Title: PowerPoint-Pr
1Investitionen in Projekt B nach
Gruppe (Gelb25, Weiß10)
2Zweitstimmen bei der letzten Bundestagswahl
3Investition in Projekt B nach politischen
Lagern 0SPD/Grün/PDS 1CDU/FDP
4Investition in Projekt B nach politischen
Lagern 0SPD/Grün/PDS 1CDU/FDP
5Investition in Projekt B, Gruppe Gelb Nach
Investition in Projekt B, Gruppe Weiß Nach
6Durchschn. Rendite 14,6 Rendite B 11,98
7Durchschn. Rendite 6,4 Rendite B 2,81
8Ergebnisse OLS
(1) (2) (3) projekt_b_g projekt_b_w projek
t_b_alle alter -2.703 2.767 0.676 (1.74) (
2.25) (0.71) durschn__andere 0.850 0.667 0.76
8 (8.11) (6.12) (10.31) selb_ego1 -17
.188 -10.526 -13.024 (2.78) (1.81) (3.08)
and_ego1 16.346 1.388 7.385 (2.47) (0.
24) (1.69) BWL 6.006 -6.459 0.062 (0.87)
(1.06) (0.01) Wipaed 7.561 -8.864 -2.822 (
0.94) (1.19) (0.52) Magister 10.740 -2.909 1
.347 (0.96) (0.32) (0.19) male 11.776 -4.8
45 1.762 (1.97) (0.97) (0.47) Heimschlaefer
3.426 7.251 3.560 (0.52) (1.22) (0.83) sib
lings -2.536 3.791 0.613 (0.38) (0.64) (0
.14) Ost -2.403 5.678 1.687 (0.30) (0.80)
(0.32) gelb 12.346 (3.38) Constant
64.916 -53.688 -12.711 (1.83) (1.76) (0.
55) Observations 127 139 266 R-squared 0.44
0.29 0.37 Absolute value of t statistics in
parentheses significant at 5 significant
at 1
9Ergebnisse Tobit-Regression
(1) (2) (3) projekt_b_g projekt_b_w projek
t_b_alle alter -6.231 5.571 1.024 (2.40)
(2.51) (0.61) durschn__andere 1.452 1.319 1.3
73 (7.31) (5.90) (9.25) selb_ego1 -31
.849 -22.216 -25.281 (3.09) (2.08) (3.35
) and_ego1 31.172 4.372 15.012 (2.83)
(0.42) (1.94) BWL 10.842 -13.761 0.268 (0.
94) (1.20) (0.03) Wipaed 18.854 -19.292 -4.1
61 (1.38) (1.43) (0.43) Magister 16.309 -2
.346 2.883 (0.91) (0.15) (0.24) male 25.66
6 -13.000 2.173 (2.55) (1.41) (0.32) Heims
chlaefer 7.966 8.374 4.052 (0.73) (0.75) (
0.52) siblings -3.260 5.406 -0.440 (0.30)
(0.50) (0.06) Ost -0.330 12.762 4.781 (0.0
2) (0.98) (0.50) gelb 21.369 (3.27)
Constant 109.504 -145.821 -52.591 (1.88)
(2.59) (1.30) Observations 127 139 266 Abs
olute value of t statistics in parentheses
significant at 5 significant at 1