Title: Physiological Anatomy of the
1Physiological Anatomy of the Respiratory System
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The respiratory system is divided into two zones
2I- The Conducting Zone
Includes nose, nasopharynx, larynx, trachea and
2 main bronchi one for each lung, and smaller
Function of the conducting part
- Conducting air into the respiratory zone.
- Air conditioning
- Humidification
- Filtration
- Protective reflexes
- a- Sneezing reflex
- b- Cough reflex
- Non respiratory function
3II- Respiratory Zone
Consists of respiratory units each of which
composed of respiratory bronchioles which
subdivided into alveolar ducts which end in
clusters of small thin walled air sacs called
4Respiratory Passages
1-The nose
The nasal cavity is subdivided into there zones
a) The vestibule b) The respiratory area C- The
olfactory area
5The olfactory area is lined by olfactory mucosa
which consists of (A) Olfactory epithelium
consists of three types of cells
1- Sustentecular (supporting) columnar cells
2- Olfactory (sensory) cells
3- Basal cells (B) Corium