Title: The Radical Left and Conservative Movement
1The Radical Left and Conservative Movement
2Left vs. Right
- The Left is associated with liberals, most
often Democrats - The Right is associated with conservatives,
most often Republicans
3The New Lefts Beliefs
- Liberalism was the establishment.
- Establishment the dominant group or elite that
holds power and is opposed to change - They believed the Democrates were not liberal
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5S.D.S.Students for a Democratic - Society
- Who Well educated, middle class, college
students, inspired by the Civil Right Movement - Why Only students had the time to invest
6Goals of the S.D.S.
- Wanted Liberal agendas to be carried out
- Civil Rights, War on Poverty etc..
- Liberalism from the bottom up, grassroots
- Democracy at every level (participatory
Democracy purest form) - Felt heart of Dem. Party was corrupt (Ike, JFK)
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8S.D.S. Moves Toward Anti-War
- 1965 the war in Vietnam escalates
- S.D.S. begins first anti-war demonstrations
9Abby Hoffman
10Abby Hoffman
- A leader of the Weatherman
- Encouraged others to survive by stealing
- Ave American thought he was too extreme and a
stupid hippie
11The Weatherman
Weatherman Day of Rage October 1962
12The Weatherman dont need a weatherman to tell
you which way the wind blows.
- Fell in love w/ the romantic idea of 3rd world
commy (college kids) - Revolution only way to change Radical
Violence - Confront war makers (Chicago)
- By 1970 some became bombers
13U Michigan
14U Michigan
15University of Wisconsin Madison May 1966
See my dad?
16Middle Americas view of New Left/Radicals
- Spoiled brats
- Working class kids no time to protest
- WAY too extreme and not in touch with reality
- Imagine what a WWII vet thinks of this
17Richard Nixon andAmerican Conservatism
- Conservative Dilemma
- Conservative Crusade
- Liberalism Besieged
- Richard Nixon
18 ConservativeDilemma
191960 Presidential Election
20Conservative Delema
- 1960 election was close (JFK won)
- What to do?
- Move to middle?
- Get back to conservative basics?
21Young Americans for Freedom(the student Right)
- Power is threatening liberty. (power of fed
govt - Goals
- Take control of party
- Take control of politics
22Young Americans for Freedom (1960)
- In this time of moral and political crises, it is
the responsibility of the youth of America to
affirm certain eternal truths. We, as young
conservatives, believe - That liberty is indivisible, and that political
freedom cannot long exist without economic
freedom - That the purpose of government is to protect
those freedoms through the preservation of
internal order, the provision of national
defense, and the administration of justice - That when government ventures beyond these
rightful functions, it accumulates power, which
tends to diminish order and liberty -
23- This is basic argument today role of fed govt in
our lives. - Left feels govt needs to step in to protect and
ensure rights - Right feels people or states do this. Govt may
get too strong - Frame this w/ Civil Rights
- States or Feds trusted to ensure rights
24Young Americans for Freedom (1960)
- That the market economy, allocating resources by
the free play of supply and demand, is the single
economic system compatible with the requirements
of personal freedom and constitutional
government, and that it is at the same time the
most productive supplier of human needs - That when government interferes with the work of
the market economy, it tends to reduce the moral
and physical strength of the nation that when it
takes from one man to bestow on another, it
diminishes the incentive of the first, the
integrity of the second, and the moral autonomy
of both - That the forces of international Communism are,
at present, the greatest single threat to these
25ConservativeCrusade -Barry Goldwater
- Voted against Civil Rights Act of 64
- Felt unconst. Govt should not step in and tell
states what to do. - Racist or Upholding conservative thought?
- Believed in voluntary integration
- Feared racial backlash that would make things
28Barry Goldwater (1964)
- Security from domestic violence, no less than
from foreign aggression, is the most elementary
and fundamental purpose of any government, and a
government that cannot fulfill that purpose is
one that cannot long command the loyalty of its
citizens. History shows us demonstrates that
nothing prepares the way for tyranny more than
the failure of public officials to keep the
streets from bullies and marauders. This is a
party, this Republican Party, a Party for free
men, not for blind followers, and not for
conformists. Anyone who joins us in all
sincerity, we welcome. Those who do not care for
our cause, we dont expect to enter our ranks in
any case. And let our Republicanism, so focused
and so dedicated, not be made fuzzy and futile by
unthinking and stupid labels. I would remind you
that extremism in the defense of liberty is no
vice. And let me remind you also that moderation
in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.
29Law and Order
- Street Crime
- Civil Unrest
- Moral Chaos
30Election of 1964
- Right (Goldwater) Pushes idea of Law and Order
- Street crime, civil unrest (riots) moral chaos
(drugs/sexual revolution) - Left (LBJ) Pushes idea of Civil Rights, War on
Poverty and The Great Society. Carrying out JFK
311964 LBJ wins by Landslide
- Americans felt Goldwater to be
- Too angry.
- Not ready for his conservative message
- Wanted to see LBJs policies carried out
321964 Presidential Election
33 Liberalism Besieged
Riots and assassinations rock the county
Who are the good guys? A matter of perspective.
34Watts (1965)
35Detroit (1967)
Troops couldnt restore order
Notice age of these National Guard troops
36MLK Assassinated (1968)
37Robert Kennedy
38D.C. Riot (1968)
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42Democratic Convention (1968)
43Battle of Michigan Avenue
44Election 68
- Due to these events Law and Order becomes 1
campaign issue. - Middle America / Silent Majority is tired and
scared of unrest. - LBJ doesnt run to due Vietnam
45 Richard Nixon
- Worked hard for a comeback
- Resented JFK
- Everything handed to them
- Law Order
- Found the hot topic
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47Nixon Campaign (1968)
48Nixon Campaign (1968)
491968 Presidential Election
50The War of Ideas Right v Left
- Govt action to achieve equality
- Govt duty is to alleviate social problems
(poverty, injustice) - Govt duty is to protect individual civil
liberties and human rights
- Empower individuals to solve own problems
- Govt small role in individual lives
- Govt should not restrict business and markets.
- Individuals and businesses are best to monitor
own behavior