Title: Scuola estiva AiIG
1Scuola estiva AiIG Strategie e Gestione delle
Operations nelle Reti di Imprese
- Ideazione e progettazione di una ricerca
empirica - 15 settembre 2003
- Prof.Ing. Guido Capaldo
- DIEG-Università di Napoli Federico II
2Bibliografia di riferimento
- K.Howard, J.A. Sharp- The management of a student
research project, Gower Publishing, UK, 1983 - J.P. Sheppard, P.R. Nayyar, C.E. Summer -
Managing your doctoral program a practical
orientation, Production and Operations
Management,vol.9, n.4, 2000 - B.Sommer, R.Sommer - A practical guide to
behaviuoral research.Tools and techniques, Oxford
Universoty Press, New York, 1991
3Finalità della lezione
- Illustrare gli aspetti metodologici per la
pianificazione e la realizzazione di un progetto
di una ricerca empirica - Aspetti introduttivi (classificazione delle
tipologie di ricerca) - Lapproccio sistematico al processo di ricerca
- Gli elementi e le fasi di una ricerca empirica
- La pianificazione del progetto di ricerca
- La realizzazione del progetto di ricerca
- Esercitazione in gruppi
4What is research?
- We define research as seeking through
methodological processes to add to one own body
of knowledge and, hopefully, to that of others,
by the discovery of non-trivial facts and
insights (Howard, Sharp- 1983)
5Classifying Research
- Field (Aree di ricerca del SDS ING-IND 35)
- Purpose
- Approach
- Nature
6The purpose of research
- To review existing knowledge
- To describe some situation or problem
- Construction of something novel(model or
outcome) - Explanation (causal relationships, statistical
relationships, generalizations)
7I fondamenti teorici
- Una teoria esplicita
- I concetti (variabili)
- Le relazioni tra i concetti
- Lambito di validità di tali relazioni
- La sua verifica richiede
- La costruzione di misure (variabili ed indicatori
empirici) - La formulazione di ipotesi
- La creazione ed elaborazione di una base di dati
attraverso cui determinare il grado
corrispondenza fra realtà empirica e ipotesi
8I fondamenti teorici
- Concetti
- (riferimento e definizione degli oggetti o eventi
di interesse - (comportamenti, practices, percezioni, etc.))
- Proposizioni
- (affermazioni sulla relazione che intercorre tra
concetti) - Teoria
- (insieme di proposizioni interconnesse)
- Ipotesi
- (traduzione operativa delle proposizioni di
9I quesiti di ricerca
- Ricerca
- Confirmativa
- Esplorativa
- Descrittiva
10The nature of research (Grinyer, 1981)
- Pure theory (high contribution to knowledge, low
chance of successful) - Testing of existing theory
- Description of the state of the art
- Field Research Specific problem solution (low
contribution to knowledge, high chance of
11The approach to field research
- Case study
- Field experiment
- Survey
- Panel and Focus Group
12The approach to field research
- Case Study o Case Survey Studio di una specifica
o di un insieme limitato di unità di analisi - Field Experiment Studio dellimpatto sullunità
di analisi delle modificazioni indotte dal
ricercatore ( esperimenti) - Survey Research Studio di un campione di unità
di analisi attraverso questionari e/o interviste
strutturate e predefinite - Panel e Focus Group Interazione strutturata tra
un gruppo di persone (esperti) in relazione alla
tematica oggetto di studio
13A research process model The planning phase
14A research process model The effectuation phase
15Initial selection of a topic
- Criterion to identify potential research areas
- Identify an apparently novel topic
- Be able co convince himself and others
(supervisor) of the novelty of the topic - Process of topic selection?
16Initial selection of a topic
- Sources of research topics
- Communication with supervisor
- Previous Doctoral Theses
- Articles in academic and professional journey
- Books and book reviews
- Commmunication with experts in the field
- Communication with potential users of the
research findings
17Helping in generating research topics
- The underfocused student
- The ideas of topic is not specific enough to form
the basis of a viable thesis - He need method useful to him to identify a
researchable nich which he is capable of
exploiting with the time and resoirces at his
disposal - The overfocused student
- He has a clear idea of the research he wish to do
with the aim of pursuing a particular topic.
Possible risk it has been already and he is
anaware because of unfamiliarity whith the
frontiers of the topic - For both types of student methods capable of
suggesting alternative themes could be useful
18Techniques for generating research topics
- Use of analogy
- Perceived resemblance to particular subject area
could suggest fruitful line of enquiry in other
area - Methods of analysis devised for use in one field
could be profitably be employed in another field - Relevance trees
- Useful for generating aternative topics or for
fixing on some niche? - Morphological analysis
- It relies upon a threefold process
- Definining the key factors of a particular
subject - Listing the various attributes of the factor or
ways it can occur - Defining all feasible combinations of the
19Is the research feasible?
- 1. Availability of and access to data and
information - 2. Opportunity to pursue a particular reserach
design - 3. Time needed to complete the research
- 4. Technical skills needed
- 5. Financial support
- 6. Risk involved
20Has the research sufficient value?
- How do the results add to the body of knoweldge
in the specific field of the research? - Have results implication at theoretical and
managerial level? - How do the results could be implemented
21Is the research sufficiently symmetrical?
- If
- two or more outcomes may be possible
- hypothesis may be proved or disproved
- experiment may provide definite results or may be
inconclusive - each of the outcomes should represent acceptable
findings (high research symmetry)
22Examples of symmetrical reserach topic
- Research topic A the effect on career progress
of students attaining the degree of MBA - If it were found that MBA had no effect on career
progress this conclusion would be of considerable
value as would the contrary finding.. - Research topic B is the leadership theory based
on research in the private sector applicable
also to management in the public sector? - The hypothesis could be proved or disproved
either findings could be of considerable value
23Is there sufficient scope?
- Scope of the research the opportunity to
increase, reduce or even confirm current beliefs - Scope?Value
24Developing a research proposal
- 1. Topic analysis
- Useful to compare the various aspects of one or
more potentially acceptable topics - 2. Structuring the research proposal
- Useful to develop a realistic plan of action
(clear objectives, taking account of resources
and constraints)
25The topic analysis
- The hypothesis of the research
- Hypothesis ..a single statement that attemps to
explain or to predict a single phenomenon
(Simon, 1968) - Theory an entire system of interrelated thought
- Novel hypothesis substantiated?addition to the
body of knowledge?high value of research - A risk the purpose of the research lends itself
to trivial hypothesis. - A suggestion to avoid too detailed specification
of the research. It is usually better to identify
a single hypothesis with considerable potential
for testing
26Il disegno della ricerca - Survey Research
- Fornisce indicazioni quantitative
- Utilizza principalmente questionari
- Riguarda in genere un campione della popolazione
di riferimento - Viene classificata in base al tempo
(cross-sectional o longitudinale) e allo scopo
(esplorative, descrittive o confirmative)
27La raccolta dei dati
- Identificazione
- dellUnità di analisi ( oggetto da osservare)
- della Popolazione di riferimento ( Insieme
totale delle entità che hanno in comune almeno
una caratteristica di interesse) - del Campione ( sottoinsieme di elementi estratti
da una data popolazione) - Raccolta dati, utilizzando
- Basi di dati già disponibili
- Rilevazione sul campo
- Identificazione rispondenti
- Scelta/Costruzione delle Misure
- Predisposizione del Questionario / Check List
- Verifica Pilota
- Rilevazione
- Data Entry
28Lanalisi dei dati(in Forza, 2003)
29Lanalisi dei dati statistiche descrittive
In Forza (2002)
In Forza (2002)
31The structuring of research proposal
- The student should immagine that he is tendering
for a research contract through the medium of the
research proposal - Before embarking in the execution phase the
student must be able to satisfy himself and his
advisers that he is wholly familiar with previous
and current work in the area of his planned study - The final version of the proposal might be 10 to
15 pages in lenght. It will need to describe in
sufficient detail the approach which the student
will use.
32Provisional chapter details of research proposal
- 1. Introduction
- The general problem area, the specific problem,
why the topic is important, prior research,
approach of the thesis, limitations and key
assumptions,contribution to be made by the
research - 2. Survey of prior research
- If there is extensive prior research, the results
might be preferably be broken into two or more
chapters. - 3. Description of the research methodology
- It is important to describe in depth how the
research was conducted, which kind of method was
used and why
33Provisional chapter details of research proposal
- 4. Research results
- Data presentation, definition of the historical
analysis, etc. - 5. Analysis of the results
- Explanation of the conclusion that can be drawn
from the data, the implication for the theory,
etc. - 6. Summary and conclusions
- The thesis is summarised with emphasis upon the
results obtained and the contribution made by
results. Suggestions for further research are