Title: Northern Colonies
1Northern Colonies
2Plymouth colony was the 2nd permanent colony
after Jamestown.
3Ann Hutchinson felt that more power should be
given to
- Men
- Hysterical Teenagers
- Priests
- Women
4The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was
- A religious group
- First American constitution
- Plan to kick Indians out
- Rules for the Mayflower
5The Starving Time was the result of an
unseasonably warm winter.
6In 1620 the Mayflower landed on what shore?
- New York
- Connecticut
- Florida
- Massachusetts
7A self-governing unit is called a?
- Village
- Republic
- Monarchy
- Commonwealth
8The Pilgrims named Squanto King Philip.
9Who was the chief of the Wampanoags?
- Squanto
- Samsoset
- Powhatan
- Massasoit
10In 1621 the colonists shared their harvest with
the Indians. This was probably the first
- Harvest Jubilee
- Thanksgiving
- Feast of Friends
- Corn Festival
11Teens of Salem Village 1692 may have suffered
from ergot poisoning.
12The smallest English colony was
- Rhode Island
- New York
- Massachusetts
- Connecticut
13Separatists were Puritans who wanted to worship
by themselves.
14The General Court first included Puritans who
- Educated
- Landowners
- Ministers
- Investors
15Native Americans believed that only Indians
should own use the land.
16Toleration means
- Accepting others beliefs
- Telling people off
- Praying with others
- Accepting laws without question
17King Philip was the son of Chief Massasoit.
18Puritan life was centered around
- Politics
- Religion
- Sports
- Business
19The Puritans were unhappy with the Islamic church
wanted to change it.
20The main reason Puritans came to America was
- Religious Freedom
- Better Farmland
- Claim Maryland for the king
- Convert Indians to Christianity
21King Philips war killed more colonists than it
did Native Americans.
22According to the English, who caused King Philips
- Puritan Rebels
- The Dutch
- Shamans
- Metacomet
23People who confessed to being witches were killed
24Indian who helped the colonists hunt, fish,
- Metacomet
- Massasoit
- Squanto
- Samoset
25King Henry VIII started the Anglican Church
because the pope would not grant him a divorce.
26Between 1630-40 thousands of Europeans moved to
America. This was known as what event?
- The Great relocation
- Exodus
- The Great Migration
- Great run-away
27Colonists tried to force Christianity English
laws on the Native Americans.
28People who tried to purify the Church of England
of Catholic influences were known as what?
- Puritans
- Separatists
- Apprentices
- Enslaved Persons
29The Separatists were also known as Pilgrims.
30Before they moved to America, the Separatists
went to
- Netherlands
- England
- Italy
- France
31The Northern colonies were also known as the New
England colonies.
32Any Questions?