Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1MeF MODEL (Morandi, Modugno, Phys.Rev.B, 2005)
Two coupled of Schrödinger-like equations for the
electron envelope function in the
conduction and valence bands
Interband coupling, proportional to the momentum
matrix element P. This is responsible for
tunneling between different bands caused by the
applied electric field proportional to the
x-derivative of V.
energy gap
(isotropic) effective mass,
2Derivation of the MeF MODEL
- Expansion of the wave function on the Bloch
functions basis
- Introduction in the Schrödinger equation
- Separation of intra-band dynamics from
inter-band coupling
3- Going back in real space by Fourier transforming
yields an equation for the projection
coefficiente on the Wannier basis (
atomic sites positions)
- Simplify the interband term around
developing the periodic part of the Bloch
wavefunctions to the first order - Effective mass approximation
4Comments on the MeF MODEL
- The envelope functions have a direct
physical meaning as they can be interpreted as
the effective (cell averaged) wave functions of
the electron in the conduction (valence) band.
- The presence of the effective masses (generally
different in the two bands) implies a different
mobility in the two bands.
- Similar to the Luttinger-Kohn model, but it
includes a coupling beetween different bands due
to the presence of an external (not constant)
- The coupling reduces as the energy gap
increases, and vanishes in the absence of the
external field V.
- In the Kane model the coupling is present even
for V0 due to the basis choice
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