Title: Folie 1
1Study Project TRANS-CSP Trans-Mediterranean
Interconnection for Concentrating Solar Power
(WP02 Scenario) Project for the Research
Development Programme of the German Federal
Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety (BMU)
2WP02 Scenario Scope Develop a sustainable
scenario for power generation in Europe taking
into consideration the transfer of solar
electricity from MENA Result A well balanced
mix of renewables with fossil fuel backup can
provide low cost, secure and compatible
electricity for Europe. Solar electricity imports
can significantly reduce the electricity cost.
3Driving Force for Electricity Demand Growth of
4Driving Force for Electricity Demand Population
5Driving Force for Electricity Demand
Electricity Intensity
y a x b
Fitting Empirical Data of 25 (150) Countries
6Development of the Per Capita Electricity Demand
7Gross Electricity Demand in the Analysed Countries
8Plenty Renewable Energy Resources in EUMENA
Biomass (1)
In brackets (Typical Yield in GWhel/km²/y)
Geothermal Energy (1)
Wind Energy (30)
Hydropower (30)
Every 10 km² in MENA yield 15 million barrels of
fuel oil per year in form of solar energy
Solar Energy (250)
9Economic Renewable Electricity Potentials vs.
Demand in EUMENA
gt 630 000
10Parameters for Electricity Cost Calculation in
the Scenario
11Specific Investment of Power Technologies
(Example Spain)
Nuclear power increasing cost of waste disposal
and security
12Electricity Cost of Power Technologies (Example
CO2 Capture and Sequestration (CCS) included in
fossil fueled generation costs after 2020 CSP in
solar only operation
13TRANS-CSP Electricity Generation in Europe
14TRANS-CSP Import Dependency vs. Current Trend
15TRANS-CSP Installed Capacity in Europe
At any time, peak power demand is covered with an
extra 25 reserve of firm power capacity
16TRANS-CSP delivers Power on Demand Peaking vs.
Fluctuating Capacity
17A Well Balanced Mix provides Firm Power on Demand
Hourly time series modelling of power supply in
the TRANS-CSP scenario
18A Well Balanced Mix provides Firm Power on Demand
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22Renewable Energy Resource Indicators
FLh Annual Full Load Hours THDR
Temperature of Hot Dry Rocks in
5000 m Depth DNI Direct Normal
Irradiance GTI Global Irradiance on
Surface tilted by Latitude
23Renewable Electricity Potentials in TWh/y