Title: Bell Ringer
1Bell Ringer
- Please use your notebook and respond to the
following - S
- N
- A
- C
- K
- You have 3 minutes to list all the snacks you can
think of that begin with the letters above. List
at least 2 for each letter.
2The Food Guide Pyramid
- 2.02
- Diet Planning Resources
- Cassie Spurrier
3Sometimes we dont even realize WHAT we are
4Your Notes
- Lets label the sections
- 1. Bread, Cereal, Rice Pasta
- 2. Fruits
- 3. Vegetables
- 4. Meat, Poultry, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts
- 5. Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese
- 6. Fats, Oils, and Sweets
5(No Transcript)
6The food guide pyramid
- Provides the servings recommended for each food
group. - Snacks still count as part of the daily intake
7Bread, Cereal, Rice Pasta
- Would provide you with the most
- energy if you ate them before a game.
- Nutritionist suggest including whole grains
because they are a good source of FIBER. - Should be about half the total calories you eat
since they are a main source of energy!
- Includes all forms of fruit and fruit juices.
- Dried fruits like raisins are a good source of
iron. - Citrus fruits are especially rich in Vitamin C,
like oranges.
- Lots of vitamins!
- High in fiber (edible skins), low in fat.
- Good sources of vitamins (see handout)
- Choose a variety of vegetables to get a variety
of vitamins.
10Meat, Poultry, Fish, Dry Beans, Eggs, and Nuts
- Excellent sources of protein and the mineral
iron. Can help prevent diseases like anemia. - Deck of cards is 2-3 ounce serving.
- Protein helps teens build and repair body issue.
- Vegetarians may consume dry beans, legumes, or
nuts in place of meats.
11Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese
- Best sources of the mineral CALCIUM.
- Diets lacking in calcium develop osteoporosis.
- Helps build strong bones and teeth.
- Includes things like pudding and yogurt.
- Is fortified (nutrients added) with
- Vitamin A and Vitamin D
12Fats, Oils, Salts and Sweets
- Fast food is usually fattening so choose low fat
menu options like chicken, fruit sides, or
salads. - Healthy fats like olive oil are a good choice.
- The other food groups of the pyramid also have
natural fat and sugars so you should remember to
consume fats, oils, salts and sweets sparingly. - Beans can help reduce cholesterol.
13Dont forget water!
- 6-8 glasses a day.
- Water is 70 of your body weight.
- Eat foods like soup, watermelon, and fruits.
14(No Transcript)
15 16Bell Ringer
- In your notebooks, tell me about how you feel
about your body. - Do you think you are healthy?
- Is there anything you want to change if you
could? - Please respond with three sentences.
17The Dietary Guidelines
- Eat a variety of foods
- No bad or good foods.
- Moderation- avoiding extremes.
18Balance the foods you eat with physical activity.
- Lifestyle diseases-illnesses relating to how a
person lives and the choices they make. - Includes high blood pressure, heart disease,
stroke, diabetes, and some cancer. - Also anorexia and bulimia.
19Choose a diet with plenty of grains, vegetables,
and fruits.
- Carbs give energy!
digestion and helps prevent cancer. - Get your vitamins and minerals!
- Low in fat!
20Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and
- 30 or less of FAT per day.
- 10 or less of saturated fat per day.
- Animal foods give cholesteroland cholesterol can
lead to heart disease.
21Choose a diet moderate in sugars.
- American diets receive most of their sugar from
soda. - Sugar is calories and calories turn to fat.
22Choose a diet moderate in salt and sodium.
- Add a little if cooking. Use herbs and spices
instead. - Choose salty snacks OCCASIONALLY.in MODERATION.
- Processed foods are high in salt!
- Salt causes high blood pressure.
23(No Transcript)
24Reading the LabelWhat are Daily Values?
25Special Dietary ConcernsTypes of Vegetarians
- Lacto-ovo-vegetarian--eats dairy products, eggs,
in addition to plant sources - Lacto-vegetarian--eats dairy foods in addition to
plant sources - Ovo-vegetarian--eats eggs in addition to foods
from plant sources - Vegan--eats only food from plant sources
26Special Concerns for Vegetarians
- Some people become vegetarians because they are
concerned about animals. - Should consult with a nutrition counselor first
because they need to make sure they are getting
enough protein.
27Start on Pop Up Pyramid!
- Cut out the paper pyramid.
- One side should be labeled and have the servings
written in. - Another side should have a food visual that fits
in each section. - The last side should have three examples from
each section written in.