ISE 102 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ISE 102


Services (airline schedules, advertising policies, or investment decisions) ... Delta is one the first airlines to solve to completion this fleet assignment ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ISE 102

ISE 102
  • Introduction to Linear Programming (LP)
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE
  • Industrial Systems Engineering Dept.
  • Izmir University of Economics

Introduction to Linear Programming
  • Many managerial decisions involve trying to make
    the most effective use of an organizations
    resources. Resources typically include
  • Machinery/equipment
  • Labor
  • Money
  • Time
  • Energy
  • Raw materials
  • These resources may be used to produce
  • Products (machines, furniture, food, or clothing)
  • Services (airline schedules, advertising
    policies, or investment decisions)

What is Linear Programming?
  • Linear Programming is a mathematical technique
    designed to help managers plan and make necessary
    decisions to allocate resources
  • Linear Programming (LP) is one the most widely
    used decision tools of Operations Research
    Management Science (ORMS)
  • In a survey of Fortune 500 corporations, 85 of
    those responding said that they had used LP

Brief History of LP
  • LP was developed to solve military logistics
    problems during World War II
  • In 1947, George Dantzig developed a solution
    procedure for solving linear programming problems
    (Simplex Method)
  • This method turned out to be so efficient for
    solving large problems quickly

History of LP (contd)
  • The simultaneous development of the computer
    technology established LP as an important tool in
    various fields
  • Simplex Method is still the most important
    solution method for LP problems
  • In recent years, a more efficient method for
    extremely large problems has been developed
    (Karmarkars Algorithm)

LP Problems
  • A large number of real problems can be formulated
    and solved using LP. A partial list includes
  • Scheduling of personnel
  • Production planning and inventory control
  • Assignment problems
  • Several varieties of blending problems including
    ice cream, steel making, crude oil processing
  • Distribution and logistics problems

Typical Applications of LP
  • Aggregate Planning
  • Develop a production schedule which
  • satisfies specified sales demands in future
  • satisfies limitations on production capacity
  • minimizes total production/inventory costs
  • Scheduling Problem
  • Produce a workforce schedule which
  • satisfies minimum staffing requirements
  • utilizes reasonable shifts for the workers
  • is least costly

Typical Applications of LP (contd)
  • Product Mix (Blending) Problem
  • Develop the product mix which
  • satisfies restrictions/requirements for customers
  • does not exceed capacity and resource constraints
  • results in highest profit
  • Logistics
  • Determine a distribution system which
  • meets customer demand
  • minimizes transportation costs


Typical Applications of LP (contd)
  • Marketing
  • Determine the media mix which
  • meets a fixed budget
  • maximizes advertising effectiveness
  • Financial Planning
  • Establish an investment portfolio which
  • meets the total investment amount
  • meets any maximum/minimum restrictions of
    investing in the available alternatives
  • maximizes ROI

Typical Applications of LP (contd)
  • What do these applications have in common?
  • All are concerned with maximizing or minimizing
    some quantity, called the objective of the
  • All have constraints which limit the degree to
    which the objective function can be pursued

Typical Applications of LP (contd)
  • Fleet Assignment at Delta Air Lines
  • Delta Air Lines flies over 2500 domestic flight
    legs every day, using about 450 aircrafts from 10
    different fleets that vary by speed, capacity,
    amount of noise generated, etc.
  • The fleet assignment problem is to match
    aircrafts (e.g. Boeing 747, 757, DC-10, or MD80)
    to flight legs so that seats are filled with
    paying passengers
  • Delta is one the first airlines to solve to
    completion this fleet assignment problem, one of
    the largest and most difficult problems in
    airline industry

Fleet Assignment at Delta (contd)
  • An airline seat is the most perishable commodity
    in the world
  • Each time an aircraft takes off with an empty
    seat, a revenue opportunity is lost forever
  • The flight schedule must be designed to capture
    as much business as possible, maximizing revenues
    with as little direct operating cost as possible

Fleet Assignment at Delta (contd)
  • The airline industry combines
  • the capital-intensive quality of the
    manufacturing sector
  • low profit margin quality of the retail sector
  • Airlines are capital, fuel, and labor intensive
  • Survival and success depend on the ability to
    operate flights along the schedule as efficiently
    as possible

Fleet Assignment at Delta (contd)
  • Both the size of the fleet and the number of
    different types of aircrafts have significant
    impact on schedule planning
  • If the airline assigns too small a plane to a
    particular market
  • it will lose potential passengers
  • If it assigns too large a plane
  • it will suffer the expense of the larger plane
    transporting empty seats

Stating the LP Model
  • Delta implemented a large scale linear program to
    assign fleet types to flight legs so as to
    minimize a combination of operating and passenger
    spill costs, subject to a variety of operation

What are the constraints?
  • Some of the complicating factors include
  • number of aircrafts available in each fleet
  • planning for scheduled maintenance (which city is
    the best to do the maintenance?)
  • matching which crews have the skills to fly which
  • providing sufficient opportunity for crew rest
  • range and speed capability of the aircraft
  • airport restrictions (noise levels!)

The result?!
  • The typical size of the LP model that Delta has
    to optimize daily is
  • 40,000 constraints
  • 60,000 decision variables
  • The use of the LP model was expected to save
    Delta 300 million over the 3 years (1997)

Formulating LP Models
  • An LP model is a model that seeks to maximize or
    minimize a linear objective function subject to a
    set of constraints
  • An LP model consists of three parts
  • a well-defined set of decision variables
  • an overall objective to be maximized or minimized
  • a set of constraints

PetCare Problem
  • PetCare specializes in high quality care for
    large dogs. Part of this care includes the
    assurance that each dog receives a minimum
    recommended amount of protein and fat on a daily
    basis. Two different ingredients, Mix 1 and Mix
    2, are combined to create the proper diet for a
    dog. Each kg of Mix 1 provides 300 gr of protein,
    200 gr of fat, and costs .80, while each kg of
    Mix 2 provides 200 gr of protein, 400 gr of fat,
    and costs .60. If PetCare has a dog that
    requires at least 1100 gr of protein and 1000 gr
    of fat, how many kgs of each mix should be
    combined to meet the nutritional requirements at
    a minimum cost?

LP Formulation Steps
  • STEP 1 Understand the Problem
  • STEP 2 Identify the decision variables
  • STEP 3 State the objective function
  • STEP 4 State the constraints

PetCare Problem
  • PetCare specializes in high quality care for
    large dogs. Part of this care includes the
    assurance that each dog receives a minimum
    recommended amount of protein and fat on a daily
    basis. Two different ingredients, Mix 1 and Mix
    2, are combined to create the proper diet for a
    dog. Each kg of Mix 1 provides 300 gr of protein,
    200 gr of fat, and costs .80, while each kg of
    Mix 2 provides 200 gr of protein, 400 gr of fat,
    and costs .60. If PetCare has a dog that
    requires at least 1100 gr of protein and 1000 gr
    of fat, how many kgs of each mix should be
    combined to meet the nutritional requirements at
    a minimum cost?

PetCare LP Formulation
  • STEP 1 Understand the Problem
  • STEP 2 Identify the decision variables
  • x1 kgs of mix 1 to be used to feed the dog
  • x2 kgs of mix 2 to be used to feed the dog
  • STEP 3 State the objective function
  • minimize 0.8 x1 0.6 x2 (total cost)
  • STEP 4 State the constraints
  • subject to 300 x1 200 x2 ? 1100
    (protein constraint)
  • 200 x1 400 x2 ? 1000 (fat
  • x1 ? 0 (sign restriction)
  • x2 ? 0 (sign restriction)

Furnco Company Problem
  • Furnco manufactures desks and chairs. Each desk
    uses 4 units of wood, and each chair uses 3 units
    of wood. A desk contributes 40 to profit, and a
    chair contributes 25. Marketing restrictions
    require that the number of chairs produced must
    be at least twice the number of desks produced.
    There are 20 units of wood available. Formulate
    the Linear Programming model to maximize Furncos

Furnco Company (contd)
  • x1 number of desks produced
  • x2 number of chairs produced
  • maximize 40 x1 25 x2 (objective function)
  • subject to 4 x1 3 x2 ? 20 (wood constraint)
  • 2 x1 - x2 ? 0 (marketing constraint)
  • x1 , x2 ? 0 (sign restrictions)

Farmer Jane Problem
  • Farmer Jane owns 45 acres of land. She is going
    to plant each acre with wheat or corn. Each acre
    planted with wheat yields 200 profit each with
    corn yields 300 profit. The labor and fertilizer
    used for each acre are as follows
  • Wheat Corn
  • Labor 3 workers 2 workers
  • Fertilizer 2 tons 4 tons
  • 100 workers and 120 tons of fertilizer are
    available. Formulate the Linear Programming model
    to maximize the farmers profit.

Farmer Jane (contd)
  • x1 acres of land planted with wheat
  • x2 acres of land planted with corn
  • maximize 200 x1 300 x2 (objective function)
  • subject to x1 x2 ? 45 (land constraint)
  • 3 x1 2 x2 ? 100 (labor constraint)
  • 2 x1 4 x2 ? 120 (fertilizer constraint )
  • x1 , x2 ? 0 (sign restrictions)

Truck-Co Company Problem
  • Truck-co manufactures two types of trucks 1 and
    2. Each truck must go through the painting shop
    and the assembly shop. If the painting shop were
    completely devoted to painting type 1 trucks, 800
    per day could be painted, whereas if it were
    completely devoted to painting type 2 trucks, 700
    per day could be painted. Is the assembly shop
    were completely devoted to assembling truck 1
    engines, 1500 per day could be assembled, and if
    it were completely devoted to assembling truck 2
    engines, 1200 per day could be assembled. Each
    type 1 truck contributes 300 to profit each
    type 2 truck contributes 500. Formulate the LP
    problem to maximize Truckcos profit.

Truckco Company (contd)
  • x1 number of type 1 trucks manufactured
  • x2 number of type 2 trucks manufactured
  • maximize 300 x1 500 x2 (objective function)
  • subject to 7 x1 8 x2 ? 5600 (painting
  • 12 x1 15 x2 ? 18000 (assembly
  • x1 , x2 ? 0 (sign

McDamats Fast Food Restaurant
  • McDamat's fast food restaurant requires
    different number of full time employees on
    different days of the week. The table below shows
    the minimum requirements per day of a typical
  • Day of week Empl Reqd Day of week Empl
  • Monday 7 Friday 4
  • Tuesday 3 Saturday 6
  • Wednesday 5 Sunday 4
  • Thursday 9
  • Union rules state that each full-time employee
    must work 5 consecutive days and then receive 2
    days off. The restaurant wants to meet its daily
    requirements using only full time personnel.
    Formulate the LP model to minimize the number of
    full time employees required.

McDamats Fast Food Restaurant (contd)
  • Defining Decision Variables
  • xi number of employees beginning work on day
    i where i Monday, . , Sunday
  • Defining the Objective Function
  • min Z xmon xtue xwed xthu xfri
    xsat xsun

McDamats Fast Food Restaurant (contd)
  • Defining the Constraint Set
  • xmon xthu xfri xsat xsun ? 7 (Mon
  • xmon xtue xfri xsat xsun ? 3 (Tue
  • xmon xtue xwed xsat xsun ? 5(Wed Reqts)
  • xmon xtue xwed xthu xsun ? 9(Thu Reqts)
  • xmon xtue xwed xthu xfri ? 4 (Fri
  • xtue xwed xthu xfri xsat ? 6 (Sat
  • xwed xthu xfri xsat xsun ? 4 (Sun
  • Non-Negativity Condition (Sign Restriction)
  • xmon , . , xsun ? 0

A Multi-Period Production Planning Pr.
  • Sailco Corporation must determine how many
    sailboats to produce during each of the next four
    quarters. The demand during each of the next
    four quarters is as follows
  • Quarters 1 2
    3 4 .
  • Demand 40 60 75 25
  • At the beginning of the first quarter Sailco has
    an inventory of 10 sailboats.
  • At the beginning of each quarter Sailco must
    decide how many sailboats to produce that
    quarter. Sailboats produced during a quarter can
    be used to meet demand for that quarter.
  • Capacity Cost .
  • Regular Time 40 (sailboats) 400/sailboat
  • Overtime 450/sailboat
  • Inventory Holding Cost 20/sailboat
  • Determine a production schedule to minimize the
    sum of production and inventory holding costs
    during the next four quarters.

A Multiperiod PP Problem (contd)
  • Defining Decision Variables
  • R1 regular time production at quarter 1
  • R2 regular time production at quarter 2
  • Rt regular time production at quarter t
  • Ot overtime production at quarter t
  • It inventory at the end of quarter t
  • Defining the Objective Function
  • min 400 R1 400 R2 400 R3 400 R4 450 O1
    450 O2 450 O3 450 O4 20 I1 20 I2 20 I3
    20 I4

A Multiperiod PP Problem (contd)
  • Defining the Constraint Set
  • 10 R1 O1 - I1 40
  • I1 R2 O2 - I2 60
  • I2 R3 O3 - I3 75
  • I3 R4 O4 - I4 25
  • R1 ? 40
  • R2 ? 40
  • R3 ? 40
  • R4 ? 40
  • Non-Negativity Condition (Sign Restriction)
  • R1, R2, R3, R4, O1, O2, O3, O4, I1, I2, I3, I4
    ? 0

LP Summary
  • An LP problem is an optimization problem for
    which we do the following
  • We attempt to maximize (or minimize) a linear
    function of the decision variables. The function
    that is to be maximized (or minimized) is called
    the objective function
  • The values of the decision variables must satisfy
    a set of constraints. Each constraint must be a
    linear equation or linear inequality
  • A sign restriction is associated with each

Graphical Solution Method
  • Furnco Company
  • Max 40 x1 25 x2
  • s.t. 4 x1 3 x2 ? 20
  • 2 x1 - x2 ? 0
  • x1 , x2 ? 0

Graphical Solution Method (contd)
  • Farner Jane (modified)
  • max 200 x1 300 x2
  • s.t x1 x2 ? 45
  • 3 x1 2 x2 ? 100
  • 2 x1 4 x2 ? 120
  • x1 10
  • x1 , x2 ? 0

Special Cases of the Feasible Region
Redundant Constraint
More Special Cases of the Feasible Region
Unbounded Feasible Region Unbounded Solution
Unbounded Feasible Region Bounded Optimal Solution
Special Cases of the Optimal Solution

Multiple Optima
Unbounded Solution
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