Imperative and Subjunctive - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Imperative and Subjunctive


IMPERATIV I KONJUKTIV Glagolski na in (Mood) Postoje tri glagolska na ina: Indikativ (pokazni) the indicative mood. Koristi se da se konstatuju injenice ili ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Imperative and Subjunctive

Imperative and Subjunctive

Glagolski nacin (Mood)
  • Postoje tri glagolska nacina
  • Indikativ (pokazni) the indicative mood.
    Koristi se da se konstatuju cinjenice ili
    dogadaji, ili da se postavljaju pitanja o njima,
    u prošlosti, sadašnjosti ili buducnosti
  • He always argues. (On se uvek prepire.)
  • My parents arrived last night. (Moji roditelji su
    stigli sinoc).
  • What will you have, coffee or tea? (Šta ceš
    uzeti, kafu ili caj?)

  • Konjuktiv the subjunctive mood. Koristi se kada
    se glagolima iskazuju zamišljena stanja ili
    radnje (želje, pretpostavke, sumnje, strepnje,
  • Iza izraza I wish, if only, suppose, kao i u
    kondicionalnim recenicama tipa 2 i 3.
  • I wish she were with us! (Bar da je ona s nama!)
  • If I had had time, I would have studied French
    harder. (Da sam imala vremena, više bih ucila
  • Suppose they came early. (Zamisli da dodu ranije.)

  • Imperativ (zapovedni nacin) the imperative
    mood. Koristi se kad pomocu glagola iskazujemo
    naredbe ili molbe.
  • Be quiet! (Ucuti!)
  • Switch off your mobile phones. (Iskljucite
    mobilne telefone.)
  • Give me a hand, will you? (Pomozi mi malo!)
  • Open your books, please. (Otvorite knjige, molim

Konjuktiv (The Subjunctive Mood)
  • Konjuktivom se iskazuju zamišljena stanja ili
    radnje (želje, pretpostavke, sumnje, strepnje,
  • U indikativu se tvrdnje iskazuju pravom upotrebom
    vremena. U konjuktivu, medutim, ono što se odnosi
    na sadašnjost se iskazuje obicnim prošlim
    vremenom (past simple), a ono što se odnosi na
    prošlost izkazuje se davnim prošlim vremenom
    (past perfect).

  • The window is closed.
  • She works from home.
  • You are an expert.
  • I passed all my exams.
  • I wish the window were closed.
  • If only she worked from home.
  • You speak as if you were an expert.
  • I wish I had passed all my exams.

  • U srpskom jeziku glagoli nemaju posebne oblike za
    konjuktiv, ovi oblici se prevode indikativom, a u
    kondicionalnim recenicama potencijalom
  • Its high time they left. (Krajnje je vreme da
    odu prezent indikativa)
  • If I found a wallet in the street, I would take
    it to the police. (Kad bih našla novcanik na
    ulici, odnela bih ga u policiju.) odnosi se na
  • If you had helped me, I would have finished
    cleaning sooner. (Da si mi pomogao, ranije bih
    završila spremanje.) odnosi se na prošlost

Upotreba konjuktiva
  • Konjuktiv se u savremenom engleskom jeziku sve
    manje upotrebljava. Umesto njega upotrebljavaju
    se razni modalni glagoli sa infinitivom glavnog
    glagola. Oni mnogo bolje prenose znacenja želje,
    preporuke, mogucnosti, sposobnosti, itd. nego
  • Upotreba konjuktiva ogranicena je na ustaljene
    izraze koji iskazuju želju ili naredbu, uz nadu
    da ce se ona ispuniti. U navedenim primerima
    koristi se prezent konjuktiva
  • Long live our President! (Živeo predsednik!)
  • God save the Queen! (Bog nek cuva kraljicu!)
  • Lord have mercy on us. (Neka nam se Gospod

  • Ukoliko se upotrebi prošlo vreme konjuktiva, ne
    ocekuje se ispunjenje želje
  • If only my father were alive!
  • Prezent konjuktiva se upotrebljava posle nekih
    glagola kao što su insist, demand, suggest koji
    izražavaju naredenje, zahtev, nastojanje. Ova
    upotreba je gotovo ogranicena na književni,
    formalni jezik.
  • The chairperson demanded that the meeting be

  • Prošlo vreme konjuktiva (Past Simple Subjunctive)
    upotrebljava se iza izraza kao što su I wish, if
    only, I would rather, its high time, kao i u
    kondicionalnim recenicama tipa 2, da izrazi želju
    da je neko stanje ili zbivanje drugacije. Odnosi
    se na sadašnjost ili buducnost.
  • Id rather you did it. (Više bih volela da ti to
  • If only I had enough time! (Samo da imam dovoljno
  • If you didnt have to work all day, we could go
    shopping later. (Kad ne bi morala da radiš ceo
    dan, išli bismo u kupovinu kasnije.)

  • Davno prošlo vreme konjuktiva (Past Perfect
    Subjunctive) upotrebljava se iza izraza kao što
    su I wish, if only, I would rather, its high
    time, kao i u kondicionalnim recenicama tipa 3,
    da izrazi želju da je neko stanje ili zbivanje
    bilo drugacije. Odnosi se na prošlost.
  • I wish I had seen her before. (Bar da sam je
    ranije videla.)
  • If we had told them we were going out, they would
    have come along. (Da smo im rekli da izlazimo, i
    oni bi pošli.)

  • Past Simple Subjunctive upotrebljava se posle
    imperativa glagola imagine i suppose.
  • Imagine if he never showed up. (Zamisli da uopšte
    ne dode).
  • Suppose the train were late? (Šta ako voz

Imperativ (The Imperative Mood)
  • Imperativom se iskazuju naredbe , zabrane i
    molbe. Za drugo lice jednine i množine
    upotrebljava se infinitivna osnova glagola
  • Be honest! (Budi iskren!)
  • Have patience! (Strpi se!)
  • Open the door! (Otvori vrata!)
  • Pass me the bread, please. (Dodaj mi hleb, molim
  • Come in, please. (Udi.)

  • Odricni oblik za drugo lice gradi se pomocu
    glagola to do
  • Dont leave me alone!
  • Dont talk so much!
  • Za prvo i trece lice jednine i množine
    upotrebljava se glagol let iza koga sledi
    objekatska zamenica i infinitiv glavnog glagola
  • 1. let me go 1. let us go
  • 3. let him/her/it go 3. let them go

  • Odricni oblici grade se kad se ispred potvrdnog
    oblika stavi do not
  • 1. do not let me go 1. dont let us go
  • 2. dont go 2. dont go
  • 3. dont let him go 3. dont let them go

  • Naredenje ili zabrana mogu se iskazati i na druge
    nacine osim imperativa, kao što su
  • 1. Pomocu modalnih glagola
  • You have to go there at once. (Odmah morate ici
  • You must phone and apologize. (Moraš nazvati i
    izviniti se.)
  • You mustnt lean out of the window. (Ne smeš se
    naginjati kroz prozor.)

  • 2. Pomocu no i gerunda ili imenice
  • No smoking. (Zabranjeno pušenje.)
  • No admittance. (Zabranjen ulaz.)
  • 3. Pomocu oblika is/are infinitiv
  • He is to leave the office at once. (On mora odmah
    da napusti kancelariju.)
  • You are to wait here until I come for you. (Moraš
    da cekaš ovde dok ne dodem po tebe.)

Upotreba imperativa
  • U odredenim situacijama može se koristiti
    imperativ, ali te situacije su iskljucivo
    neformalne, npr. medu prijateljima. Imperativ se
    nikako ne koristi u formalnim situacijama ili u
    razgovoru s nepoznatima.
  • U engleskom cak i ljudi koji imaju pravo da
    nareduju cesto ne koriste imperativ. Umesto toga
    oni koriste fraze kao što su I want/Id like you
    to/You must ili polite request form.

  • We can sometimes use the imperative form to tell
    someone what to do.
  • Bring another chair. Hurry up or we'll be late.
  • We form the negative with don't.
  • Don't be silly. Don't make so much noise.
  • We can use an imperative when we are with friends
    in an informal situation. But we do not use it to
    a stranger or in a more formal situation.
  • Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to Oxford
    Street, please?
  • NOT Tell-me-the way to Oxford Street-please.
  • Would you mind sending me a copy of your
  • NOT Send-me-a-copy-of your-catalogue.
  • Even people in authority often avoid using the
    imperative to give orders. Instead they can use I
    want/I'd like you to . . . , You must..., or a
    polite request form.
  • Manager I want you all to be at the meeting.
  • Policeman You must wait until you see the green
  • Doctor Could you lie down on the bed, please?

Polite Requests
  • Can ili could koriste se za uctive zahteve ili
    molbe, tj. kada uctivo tražimo od nekoga nešto.
  • Can I have another fork, please?
  • Could you open the door for me?
  • Can everyone be quiet for a minute, please?
  • Could je formalnije, prema tome i uctivije od

  • Takode se koriste izrazi Do you mind...? / Would
    you mind...? sa gerundom
  • Would you mind answering the phone?
  • Do you mind opening the window?
  • Takode Would you like to...?
  • Would you like to lay the table for me?

  • We can use can or could in a request, when we ask
    someone to do something.
  • Can you keep me informed'? Yes, of course.
  • Could you lend me ten pounds until tomorrow?
    Sorry, I haven't got ten pounds.
  • I wonder if you could explain something to me.
    I'll try.
  • Could is often more polite than can.
  • In a request we can also use Do you mind ...? or
    Would you mind...? with an ing-form.
  • Do you mind waiting a moment? No, I can wait.
  • Would you mind sitting in the back? No, not at
  • We can also use Would you like to ...?
  • Would you like to lay the table for me? Yes, of
  • It is always worth taking the trouble to use one
    of these request forms in English. We do not
    normally say Lay the table for me. This can sound
    very abrupt and impolite without a phrase like
    Could you . . . ?

  • Mr Atkins is the boss at Zedco. He tells everyone
    what to do. Complete his sentences. Use these
    words can,
  • could, have, like, mind, must, want, wonder,
  • ? Would you mind making some tea, Alan?
  • 1 Youinform me of any developments.
  • 2 Could I .................. the latest sales
    figures, please?
  • 3 Would you arrange a
    meeting some time next week, Fiona?
  • 4 I.everyone to read the report.
  • 5 ..I see the file, please, Mark?
  • 6 mind putting this in writing?
  • 7 I..if you could translate this letter,
  • 8 you meet our customer at the airport?

  • Read about each situation and then make a
    request. Use the word in brackets.
  • ? It is cold in the restaurant. Ask the waiter to
    shut the window, (could)
  • Could you shut the window, please ?
  • 1 You are buying a coat. Ask the assistant for a
    receipt, (can)
  • 2 You want to know the time. Ask someone in the
    street, (could)
  • 3 You need someone to help you. Ask a friend,
  • 4 You have bought some food, but you haven't got
    a bag. Ask the assistant, (could)
  • 5 You are carrying a tray. Ask someone to clear a
    space on the table, (mind)
  • 6 You are on the phone. You want to speak to the
    manager, (could)
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