Title: PowerPoint-Pr
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2ViPOS development history
Functional and technical specification 1987
NiPOS (Niedersächsisches Port Operating
System) was developed by bremenports and
subcontractors under the functional specification
of the ports Brake/Nordenham Cuxhaven Emden Wilhe
lmshaven with an again improved user interface
- BrePOS (version 2)
- was totally new developed by the IT-Staff of the
Hansestadt Bremisches Hafenamt - which is nowadays the port authority of the port
groups Bremen and Bremerhaven. - mayor changes are
- based on microsoft NT-platform
- geographical user interface based on original
harbour plans
the functional and technical specification was
made by the Hansestadt Bremisches
Amt Bremerhaven (former port authority of
BrePOS (Bremen Port Operating System) based on a
UNIX platform was developed by the Datenbank
Bremische Häfen (dbh) and implemented in the port
groups Bremen and Bremerhaven
- (Visual Port Operating System)
- we are working hard on this new version.
- The essential improvements will be
- a multilingual user interface
- improved database
- improved communication via Internet
- additional mudules e.g. AIS, traffic and object
simulation, control of waste, garbage, oily
resedues, etc.
BrePOS (version 1) implementation 1989 - 1995
BrePOS (version 2) implementation 1995 ?
NiPOS (version 1) implementation 2001 ?
ViPOS (international version)
3ViPOS development history
our goals
Functional and technical specification 1987
- to improve the safety in ports
- to create unified operational
- model for different parties in port
- common information technology
- solution
BrePOS (version 1) implementation 1989 - 1995
BrePOS (version 2) implementation 1995 ?
our skills
NiPOS (version 1) implementation 2001 ?
- Solutions made from user
- for users
- 15 years experience in
- state of the art VTMIS-Systems
ViPOS (international version) currently
under development
4Our VTMIS (Vessel Traffic Management and
Information System) can be used in small, medium
and large sized ports ! Currently it is
implemented in the following German ports
5Port of Bremen
6Port of Cuxhaven
7Ports of Brake and Nordenham
8Port of Emden
9Port of Wilhelmshaven
10Port of Bremerhaven
In the Ports of Bremen and Bremerhaven presently
used for
Graphically assisted control and monitoring of
the shipping traffic
Graphically assisted control and monitoring of
hazardous goods
Calculation and automatic billing of port
12flow of information
movement of ships, DG-announcements, status
information, etc.
ViPOS communication interface
ViPOS clients
13and water-pipes ...
and DG-Container
Want to see ships ...
Users view
ViPOS - Software
Ship movement data
DG-container position
14Dangerous Goods Container
Bridge (closed)
Lock gate (closed)
15current screen position and scale
enlarge screen
navigation window
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19measurement of distances
20distance between ships 78 m
21Information and manipulation by point and
click !
22ships details
exact location and arrival at location
last and next port
23This function enables the ships information and
manipulation screen
24The information tree shows brief information
regarding the ships status. The tree is also
used to select certain items
This window is diveded in two parts
Details to the selected item
25In this example we have marked the item ETD
Change the date and time of departure or change
the actual draft
26Lets have a look at dangerous goods
27A partially expanded information tree...
...and the corresponding information to the
selected item
28You can catch a group of objects ...
29These are the details of a DG-position
30Sometimes there are too much information on
the screen ...
In this case you can hide unnecessary
object-groups ...
31Switch off all object-groups ...
32The result is an empty harbour (dont worry,
all objects are still there)
33 We only want to see class 3 - container
on the terminal
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35A click on the lock gate shows you the plan ...
What ships are planned for the lock ?
This is the list of the current planning
36Lets have a look at traffic planning
Shows only ships with confirmed departure
Complete traffic plan
37Confirmed departing ships
38show the planning for a certain berth
Shows only ships at a certain berth
39For further information please contact
Capt. Bernhard Sachtleber Elbinger Platz
1 D-27570 Bremerhaven Phone 49 471 596
13580 e-mail bernhard.sachtleber_at_bremenports.de
Dipl.-Ing. Martina Wellbrock Elbinger Platz
1 D-27570 Bremerhaven Phone 49 471 596
13584 e-mail martina.wellbrock_at_bremenports.de
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