Title: Biology 221 Anatomy & Physiology II TOPIC 4 Circulatory
1TOPIC 4Circulatory System Blood Flow, Blood
Pressure Capillary Dynamics
Biology 221 Anatomy Physiology II
Chapter 20 pp. 727-747
E. Lathrop-Davis / E. Gorski / S. Kabrhel
2Blood Flow
- volume of blood flowing through a vessel, an
organ, or the entire circulation in a given
period - Measured in ml/min
- To entire system
- blood flow (BF) cardiac output (CO)
- relatively constant at rest
- To specific organ or tissue, flow varies with
3Blood Flow Controlling factors
- BF ?P / R
- directly proportional to blood pressure gradient
(?P) between two points - inversely proportional to peripheral resistance
(R) - resistance is more important in controlling local
4Resistance to Blood Flow
- a measure of the amount of friction blood
encounters as it passes through vessels - Peripheral resistance (PR) is resistance in
peripheral vessels accounts for most resistance
in system - Resistance is inversely proportional to flow
- Think About It If something is directly related
to resistance, what affect will it have on blood
flow? What about things that are inversely
related to resistance?
5Resistance to Blood Flow
- Sources of resistance include
- blood viscosity thickness of blood
- directly proportional to resistance
- affected by number of blood cells
- blood volume directly proportional
- dehydration ? decreases volume ? decreases
resistance - water retention ? increases volume ? increases
resistance - total blood vessel length directly proportional
- angiogenesis - formation of new blood vessels
- fat and tumors lead to angiogenesis
6Resistance to Blood Flow
- blood vessel diameter inversely related to
resistance main source of resistance - inversely proportional to resistance
- increased diameter ? decreased resistance
- varies as inverse of radius to 4th power (1/r4)
- i.e., double radius ? resistance decreases to
1/16 original PR - controlled at small arterioles in response to
neural and chemical controls - controlled overall by sympathetic vasomotor tone
- sudden decrease in size of lumen (e.g., due to
partial blockage) creates turbulence ? increases
7Blood Pressure (BP)
- force per unit area exerted on the wall of a
blood vessel by its contained blood - In common usage, blood pressure usually refers
to blood pressure in systemic arteries near heart - Pressure gradient keeps blood flowing
- Measured in mm Hg (millimeters of mercury)
8Blood Pressure (cont)
- Varies through vascular system
- Highest and most variable in aorta and other
elastic arteries - Why? - Decreases through arterioles and capillaries
- Lowest in venae cavae
Fig. 20.5, p. 729
9Arterial Blood Pressure
- Varies with
- age
- gender
- weight
- stress level
- mood
- posture
- physical activity
10Arterial Blood Pressure
- Depends on
- compliance (distensibility) of elastic arteries
- stroke volume
- Rises during ventricular systole, decreases
during diastole - systolic pressure (Ps) - pressure in arteries
during ventricular systole - diastolic pressure (PD) -pressure in arteries
during ventricular diastole
11Systolic and Diastolic Pressures
- Systolic pressure (Ps) 110-120 mm Hg
- semilunar valves open and blood is ejected
- compliance of elastic arteries decreases pressure
needed to eject blood into arteries - increased stroke volume (amount ejected) ?
increased pressure - Diastolic pressure (PD) 70-80 mm Hg
- occurs when the semilunar valves are closed
because the heart is in diastole - elastic recoil of arteries contributes to
continued pressure ? movement of blood
12Pulse Pressure (PP)
- difference between systolic (PS) and diastolic
(PD) pressures PP PS PD - increased by increased stroke volume (SV) during
exertion - increased by arteriosclerosis (loss of elasticity
requires much more pressure to force blood into
vessels during systole)
13Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
- average pressure in main arteries
- heart spends more time in diastole
- therefore, MAP diastolic pressure (PD) (pulse
pressure PP divided by 3) - MAP PD (PP /3)
14Measuring Pulse
- palpation of pulse points (pressure points)
- pulse can be felt at major arteries
- count number of pulsations felt
- pulse decreases strength away from heart
- Think About It Where would you expect pulse to
be strongest?
Fig. 20.11, p. 737
15Measuring Blood Pressure
- Auscultatory method
- sphygmomanometer
- brachial artery usually used
- Korotkoff sounds sounds heard as blood moves
through partially blocked artery - normally, 120/80 (for a healthy, young male)
- varies with age, sex, physical condition, gender,
weight, stress, mood, posture
16Capillary Blood Pressures
- Pressure in capillaries
- Pressure drops from 35-40 mm Hg (at arterial
end) to 17-20 mm Hg (at venous end) - Lower pressure helps prevent breakage of
capillary walls decreases fluid loss to tissues
Fig. 20.5, p. 729
17Venous Blood Pressures
- Low, steady pressure
- Venous return supported by
- valves prevent backflow
- varicose veins (see Topic 3 Blood Vessels)
- respiratory pump changes in thoracic and
abdominal pressures during breathing - during inspiration thoracic pressure decreases
and abdominal pressure increases, thus pushing
blood from the abdominal vessels (inferior vena
cava inferior to the diaphragm) into the thoracic
part of the inferior vena cava
18Venous Blood Pressures (cont)
- muscular pump
- milking by skeleltal muscle promotes return
- prolonged inactivity or prolonged contraction
causes blood to pool (may allow clots to form)
19Maintaining Blood Pressure
- Blood pressure (BP) varies directly with
- Cardiac output (CO see Topic 2)
- controlled by cardiac centers in medulla
oblongata - cardioacceleratory center (CAC) ? sympathetic
outflow - cardioinhibitory center (CIC) ? parasympathetic
outflow - Think About It What is the relationship between
HR and BP?
Fig. 20.7, 20.8
20Maintaining Blood Pressure
- Peripheral resistance (PR) - pressure varies
directly with resistance - Think About It What is the relationship between
blood vessel diameter and BP? - Blood volume (BV) - BP varies directly with BV
- Think About It What is the relationship between
CO and BV?
Fig. 20.7, 20.8
21Short-Term Control of Resistance
- Based on controlling blood vessel diameter
- Mechanisms include neural and chemical controls
- Goals
- alter distribution to meet demands of various
organs/tissues - maintain overall MAP through vasomotor tone
Fig. 20.8, p. 733
22Neural Control of Resistance
- Vasomotor center (VMC) controls vasomotor tone
- located in medulla oblongata (as part of
cardiovascular center) - maintains vasomotor tone in all vessels
- vasomotor fibers are part of the sympathetic
division of the ANS (for the most part)
23Neural Control of Resistance
- Vasomotor fibers
- most use norepinephrine (NE) as their
- increased activity ? vasoconstriction ? increased
BP - fibers to vessels serving skeletal muscle use ACh
- increased sympathetic activity ? vasodilation ?
increased flow to skeletal muscle (generally
little importance to overall BP) - Reflexes initiated by baroreceptors or
chemoreceptors integrated in medulla oblongata
(reticular formation See AP I Unit 6 - Brain)
24Baroreceptor-initiated Reflexes
- Baroreceptors (pressoreceptors) present in
carotid sinus, aortic arch, most other elastic
arteries of neck and thorax - Increased BP stimulates baroreceptors
- ? increased afferent impulses inhibit vasomotor
center - ? decreased sympathetic outflow ? vasodilation
- Afferent impulses from baroreceptors also go to
CIC in medulla and increase parasympathetic
outflow to heart also inhibit CAC, thus
decreasing sympathetic outflow - Prolonged hypertension causes baroreceptors to
reset to higher pressure
25Chemoreceptor-initiated Reflexes
- Chemoreceptors located in aortic arch and large
arteries of neck - Connected to CAC and vasomotor center by afferent
fibers - Respond to oxygen (O2), pH (hydrogen ion), carbon
dioxide (CO2) levels - decreased O2 or pH, or increased CO2 ? increases
impulses to CAC and vasomotor center ? increased
sympathetic outflow - increased heart rate and vasoconstriction ?
increased BP ? helps move blood through system
faster ? gets blood to lungs faster
26Influence of Higher Brain Centers on Vasomotor
- Cerebral cortex and hypothalamus connected to
cardiovascular center (cardiac centers CAC and
CIC and vasomotor center) in medulla oblongata - Hypothalamus threats initiate fight-or-flight
response mediated by hypothalamus ? increased
sympathetic outflow (CAC and vasomotor center) - hypothalamus directs changes in flow during
activity and to control body temperature - Cerebral cortex bio-feedback - person learns to
relax, increasing parasympathetic outflow and
decreasing sympathetic, resulting in decreased
blood pressure
27Short-Term Chemical Control of Resistance
- Chemicals that act on vessels, heart or blood
volume - Norepinephrine (NE from adrenal medulla) ?
vasoconstriction - Epinephrine (epi from adrenal medulla)
- vasoconstriction, except in skeletal and cardiac
muscle - nicotine (in tobacco) stimulates sympathetic
ganglionic neurons and adrenal medulla - also increases heart rate and strength of
28Short-Term Chemical Controls (cont)
- Antidiuretic hormone (ADH a.k.a., vasopressin
released from neurohypophysis see AP I Unit
11- Endocrine System) - stimulates water reabsorption
- at high levels, causes vasoconstriction
- Angiotensin II (see AP I Unit 11 - Endocrine
and AP II Topic 10 - Urinary System) - produced from angiotensinogen in response to
renin from kidney - causes intense vasoconstriction
- stimulates secretion of ADH and aldosterone (long
term control)
29Short-Term Chemical Controls (cont)
- Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP from atria of
heart) antagonizes aldosterone and causes
general vasodilation - Alcohol
- inhibits ADH secretion
- depresses vasomotor center
- Inflammatory chemicals cause vasodilation
- histamine, prostacyclins, kinins and others
- released during inflammatory response
30Short-Term Chemical Controls (cont)
- Endothelium-derived factors affect vascular
smooth muscle - endothelin potent vasoconstrictor, released in
response to low blood flow - nitric oxide (NO) vasodilator released in
response to high blood flow causes systemic and
local vasodilation
31Long-Term Control of Resistance Renal Regulation
- Regulates blood volume (BV)
- Blood volume important to venous pressure,
venous return, EDV, SV, CO - Control
- direct renal control
- indirect renal control
32Direct Renal Control
- Increased BP ? increased filtration ? increased
water loss ? decreased BV - Decreased BP ? decreased filtration ? decreased
water loss ? increased BV
Fig. 20.9, p. 735
33Indirect Renal Control
- Renin-angiotensin pathway
- Decreased BP ? juxtaglomerular cells of kidney
tubules secrete renin ? enzymatic cascade ?
converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin I ?
angiotensin II - Kidney also releases renin in response to
sympathetic impulses - Angiotensin II
- stimulates aldosterone secretion
- stimulates ADH secretion
- causes vasoconstriction
Fig. 20.9, p. 735
34Blood Pressure Disorders Hypotension
- Systemic systolic BP lt 100 mm Hg
- Orthostatic hypotension drop in BP on rising
from sitting or laying common in the elderly - Chronic hypotension long-term depression in BP
- possible causes poor nutrition, Addisons
disease, hypothyroidism - Acute hypotension rapid drop in BP
- most often due to hemorrhage
- sign of circulatory shock
35Blood Pressure Disorders Hypertension
- Long-term elevation of arterial pressure gt 140/90
- Results in damage to heart, kidneys, brain
(stroke), blood vessels overall - Primary hypertension
- 90 of all cases
- no clearly identifiable cause
- Secondary hypertension
- 10 of cases
- cause is identified
36BP Disorders Primary Hypertension
- possible causes
- diet high in Na, saturated fat, cholesterol low
in K, Ca2, Mg2 - obesity, heredity, age
- stress, smoking
- treatment
- changes in diet, weight loss, exercise, stress
management - antihypertensive drugs diuretics, beta-blockers,
calcium-channel blockers
37BP Disorders Secondary Hypertension
- causes
- excess renin secretion
- arteriosclerosis
- hyperthyroidism
- Cushings disease
- treatment aimed at cause
38Changes in Blood Distribution During Exercise
- Total increases from 5,800 ml/min at rest to
17,500 ml/min during exercise - Brain flow remains relatively steady (750
ml/min) - Skeletal muscle, heart flow increases
dramatically to supply oxygen and nutrients and
remove wastes - Skin flow increases for heat loss
(thermoregulation) - Kidney flow decreases (decreases urine output)
- Abdominal organs flow decreases (redirected to
skeletal muscle heart) - Other flow decreases (redirected to skeletal
muscle heart)
Fig. 20.12, p. 738
39Tissue Perfusion
- Blood flow through tissues
- Varies with need of tissue
- Functions
- 1) delivery of oxygen nutrients, removal of
wastes - 2) gas exchange in lung
- 3) absorption of nutrients from gut
- 4) urine production in kidney
Fig. 20.12, p. 738
40Velocity of Blood Flow
- Inversely related to total cross-sectional area
of blood vessels to be filled - Branching of arteries increases cross-sectional
area - Velocity lowest in capillaries
- allows time for exchange between blood and tissue
- Increases as capillaries rejoin to form venules
and venules join to form veins
Fig. 20.13, p. 739
41Autoregulation of Blood Flow
- Local (intrinsic) regulation of blood flow
- blood vessels serving tissues adjust to meet
needs of tissue - if blood flow is inadequate ? tissue metabolism
decreases ? cell death - Long-term autoregulation ? increase in number and
size of blood vessels angiogenesis - Short-term autoregulation 2 mechanisms of
control - metabolic control response to chemical needs of
tissue - myogenic control response to stretch
42Metabolic Control of Blood Flow
- Maintains proper chemical environment for cells
- Causes relaxation (vasodilation) of precapillary
sphincter to increase blood flow - Important vasodilating chemicals include
- nitric oxide (NO)
- attaches to hemoglobin in lungs as O2 is loaded
- released at capillaries as O2 is released
- inflammatory chemicals (histamine, kinins)
43Metabolic Control (cont)
- active hyperemia - due to chemicals changes
associated with hard-working tissues - decreased oxygen and/or other nutrients
- products of metabolic activity increased K,
adenosine, lactic acid, H (decreased pH)
44Myogenic Control of Blood Flow
- Maintains relatively steady flow to tissues in
spite of changes in overall BP - Response of vascular smooth muscle to stretch
- increased stretch ? vasoconstriction ? decreased
flow - decreased stretch ? vasodilation ? increased flow
- Reactive hyperemia
- dramatic increase in blood flow following removal
of blockage - results from
- stretching of arteriole upstream from blockage,
and - accumulation of wastes in tissue
45Capillary Dynamics
- Movement across capillary is based on gradients
- Solute gradient (diffusion)
- Water gradient (osmosis)
- Pressure gradient (hydrostatic pressure)
Fig. 20.14, p. 742
- small water-soluble molecules pass between
endothelial cells through small clefts
(desmosomes are loose cell junctions) - lipids and lipid-soluble (non-polar) materials
diffuse directly through the lipid bilayer of the
endothelial cells - Osmosis
- special form of diffusion in which solvent
(water) moves across membrane (diffusion of
water) - moves toward area of higher solute concentration
(lower water concentration)
47Bulk Fluid Flow
- Moves fluids and dissolved substances through
capillary walls together using the following
forces - Hydrostatic Pressure
- physical pressure exerted by a fluid in an
enclosed space - fluids and dissolved substances move from areas
of high to areas of low hydrostatic pressure - Osmotic Pressure
- pull exerted on solvent by solute in solution
- solution with more solute has greater osmotic
48Forces Moving Fluid OUT Of Capillary
- i.e., moving fluid INTO interstitial space
- Capillary hydrostatic pressure HPc
- also called capillary blood pressure (or blood
hydrostatic pressure) - pushes fluid out of capillary
- 35 mm Hg at arterial end of capillary (average)
- 17 mm Hg at venous end of capillary (average)
- Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure OPif
- proteins in interstitial fluid exert osmotic
pressure on plasma - pulls fluid out of capillary into tissues
- BUT, normally very little protein present in IF
average value is 1 mm Hg
49Forces Moving Fluid INTO Capillary
- Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure (HPif)
physical pressure pushing interstitial fluid into
the capillary - ranges from slightly negative to slightly
positive - 0 mm Hg is generally used in equations
- fluid removed by lymphatic system
- Capillary osmotic pressure (OPc) - pressure due
to presence of large, nondiffusible molecules
(e.g., plasma protein) that draws fluid into the
capillary from the interstitial fluid - average value is 26 mm Hg
- little change along capillary from arterial to
venous end
50Net Filtration Pressure
- Sum of all hydrostatic and osmotic forces acting
on fluids as they move through capillary walls - Can be seen as difference between forces moving
fluid out of capillary and forces moving fluid
into it - net filtration pressure (NFP)
- sum of outward forces sum of inward forces
- HPc OPif - HPif OPc
51Net Filtration Pressure
- At arterial end
- out HPc 35mm Hg OPif 1 mm Hg
- in HPif 0 mm Hg OPc 26 mm Hg
- NFP 35mm Hg 1 mm Hg 0 mm Hg 26 mm Hg
- 10 mm Hg (flow OUT OF capillary at arterial
HPc 35 mm Hg
OPif 1 mm Hg
36 mm Hg OUT
Hpif 0 mm Hg
OPc 26 mm Hg
26 mm Hg IN
NFP (OUT-IN) 10 mm Hg OUT
52Net Filtration Pressure
- At venous end
- out HPc 17 mm Hg OPif 1 mm Hg
- in HPif 0 mm Hg OPC 26 mm Hg
- NFP 17 mm Hg 1 mm Hg 26 mm Hg 0 mm Hg
- - 8 mm Hg (net flow INTO capillary at
venous end)
HPc 17 mm Hg
OPif 1 mm Hg
18 mm Hg OUT
Hpif 0 mm Hg
OPc 26 mm Hg
26 mm Hg IN
NFP (OUT- IN) -8 mm Hg (IN)
53Net Filtration Pressure
- Results is net LOSS of fluid from capillary to
interstitial fluid - 10 mm Hg loss at arterial end
- - 8 mm Hg gain at venous end
- 2 mm Hg net loss along length of capillary
54Net Filtration Pressure
- Can also be seen as difference in hydrostatic
pressures minus difference in osmotic pressures - (HPc HPif) - (OPc OPif)
- Difference in hydrostatic pressures Net
Hydrostatic Pressure - NHP HPc HPif
- at arterial end 35mm Hg 0 mm Hg 35mm Hg
- at venous end 17mm Hg 0mm Hg 17mm Hg
- Difference in osmotic pressures Net Osmotic
Pressure NOP OPc OPif - 26 mm Hg 1 mm Hg 25 mm Hg
- normally does not change along length of capillary
55Net Filtration Pressure
- At the arterial end
- NFP net hydrostatic presssure net osmotic
pressure - 35mm Hg 0mm Hg 26mm Hg 1mm Hg
- 35mm Hg 25mm Hg
- 10 mm Hg (fluid moves out of the capillary)
Fig. 20.15, p. 743
HPc 35 mm Hg
OPif 1 mm Hg
Hpif 0 mm Hg
OPc 26 mm Hg
56Net Filtration Pressure
- At venous end
- NFP net hydrostatic presssure net osmotic
pressure - 17 mm Hg 0 mm Hg 26mm Hg 1mm Hg
- - 8 mm Hg (fluid moves into capillary)
Fig. 20.15, p. 743
HPc 17 mm Hg
OPif 1 mm Hg
Hpif 0 mm Hg
OPc 26 mm Hg
- Abnormal accumulation of fluid in tissues
- Predict the effect of the following on capillary
dynamics (i.e., which way will fluid move, and
why?) - increased MAP
- venous obstruction
- leakage of plasma protein across into
interstitial fluid as a result of an allergic
reaction - myxedema accumulation of glycoprotin in the
interstitial fluid as a result of hypothyroidism - decreased plasma protein production, due to
protein malnutrition (kwashiorkor) - destruction of lymphatic drainage channels as in
filariasis (blockage of lymphatics by parasitic
58Circulatory Shock
- any condition in which blood vessels are
inadequately filled and blood cannot circulate
normally - Results in decreased flow to tissues leading to
cell death (necrosis) - Signs
- rapid, but weak, heart beat (thready pulse)
- intense vasoconstriction
- sharp drop in blood pressure
- Treatment rapid replacement of fluids
59Types of Circulatory Shock
- Cardiogenic Shock
- heart not able to pump enough blood
- often due to myocardial damage (multiple
infarcts) - Hypovolemic shock
- large scale loss of fluid
- most common type
- causes
- acute hemorrhage
- severe vomiting or diarrhea
- extensive burns
60Types of Circulatory Shock
- Vascular shock extreme vasodilation resulting
in decreased peripheral resistance - anaphylaxis (anaphylactic shock) systemic
reaction to allergen (e.g., bee sting) - neurogenic shock failure of ANS (sympathetic)
regulation (loss of vasomotor tone) - septicemia systemic reaction to bacterial toxic
- prolonged exposure to heat (e.g., sunbathing)
vasodilation of cutaneous vessels