By Mackenzie S. Ian S. Bijan Y.
Arthur Y.
3Countries Colonized by France
4Timeline of French Imperialism
1789 The planters in (pick of the colonial
society) demanded independence. Slaves over heard
it so they demanded there own independence. A
civil war was a result of the debate. 1798
French expedition to Egypt, failed. 1801
Napoleon sent soldiers to discipline the colony
of Saint Dominique in the island of Hispaniola.
However the 23,000 soldier army he sent failed to
the extremes of climate and sickness of yellow
fever. 1803 France sold Louisiana territory to
the United States for a mere 15 million. France
practiced the policies of assimilation and
paternalism. 1840 Seven French missionaries
killed in Vietnam under rule of an anti-Christian
Vietnamese emperor 1867 The combined states of
Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were declared French
Indochina 1881 France proclaimed a protectorate
over Tunis. 1882 France approved a treaty that
gave them the north bank of the Congo
River 1884-85 14 European nations met at the
Berlin Conference to lay down rules for the
division of Africa
5Effects of Imperialism in French West Africa
Africa, more specifically, Algeria, was mainly
exploited for growing cash crops (tobacco and
sugar), but gold and silver combined with ivory
and diamonds also brought in a fortune.
Equatorial Africa was mostly landlocked, not
geopolitical imported, but Equatorial Africa had
lots of harbors. When the French imperialized
Algeria, they used the Algerians as cheap, forced
slaved labor.
Tobacco Plant
6Imperialism in France
Due to the French invasion of what came to be
known as French West Africa a number of events
have occurred. On the positive side-French built
cities and harbors, they taught natives new
agricultural techniques, and in the French
perspective, changed them for the better. Â On
the negative side-interests of natives were
completely ignored. They were captured and sold
into slavery, forced to work for no or little
money forced to grow cash crops instead of food
crops, causing a series of famines which
continues today. Puppet governments were set up
or a bossy general would come from mother
country. Wars were made more deadly with advanced
weapons French brought. All that was backed up by
a complicated racist theory.Â
7Population 59,765,983 (June 2002) GDP
Purchasing Power Parity- 1.5 trillion (2001
est.) Capital City Paris Head of State Jacques
Chirac Government Type Republic Economy
Description France is the worlds number four in
economic power, in terms of GDP. Its inflation
rate is 2.1 and Frances trade surplus is 20.9
billion. France is the 3rd largest exporter of
cars, the 2nd largest exporter of services and
farm products, and 4th larger exporter of goods.
French agriculture produces sugar beet, wine,
beef, veal, cereals, and oilseeds.
8Population 81, 098, 416 (July 2002) GDP 168.1
billion Capital City Hanoi Head of State
President Tran Duc Luong Government Type
Communist State Economy Description Vietnam is a
poor, densely populated country. Vietnams energy
economy includes oil, natural gas, coal, and
electricity. Their population line below poverty
is 37 and their unemployment rate is 25. Some
of their main industries are food processing,
garments, shoes, machine building, tires, oil,
and paper.
Vietnam Data
9Roles and Responsibilities of Each Group Member
Group Leader Mackenzie Studebaker Producer/Scrip
t Writer Bijan Head Researcher Arthur
Y. Technology Coordinator Ian Samish
www.google.com http//www.usd.edu/honors/HWB/1999/
1999f/imperialism20in20africa.htm Http//www.odc
i.gov/cia/publications/factbook/ World History
Textbook Patterns of Interaction The
Timetables of History