Title: Introduction to FinFet
1Introduction to FinFet
2What does FinFet look Like
Bulk nmos
Silicon on insulator
3What does FinFet look like
3D view of FinFET
3D view of multi-fin FinFET
4What does FinFet look like
5Moores law and scaling theory
- Ideal scaling
- Reduce W,L by a factor of a
- Reduce the threshold voltage and supply voltage
by a factor of a - Increasing all of the doping levels by a
- (W,L,tox,VDD,VTH, etc, are scaled down by a
factor a) - For a ideal square-law device, Id is reduced by
a, but gm and intrinsic gain - Gm ro remain the same.
- As scaling into submicron region, Short Channel
effects prevent further scaling.
6Barrier lowering increases as channel length is
reduced, even at zero applied drain bias, because
the source and drain form pn junction with the
body, and so have associated built-in depletion
layers associated with them that become
significant partners in charge balance at short
channel lengths, even with no reverse bias
applied to increase depletion width
Short Channel EffectsDIBL
DIBL drain induced barrier lowering. DIBL
7Short Channel Effects Subthreshold swing
- Biasing a nmos in subthreshold resgion, Vgs lt
Vth, Vds is large enough. - Id u Cd W/L (KT/q)2 (exp(Vgs Vth)/M))
- Cd is capacitance of the depletion layer
under gate. - M (1 Cd/Cox)KT/q
- Id f(Vgs-Vth)
- To turn off the transistor, How much reduction of
(Vgs-Vth) could lead to a small enough Id. - Subthreshold Swing S d(Vgs)/d(log(Id)) 2.3
KT/q( 1 Cd/Cox) - The smaller S is , the better it is.
- Bad Subthreshold Swing will result in higher
off-state current if the Vgs applied to turn off
the transistor is the same.
8Short Channel Effects Velocity Saturation
- V u E ( E is small enough)
- V Vsat ( E is strong enough)
- As Vgs increases , the drain current saturates
well before pinch-off occurs.
9Barrier lowering increases as channel length is
reduced, even at zero applied drain bias, because
the source and drain form pn junction with the
body, and so have associated built-in depletion
layers associated with them that become
significant partners in charge balance at short
channel lengths, even with no reverse bias
applied to increase depletion width
Short Channel EffectsDIBL
DIBL drain induced barrier lowering. DIBL
- To reduce short channel effects, we need to
reduce Xd(channel depletion layer thickness), Xj(
Junction depletion width),Xox (oxide layer
thickness under gate).
The scale length of bulk MOSFET is an indication
of Lg. Lggt
11Dealing with Short Channel Effects in bulk MOSFET
- 1.Increasing body doping concentration
- 2.Using halo implant
High doping density results in Lower carrier
mobility high tunneling effect which increases
off-state currents Larger depletion capacitors
leading to high subthreshold swing which
increases off-state currents Larger parasitic
capacitance, Cgd, Cds.
12Dealing with Short Channel Effects in Fully
depleted Silicon on Insulator (SOI)
Use ultra-thin film (tsi is small) as the
conducting body, depletion layer is confined in
the film.( Xdlt tsi). Eliminate the junction
parasitic capacitors. Cuff off the leakage
current path from drain to substrate.
13From FD/SOI to FinFET
- Bend up the gate and narrow the gate. Fin width
2 film thickness - The effect body thickness is reduced by 2. Xd can
be regarded as - Fin width /2. To obtain good control of SCE, Leff
gt 1.5Wfin ( Fin width). - Finfet can operate at two mode, single gate and
double gate.
14FinFet characteristics
Lg 15nm
Some values
Threshold Voltage 0.196 V Subthreshold Slope
72 mV/decade Off Current 70 ?A/?m DIBL 64.67
Lg 30nm
15Approximate dc I-V equations?
- Square law?
- One way is using nth power law to computer the
FinFet current.
16FinFet Challenges or Opportunities
- Carrier mobility
- Lightly doped or undoped fin body increases
carrier mobility. - Short channel length enables velocity
overshoot, which increases mobility. - Low Vth decreases the vertical electric field
,which increases carrier mobility.
17FinFet Challenges or Opportunities
- Tunneling effects
- Gate to channel tunneling,
- Band to band tunneling at
- PN junction
18FinFet Challenges or Opportunities
- Parasitic resistance a raised source/drain
structure can be used to reduce the parasitic
resistance. - However, the overlap capacitance is increased.
- Prasitic resistance is the main adverse factor
which prevents finfets application, which leads
to lower speed and high noise.
19FinFet big advantages
- Having excellent control of short channel effects
in submicron regime and making transistors still
scalable. Due to this reason, the small- length
transistor can have a larger intrinsic gain
compared to the bulk counterpart. - Much Lower off-state current compared to bulk
counterpart. - Promising matching behavior.
- Low power design in digital circuit, such as RAM,
because of its low off-state current. - Power amplifier or other application in analog
area which requires good linearity.