appropriate to take into account in
56- the nature and quantity, limited or otherwise, of
the products covered by the agreement, - the position and importance of the grantor and
the concessionaire on the market for the products
concerned, - the isolated nature of the disputed agreement,
or, alternatively, its position in a series of
agreements, - the severity of the clauses intended to protect
the exclusive dealership or, alternatively, - the opportunities allowed for other commercial
competitors in the same products by way of
parallel re-exportation and importation. "
57Omejitve per se - 81(1)
- a) neposredno ali posredno dolocajo nakupne ali
prodajne cene ali druge pogoje poslovanja - b) omejujejo ali nadzorujejo proizvodnjo, trge,
tehnicni razvoj ali naložbe - c) dolocajo razdelitev trgov in virov nabave
- d) uvajajo neenake pogoje za primerljive posle z
drugimi trgovinskimi partnerji in jih tako
postavljajo v podrejen konkurencni položaj - e) pogojujejo sklepanje pogodb s tem, da
sopogodbeniki sprejmejo dodatne obveznosti, ki po
svoji naravi ali glede na trgovinske obicaje
nimajo nikakršne zveze s predmetom takšnih
58Zadosten ucinek na konkurenco
- De minimis doktrina (Völk v. Vervaecke)
- Mreže sporazumov (network agreements (Brasserie
De Haecht) - Sporocilo Komisije 2001
- Horizontalni 10
- Vertikalni 15
59Völk v. Vervaecke
- If an agreement is to be capable of affecting
trade between member states it must be possible
to foresee with a sufficient degree of
probability on the basis of a set of objective
factors of law or of fact - that the agreement in question may have an
influence, direct or indirect, actual or
potential, - on the pattern of trade between member states in
such a way that it might hinder the attainment of
the objectives of a single market between states.
60- Those conditions must be understood by reference
to the actual circumstances of the agreement.
Consequently - an agreement falls outside the prohibition in
Article 81 when it has only an insignificant
effect on the markets, taking into account the
weak position which the persons concerned have on
the market of the product in question. - Thus an exclusive dealing agreement, even with
absolute territorial protection, may, having
regard to the weak position of the persons
concerned on the market in the products in
question in the area covered by the absolute
protection, escape the prohibition laid down in
article 81(1).
61Mreže sporazumov
- Kumulativni ucinek
- Brasserie de Haecht
- Delimitis
62Brasserie De Haecht kumulativni ucinki
- regard must be had to such effects in the
context in which they occur, that is to say, in
the economic and legal context of such
agreements, decisions or practices and where they
might combine with others to have a cumulative
effect on competition. - pointless to consider an agreement taken
distinct from the market in which they are seen
to operate
63- Thus in order to examine whether it is caught by
Article 81(1) an agreement cannot be examined
in isolation from - the factual or legal circumstances causing it to
prevent, restrict or distort competition. - The existence of similar contracts may be taken
into consideration for this objective to the
extent to which the general body of contracts of
this type is capable of restricting the freedom
of trade. ... - The existence of similar contracts is a
circumstance which, together with others, is
capable of being a factor in the economic and
legal context within which the contract must be
64ECJ in Delimitis
- ... the cumulative effect of several similar
agreements constitutes one factor - consequently, in the present case it is
necessary to analyse the effect of a beer supply
agreement, taken together with other contracts of
the same type, - on the opportunities of national competitors or
those from other Member States, to gain access to
the market for beer consumption or to increase
their market share " -
65Ucinek na trgovino med DC
66Cezmejna trgovina
- Razmejitev pristojnosti med ES in DC
- Minimalen cezmejni ucinek
- Sporocilo K 2004
- Tudi glede NUVK in sodišc
- Trgovina Zajema vsako ekonomsko aktivnost
- Vzorec trgovanja (pattern of trade) med DC
- Struktura trgovanja v ES (zlasti eliminacija
gospodarskega subjekta)
67Vzorec trgovanja (STM)
- it must be possible to foresee with a
sufficient degree of probability on the basis of
a set of objective factors of law or of fact that
the agreement in question may have an influence,
direct or indirect, actual or potential, on the
pattern of trade between Member States. - The influence thus foreseeable must give rise to
a fear that the realization of a single market
between Member States might be impeded.
- Faktorji, za katere posamicno ni nujno, da so
odlocilni - Narava sporazuma c.a.
- Narava proizvodov na katere se sporazum nanaša
- Položaj in pomen udeleženih podjetij
69Povecanje volumna trgovanja
- Consten Grundig
- Ni pomembno
70Delitev trgov
- Vertikalni sporazumi
- Teritorialne omejitve
- Prepoved prodaje zunaj teritorija
- Horizontalni sporazumi
- Sporazumi, ki se nanašajo na tretje države
71Sporazumi glede ene DC
- Delimitis
- Ekskluziva in access clause
- Pronuptia
- Cementhandelaren (VCH)
- compartmentalisation
- " . .. distribution franchise agreements which
contain clauses effecting a partitioning of
markets between franchisor and franchisees or
between franchisees are per se capable of
affecting trade between Member States, even if
they are concluded between enterprises
established in the same Member State, - to the extent that they prevent the franchisees
from setting themselves up in another Member
- An agreement extending over the whole of the
territory of a Member State by its very nature
has the effect of reinforcing the
compartmentalization of markets on a national
basis... - in particular, the by the association on all
sales to resellers who are not authorized by it
make it more difficult for producers or sellers
from other Member States to be active in or
penetrate the Netherlands market. -
74Sankcija 81(2) PES
- Nicnost ex lege
- Možnost delne nicnosti (nac. pravo)
- Consten Grundig
- Odškodninski in opustitveni zahtevki (private
75Namen izjem po 81/3
- Interpretacija 81/1
- Proti- in prokonkurencni vidiki sporazuma
- Ucinkovitost
- Boljši produkti, nižje cene
- Tehtanje
- Socialno-politicni faktorji (kontekst)
764 pogoji iz 81/3
- Kumulativno
- Dokazno breme podjetje
- Navodila Komisije OJ (2004) C101/97
77Izjeme po 3. odstavku 81. clena
- Prispevek k napredku proizvodnje ali distribucije
blaga ali k promociji tehnicnega ali
gospodarskega napredka - Omogocanje poštenega deleža ugodnosti potrošnikom
- Pogodba ne sme naložiti podjetjem omejitev, ki
niso nujne - Pogodba ne sme podjetjem omogociti možnosti za
izkljucitev konkurence glede znatnega dela
proizvodov - Kumulativno!!
78Prispevek k napredku proizvodnje ali distribucije
blaga ali k promociji tehnicnega ali
gospodarskega napredka
- Povecanje ucinkovitosti
- Volkswagen/Ford
- Synthetic fibres
- Drugi ucinki
- Zaposlovanje in sociala
- Volkswagen/Ford
- Okolje
- Exxon/Shell
79Pošten delež potrošnikom
- Širok pojem potrošnikov (odjemalci)
- Vsaj kompenzirati negativne ucinke sporazuma
- Kriterij ni bil izpolnjen
- SPO and Others v. Commission
80Nujnost omejitve
- Dvojni test
- Nujen sporazum kot tak
- Nujne tudi posamezne omejitve
- Ali se cilj lahko bolj ucinkovito oseže z
omejitvami konkurence - hard core restrictions naceloma ne izpolnjujejo
81Omejitev ne izkljucuje konkurence
- Varovanje konkurence ima prednost pred evt.
pozitivnimi ucinki - Analiza ucinkov omejitev (Navodila Komisije)
82Uporaba izjem
- Do 1.4.2004
- Odloca Komisija (CFI in ECJ)
- Ovezna priglasitev
- Po reformi
- Odlocajo nacionalni uradi (nacionalna sodišca)
- Lahko tudi Komisija
- Ni vec priglasitve
83Odlocbe Komisije - stari sistem
- Comfort letter (neformalna poravnava)
- Zacasna odlocba
- Negativni izvid (negative clearance)
- Ugotovitev kršitve
- Individualna izjema
- Skupinska izjema (uredba)
84Odlocbe Komisije - novi sistem
- Ugotovitev kršitve
- Sprejem zaveze podjetja
- Odlocba o uporabi ali neuporabi 81/1 ali 82 clena
ali izpolnjevanju pogojev 8/3 clena clena glede
dolocenih vrst sporazumov - Skupinska izjema (uredba)
85Nacionalni organi odlocitve (5. clen)
- Zahtevajo prenehanje kršitve
- Izdajo zacasne ukrepe
- Sprejemajo zaveze
- Nalagajo kazni
86Nacionalna sodišca
- Sporazum omejuje konkurenco (81/1
- Sporazum izpolnjuje kriterije po 81/3
- Sporazum je nicen (81/2 clen)
87Skupinske izjeme
- Uredbe Komisije (izjemoma Svet)
- Delimitis (vloga nacionalnih sodišc)