Title: Skeletal System
1Skeletal System
2Skeletal System Cartilage
- Skeletal cartilage consists primarily of water.
(80) - Cartilage contains no nerves or blood vessels.
- Chondroblasts new cell growth cells
- Chondrocytes mature cells
- Lacunae groups of cavities that contain the
3Three types of cartilage
Fibrocartilage Tensile strength with the ability
to absorb compressive shock
- Elastic cartilage
- Maintains shape while allowing great flexibility
- Hyaline Cartilage
- Most abundant
4Skeletal System
- Organization of the skeletal system
- Axial skeleton revolves around the vertical axis
of the skeleton - Appendicular skeleton make up the limbs that
have been appended to the axial skeleton
- Consists of
- bones
- Cartilage
- Membranes that
- Line the bones.
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8- Types of Bones
- 1.Long bones are longer than they are wide.
- 2. Short bones are cubelike, about as long as
they are wide. - 3. Flat bones, such as ribs and skull bones, are
thin or flattened. - 4. Irregular bones, such as vertebra, facial
bones, have specific shapes unlike the other
types of bones.
9Functions of bones
- Support bones provide a framework for the
attachment of muscles and other tissue - Protection bones such as the skull and rib cage
protect internal organs from injury - Movement bones enable body movements by acting
as levers and points of attachment for muscles. - Mineral storage. Bones serve as a reservoir for
calcium and phosphorus, essential minerals for
various cellular activities throughout the body. - Blood cell production the production of blood
cells (hematopoietic) occurs in the red marrow
found within the cavities of certain bones. - Energy storage lipids(fats) stored in adipose
cells of the yellow marrow serve as an energy
- Bone is an organ that includes
- Connective tissue(bone, blood, cartilage,
adipose, and fibrous connective tissue) - Nervous tissue
- Muscle and epithelial tissues (within the blood
11Bone Structure Gross Anatomy
12Two types of bone tissue
- Compact bone is the hard material that makes up
the shaft of long bones and the outside surfaces
of other bones.
13Two types of bone tissue
- Spongy bone consists of thin, irregularly shaped
plates called trabeculae, arranged in a
latticework network.
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16Long bone structure
- Location of Hematopoietic tissue in bones
- Red marrow located within cavities of spongy bone
of long bones and in the diploe of flat bones - Infants all areas of spongy bone contain red
blood cells - Adults in the head of the femur and humerus, flat
bone of sternum, and irregular bone of the
Epiphyseal line
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18Microscopic Structure of Bone
19Chemical Composition of Bone
- Bone consists of organic and inorganic components
- Organic components include the cells
(osteoblasts, osteocytes, and osteoclasts) and
Osteoids - Inorganic components include hydroxyapatites
(mineral salts) largely calcium phosphates
20Organic bone cells
- Osteoblasts - bone-forming cells
- Osteocytes - mature bone cells
- Osteoclasts - large cells that resorb or break
down bone matrix - Osteoid - unmineralized bone matrix composed of
proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and collagen
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22Bone Markings
- The external surface of bones are rarely smooth
and featureless. - These marking are named in many different was.
- http//www.studystack.com/menu-210122
23Bone Development
- Osteogenesis and ossification are synonyms
indicating the process of bone tissue formation - Occurs when?
- Embryos leads to formation of the bony skeleton
- Bone growth until early adulthood to increase
in size (bones are capable of growing in
thickness throughout life.) - Ossification in adults serves mainly for
remodeling and repair of bones
24Formation of the Bony Skeleton
- Begins at week 8 of embryo development
- 1.Intramembranous ossification bones develops
from a fibrous membrane - Formation of most flat bones of the skull and the
clavicles - 2.Endochondral Ossification bone formation that
occurs by replacing hyaline cartilage - Begins in the second month of development
- Uses hyaline cartilage bones as models for bone
construction - Requires breakdown of hyaline cartilage prior to
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28Postnatal Bone GrowthBone Growth in length
- 1. Epiphyseal plate or cartilage growth plate
- cartilage cells are produced by mitosis on
epiphyseal side of plate - cartilage cells are destroyed and replaced by
bone on diaphyseal side of plate - Between ages 18 to 25, epiphyseal plates close.
- cartilage cells stop dividing and bone replaces
the cartilage (epiphyseal line) - Growth in length stops at age 25
29Growth in length of long bones
30Hormonal Regulation of bone growth during youth
- Initially promote adolescent growth spurts
- Cause masculinization and feminization of
specific parts of the skeleton - Later induce epiphyseal plate closure, ending
longitudinal bone growth
- Initially promote adolescent growth spurts
- Cause masculinization and feminization of
specific parts of the skeleton - Later induce epiphyseal plate closure, ending
longitudinal bone growth
31Bone Remodeling
- In adult skeletons, bone remodeling is balanced
bone deposit and removal, bone deposit occurs at
a greater rate when bone is injured, and bone
resorption allows minerals of degraded bone
matrix to move into the blood.
32Control of Remodeling
- The hormonal mechanism is mostly used to maintain
blood calcium homeostasis, and balances activity
of parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. - Nutrition - Ca, P, Mg, vitamins, A, C and D.
- In response to mechanical stress and gravity,
bone grows or remodels in ways that allow it to
withstand the stresses it experiences
- The human body contains some 1200-1400 g of
calcium - Over 99 of which is present as bone minerals
- Normal range is narrow 9-11 mg per 100ml of
blood by the hormonal control loop - Calcium is absorbed from the intestine under the
control of vit. D metabolism - Daily req birth to 10yrs 400-800 mg 11 to 24
yrs 1200-1500 mg
34Wolff's law - a bone grows or remodels in
response to the forces or demands placed upon it
35Comparing Skeletons
- Adult 206
- Child 275
- Adult Higher of yellow marrow and lower of
red marrow(sternum, pelvis, femur) - Child Higher of red marrow and lower of
yellow marrow - Adult higher of bone and lower of cartilage
- Child higher of cartilage and lower of bone
37Stages in the healing of a bone fracture
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40Homeostatic imbalances of Bone
- 1. Osteomalacia
- 2. Rickets
- 3. Osteoporosis
- 4. Pagets disease
- 5. achondroplasia
- 6. bony spur
- 7. ostealgia
- 8. osteitis
- 9. osteomyelitis
- 10. osteosarcoma
- 11. Pathologic fracture
- 12. traction
41Osteomalacia and Rickets
43Pagets disease
45Bony spur
49Joints (articulations) site where two or more
bones meet
- Function to give the body mobility and to hold
bones together - Joints are the weakest parts of the skeleton
- Functional Classification
- Synarthroses immovable joints
- Amphiarthroses movable joints
- Diarthroses freely moveable joints
50Classifying joints based on structure (PAGE 251)
51 52Synovial joint (page259-260)
- Plane
- Hinge
- Pivot
- Condyloid
- Pivot
- Saddle
- Ball and socket
53Diseases of the bone and/or skeletal sys.
- 5 conditions and/or diseases
- Symptoms
- Causes
- Treatments
- http//training.seer.cancer.gov/module_anatomy/uni