Questioning for Higher Level Thinking Virginia Bateman FCUSD Points of view Different opinions Judge with criteria Example: What should happen to the wolf as a result ...
Student course enrollment of 90% or more of one sex must not be due to ... violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of a specific provision in the ...
Common Core Standards For Mathematics MATHEMATICAL PRACTICES The eight mathematical practices describe the essential mathematical habits of mind and action we want ...
WWII COMES TO AN END BATTLE OF THE BULGE Allies move on Germany from the west Soviets move in from the east Hitler counter attacks in west hoping to split U.S. & Brit ...
By: Susan M. Pojer changes Nicole Thompson, Jaci McAleer,And Rebecca Schwarz The Renaissance 1350-1550 Rebirth of Greek & Roman Classics Begins in Florence, Italy ...
The Disease Cycle Flea drinks rat blood that carries the bacteria. ... Famine of 1315-1317 By 1300 Europeans were farming almost all the land they could cultivate.
The Rise of Dictators Fascism Emphasizes Loyalty & Obedience Punish those responsible Struggle or be doomed Propaganda & censorship Mass rallies Promises to save ...
ABSOLUTISM Absolute Monarchs Kings and Queens who held all of the power within their states boundaries. Control every aspect of society. Believe in divine right ...
TOTALITARIANISM The Rise of Dictators Totalitarianism: A government that takes total, centralized, state control over every aspect of public and private life ...
ANCIENT INDIA HINDUISM INDUS RIVER VALLEY Indus Civilization Planned Cities Piped water Polytheistic Mohenjo-Daro 2600 B.C.E. Wells & Sewers Burial Pottery Harappan ...
Mesopotamia Land between two rivers (Tigris & Euphrates Rivers) Located in southern Iraq The flat land was vulnerable to attackers City states: cities that had ...
FORMS OF IMPERIALISM Imperialism is a policy in which one country seeks to extend its authority by conquering other countries or by establishing economic and ...
Title: The British in India Author: Susan M. Pojer Last modified by: Folsom Cordova Unified School District Created Date: 3/18/2003 2:48:26 AM Document presentation ...
World War I Causes and Alliances The MAIN Causes of WWI M Militarism A Alliances I Imperialism N Nationalism Alliances Before the War Triple Alliance ...
U.S. IMPERIALISM Economic Interests Strategic Security 1823 The Monroe Doctrine U.S. Pres. James Monroe issues the Monroe Doctrine : American Continents ...
The Unit Circle with Radian Measures 4.2 Trigonometric Function: The Unit circle The Unit Circle A circle with radius of 1 Equation x2 + y2 = 1 The Unit Circle with ...
Look at website on 5 for review on deriving area of a circle formula Mean girls clip: the limit does not exist
Zentangle A new way to use some old friends .like line, shape and value Zentangle is a method of drawing developed by a married couple, Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts.
Genetics Chapter 11 Heredity Passing of traits from parent to offspring Genetics The study of heredity Gregor Mendel- Austrian monk known as the father of genetics ...
UNLOCKE YOUR MIND THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE 1650-1800 THE ENLIGHTENMENT IN EUROPE Enlightenment: intellectual movement Philosophes: Intellectual Thinkers Inspired ...
Period 1/BELL RINGER #7: 100+ Well done is better than well said. Benjamin Franklin. Explain this quote. What does it mean? Do you often say you are going to ...
American GI s Trevor Durnall,Trevor Martz, Austin Fox, Austyn Ciampa, Jmac Introduction GI s stood for Government issued or general issued. GI s used to stand ...
Grammar Practice Focus on Phrases They wanted to traverse the city from east to west. L1: L2: L3: A sense of impending disaster hit Jones, the venerable overseer.
ISLAM 101 By Rebecca Schwarz Understanding the Basics Muhammad 610 Receives Message Born in 570 in Mecca (Saudi Arabia) Successful merchant, husband, father While ...
Title: Figure 11.3b Gross anatomy of the heart. Author: Folsom Cordova Unified School District Last modified by: Folsom Cordova Unified School District
Warm up 8/26 Write the equation of the transformation you see 2. 1. 3. Potatoes cost a chef $18 a box, and carrots cost $12 a box. The chef want to spend no more than ...
Chapter 4 Ecosystems & Communities Weather and Climate Weather is the day-to-day condition of Earth s atmosphere. Climate refers to average conditions over long ...
A linear inequality is similar to a linear equation, but the equal sign is replaced with an inequality symbol. A solution of a linear inequality is any ordered pair ...
5th Grade Back to School Night Mr. Devine and Ms. Fontaine Welcome! Please sign-in and take the handouts from the counter Take a look around the room and find a seat ...
The Immune System Biology Chapter 41 Pathogen-disease causing agent (various types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, protists) Body uses both specific and nonspecific ...
5th Grade Back to School Night Mr. Devine and Ms. Fontaine Welcome! Please sign-in and take the handouts from the counter Take a look around the room and find a seat ...
Lecci n 5 La Comida la galleta el helado las papas fritas el refresco el caf la bebida el jugo de naranja el desayuno el almuerzo la cena la fruta la comida el ...
Lecci n 7 Los Animales el gato/la gata el perro/la perra la granja la gallina el conejo el gallo la vaca el caballo el cerdo el pato la oveja el p jaro el rat n ...
KEY CONCEPT The endocrine system produces hormones that affect growth, development, and homeostasis. Hormones influence a cell s activities by entering the cell or ...
The Dynamic Ocean * Surface Circulation Surface Currents movements of water that flow horizontally near the surface develop from friction between the ocean and the ...