Title: The Etruscans
1Model of Etruscan Temple, 6th Century BCE, as
described by Vituvius. Instituto di Etruscologia
e di Antichita Italiche, Universita di Roma,
2- Apulu (Apollo), from the roof of the Portonaccio
Temple, Veii, Italy, ca. 510500 BCE. Painted
terracotta, approx. 5 11 high. - Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia, Rome.
3- Sarcophagus with reclining couple, from
Cerveteri, Italy, ca. 520 BCE.
4Interior of the Tomb of the Reliefs, Cerveteri,
Italy, third century BCE.
5Leopards, banqueters, and musicians, detail of
mural paintings in the Tomb of the Leopards,
Tarquinia, Italy, ca. 480470 BCE.
6Tomb of the Triclinium. Tarquinia, Italy.
Etruscan. c. 480470 B.C.E. Tufa and
7Capitoline Wolf, from Rome, Italy, ca. 500480
BCE. Bronze, approx. 2 7 1/2 high.
8- Chimera of Arezzo, from Arezzo, Italy, first half
of fourth century BCE. Bronze, approx. 2 7 1/2
- Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Florence.