Title: Underground church Iran (1)
1A year after Taliban takeover,Afghan Christians
still spreading hope
It has been 0t1e year Micotho Taliban 91foed
con.tTol in Afghanlst1nand wtiiemanyChristian.s
have 1lre1dy fled. some ,,.st1 9 to conlinue
ss--H11lin9 the gospol. OnAugust 115., 202t
tho Taliban dalrnod col'llTol of Afgtulnistln's
camid tho United Ste'cm.otlc troopwithdI.The
1dvancocamo as no surprise kl thosow.atchlng.as
major dties fell to Taliban rulothroughout tho
2Last month,senior stiffinUS.Prnldelflt Joe
l!liden s 1dmlnlstra1ionvolced col'leem about
tho August anriYers1ry. Mliny paopleview the
Afgh1nistan withdrawat 1s Mone of 8iden s biggest
failures.,"1ndIts c.omm c.ould shMevot. confideo..
eenmidterm1ectlons ro1dl. MA ot of peopte
!wive fotvo about Algh.llnistlln,arid
the dednwition tlwlt lwls h'1!Pfleood
since!heAmerie1nPIAIout.s1ys Rez1 a believw
wortdflg with Q!plI (ataMjr Mjn
ktijq,, httesll0tnny.fmtshows.ltonoectlons.wilh..
rikeltthom-andltohen hrno1ptbclp1M'nd11mjog.tw.rcl
e's not 1ot of (NGOs Ot) paoplowho Qro teft
(in Afglwlnlst1n Workhig tlrough t1t1.work
oC Undlw'gtoUnd chl.W'Ches., GCM delivers nliiirf
aid ndhetps pooptit ese1pe '"Wo'Ye brought out
thousandsof peop1oReu says. Mlt's
bec.omelioere1siJdiffku ndmoroexpensive.but
pr1iscl the Lo.'d. He's given us new..,et1ues lo
bring peoii'eouL Afglwlnlst1n's futu.ls
bte1k.YeL hope nim1ios.. Undwground church
llNlders are stllying put to sh re Christ and
!Nike discipies. "The people of Afgihao.istlln
,.so tiredIsl.am hlls dotlm.ted them ndthe
T11bnfl.as c.ontrolled themInsud! wickedw1ys.
They',.locialng twaoy s'gn of hopa,Reu says.
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