Respiratory System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Respiratory System


Title: Respiratory System Author: vosborn Last modified by: vosborn Created Date: 10/19/2006 1:03:32 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Respiratory System

Respiratory System
  • Nose
  • Pharynx (throat)
  • Larynx
  • Trachea
  • Bronchi
  • Lungs
  • Alveoli (in lungs)
  • All parts distribute the air except the alveoli
  • Alveoli exchanges air
  • (puts it in the blood)

Accessory Structures
  • Oral cavity
  • Rib cage
  • diaphragm

Functions of the respiratory system
  • to move oxygen to the lungs so oxygen can enter
    the blood
  • To move carbon dioxide out of the blood cells to
    the lungs (exhaled out of the body)
  • Respiration- the term for the movement of oxygen
    into the lungs and the release of carbon dioxide
    from the lungs
  • blood vessels

Divisions of the respiratory System
  • 1. upper respiratory tract- includes nose,
    pharynx, larynx
  • 2. lower respiratory tract- includes trachea,
    bronchial tree (primary bronchi, secondary
    bronchi, tertiary bronchi), lungs

Components of air you breath in
  • 78-79 nitrogen
  • 21 oxygen
  • Trace amounts of
  • carbon dioxide
  • and other gases

  • Mostly made of cartilage
  • Includes the nasal cavity
  • nasal cavity- extends from external opening of
    nose to the pharynx
  • The nasal cavity has 2 parts
  • 1. external nares- nostrils
  • 2. internal nares- openings to the pharynx
  • Nasal septum- divides nasal cavity in half
  • -pressure on the nasal septum may cause nose
    bleeds called
  • epistaxis. It is rich in blood.

Functions of the nose
  • Mucous and nose
  • hairs filter the air
  • Humidifies the air/moistens air (air is 100
    humidified when it passes through the nose

nasal cavity infections
  • If the nasal cavity or nasal sinuses become
    infected by bacteria and viruses, the passages
    become blocked by thick mucous and it accumulates
    in the sinuses causing headaches.
  • Treatment use decongestants to thin the mucous
    allowing it to drain out and decreasing pressure

Pharynx (throat)
  • Connects the passage of
  • air from the nasal cavity to larynx
  • Connects the passage of food from the oral cavity
    to the esophagus

Parts of the pharynx
  • nasopharynx- 1st section of pharynx
  • -connects to nasal cavity
  • -in this region, the soft palate will rise to
    aid in swallowing. It closes off the nasal
    cavity to keep things from entering it.
  • 2. oropharynx- 2nd segment- joins nasopharynx
    to laryngopharynx
  • -where the oral cavity empties
  • laryngopharynx- 3rd segment-
  • -joins oropharynx to larynx

Larynx (voice box)
  • Connects to the pharynx
  • Has rings on the outside made of cartilage. The
    largest cartilage around the larynx is the
    thyroid cartilage (Adams apple). In females,
    this is not as large as in males.
  • Has structure called epiglottis which is a
    flap-like piece of cartilage that closes to keep
    food out of the windpipe (It stays open until
    swallowing occurs)

Larynx functions
  • Connect pharynx to trachea
  • Voice box produces sound
  • Removes particles using a ciliated mucous
  • Prevents solid and liquids from entering airway

Vocal cords called glottis
  • Paired ligaments that have folds that vibrate
    releasing sound by moving muscle.
  • The length and the tension of the cords changes
    which changes the voice.

  • Also called the windpipe
  • Function passes air from larynx to the 2 bronchi
  • Has C-shaped cartilage on the outside to protect
    and prevent the collapse of it if it is hit
  • Obstruction of it can cause death (oxygen cant
    get to cells)

  • Principal organs of respiration
  • Cone shaped
  • Right lung (3 lobes)
  • Left lung (2 lobes)

Structures in lungs
  • Hilum- where bronchi, vessels, and nerves enter
    the lungs
  • Upon entering the lungs, the bronchi branch to
    form the secondary bronchi and the branch to form
    the tertiary bronchi (bronchioles)
  • The branched bronchi is called the bronchial tree
    because it branches like a tree)
  • Alveoli-grape-like structures at the tip of the
    tertiary bronchi

  • Probably the most important respiratory
  • They are where gas exchange occurs
  • Where oxygen enters the blood
  • Where carbon dioxide exits the blood
  • alveoli
  • Blood

Thoracic cavity
  • Rib cage area/chest
  • Also called the thorax
  • 3 divisions
  • Right and left pleural (contains right and left
  • Mediastinum (houses the esophagus, trachea, large
    blood vessels, heart
  • Parietal layer- lines the entire thoracic cavity

Function of the thoracic cavity
  • Fluctuates in size to bring about inhalation
    (breathing in) and exhalation (breathing out)

Pulmonary ventilation (breathing)
  • Has 2 phases
  • 1. inhale
  • 2. exhale
  • How occurs?
  • Air moves in and out due to a pressure gradient
    (pressure differences in and out of lungs)
  • Normal air pressure is 760 mm Hg (outside lungs)
  • When the pressure inside lungs is less than
    outside lungs, air goes in lungs (breath
  • When pressure inside lungs is higher than outside
    lungs, air goes out (breath out/exhale)

  • Breathing in
  • How does it occur?
  • The diaphragm contracts which expands the
    thoracic cavity (rib cage lifts and expands)
  • This makes the pressure less in the lungs
    allowing more air to flow in from the outside

  • Breathing out
  • How it occurs?
  • Muscles of the ribs and the diaphragm relax
  • Rib cage declines to normal position which
    decreases the size of the lungs
  • The size of the lungs decreases which increases
    the pressure in the lungs pushing the air out
    (exhalation, expiration)

Gases of ventilation
  • Purpose of breathing is to take in oxygen and
    give off carbon dioxide
  • Every 5 seconds, we move 500 ml of air in and
    out of lungs
  • The air that is breathed in is made of 21 oxygen
  • The body uses 7 of the oxygen which leaves 14
    to breath back out. Also, the Carbon dioxide
    output increases by 5.6
  • This is why you can do mouth to mouth and still
    have enough oxygen to give to someone else

Gas Exchange in the lungs
  • Gas exchange in the lungs occurs between the air
    in the alveoli and the blood flowing thru the
  • Oxygen enters blood blood
  • Carbon dioxide leaves
  • blood
  • lungs
  • Air gets to the alveoli by the following path
  • Nose pharynx larynx trachea primary
    bronchi secondary bronchi tertiary
    bronchi alveoli
  • Air exits the lungs by reversing the above path

Oxygen transport in the blood
  • Once oxygen enters the blood from the lungs, it
    has to be taken to the cells of the body
  • It is transported in 2 ways
  • 1. some is dissolved in the plasma
  • 2. the rest is carried by red blood cells
  • (these cells have hemoglobin that attaches to
    and carries the oxygen)
  • Red blood cells

Breathing reflexes
  • Cough reflex- stimulated by foreign matter in the
    trachea or bronchi or accumulation of excess
  • -The glottis and epiglottis close which holds
    air in increasing the pressure in lungs
  • -The epiglottis then opens suddenly resulting in
    an upward thrust of air that removes the particle

Sneezing reflex
  • Stimulated by contaminates in the nasal cavity
    such as dust, mucous, other particles
  • The same process occurs like a cough except the
    burst of air goes thru the nose

Hiccup reflex
  • Due to spasmatic contraction of the diaphragm
  • Cause unknown
  • The spasms cause the glottis to close during
    inspiration which makes the sound

Yawn reflex
  • Unusual widening of the mouth which lets air in
    to the lungs
  • Reason is unknown
  • Sometimes it is thought to be a result of boredom
    (the brain wants more air to wake up)

Respiratory Disorders
  • Rhinitis- due to inflammation of the mucosa
  • of nasal cavity
  • -It is due to a virus ex. Common cold
  • -symptoms excessive dripping of fluid into
    the lower respiratory tract or out nostrils
  • -this may cause sore throat, coughing or
    upset stomach
  • -the nasal lining is irritated so it may cause
    sneezing to clear the nose
  • Treatment antihistimines and decongestants

  • Due to inflammation of the vocal cords and
  • Voice production becomes inhibited
  • Caused by infections, toxic fumes like smoking,
    vocal abuse, and alcohol ingestion

  • Sore throat
  • Due to infection of the pharynx due to a virus or
  • Strep throat due to infection of the
    streptococcus bacteria
  • Treatment of pharyngitis lozengers, rest,
    fluids, antibiotics, pain med.

Deviated septum
  • nasal septum is off center
  • Impairs proper breathing due to it being off
  • If it is extreme, it is corrected with surgery

  • Inflammation of the trachea and bronchial tree
  • Due to infection such as bacteria
  • Excessive fluid/mucous accumulates in bronchi and
    the airway seems to narrow
  • Results in a lot of coughing to clear the mucous
    out and difficulty breathing
  • Treatment antibiotics and breathing treatments

  • Inflammation that affects the airways of the
  • Due to infection such as bacteria, viruses, and
  • Alveoli and bronchi become plugged with thick
    fluid (pus)
  • Symptoms coughing, breathing faster
  • Treatment antibiotics, acetaminophen, breathing

Tuberculosis (TB)
  • Chronic infection due to myobacterium
  • Highly contagious
  • Lesions (large open sores) occur in the lungs
    causing coughing, fatigue, chest pain, fever,
    weight loss
  • Damage to the lung tissue makes the lung capacity
  • If treated, it can be cured

Lung cancer
  • Destroys the alveoli of the lungs
  • Most common cause is cigarette smoke
  • Lobectomy- removal of damaged area of lung

  • Due to spasms in the
  • muscle of the walls of
  • bronchi
  • It narrows the airways making breathing difficult
  • Spasms are triggered by stress, exercise,
    infection, allergic reactions
  • Typically inherited
  • Treatment inhalers that stop muscle spasms

  • Enlarged alveoli due to
  • damaged lung connective
  • tissue
  • Alveoli enlarge and
  • rupture
  • Alveoli are where gases enter the blood
  • (decreased alveoli decreases oxygen in blood)
  • Symptoms panting even with mild exertion
  • Due to enzymes damaging alveoli

Heimlech maneuver
  • Used to free foreign objects from the respiratory
    tract (choking)
  • Places arms around the
  • person and thrust the fists
  • up into the diaphragm area
  • This pushes air out rapidly
  • which sometimes blows out
  • the foreign object
  • Problem may break some ribs if done to hard and
    if can not do it if the patient is unconscious
  • Use another type if unconscious
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