Title: Introducci a la Recerca
1Introducció a la Recerca
2Scientific writing
- Their goal is to describe processes which take
place when doing research - Article
- Presents advances on a certain field, contains
specific parts that allow to understand all the
scientific process described - There also surveys, which include an overview on
a certain topic - Report
- Preliminar and longer version of an article.
Contains parts that, if published as paper, are
supressed - Their target is so specific, or their content has
a lack of importance, so they are not considered
for being published - Letters
- Very short papers
- Critiques to other papers or improvements
- Theses, books, etc.
3Scientific writing
- Despite being conceptually different, they
present a common - Introduction
- Development and results
- Conclusions
- References
- Writing style
- No ambiguities
- Concreteness, clarity and briefness
- Polite language
- arent, wed, cannot be used
- Self-contained
- Write for the others, not for you
4The scientific paper
- Some questions to ask to ourselves
- Why do we write the paper?
- Target?
- What do we want to explain? Is it important?
- How shall we explain it?
- Is there already many information about it?
- Can I prove I am right?
- Is it all worth it?
5The scientific paper
- Parts of the paper
- Title
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Description
- Results
- Conclusions
- References (bibliography)
6The scientific paper
- The title
- Must describe the content in a clear, exact and
concise form - In the subtitle, there is the author information
with their affiliation - Alphabetical order, importance of their
contribution, etc.
A secure identification protocol
A secure and efficient identification protocol
for RFID tags
A secure identification protocol for RFID tags
Improving the efficiency of Hash-locks
7The scientific paper
- The abstract
- Between 50 and 300 words (usually specified in
the Call for Papers) - Must include the content and the result of the
paper - Summarize the aim of our work
- Describe the methodology
- Summarize the results
- No references!
- It can be published on its own
8The scientific paper
- The abstract
- Summarize the aim of our work (1)
- Describe the methodology (2)
- Summarize the results (3)
9The scientific paper
- Introduction
- Motivation of the work
- What do we want to solve / improve?
- Its interest for the scientific / technical world
- Previous work / existing proposals, and which
aspects we improve or come up with - Describe the structure of the rest of the paper
10The scientific paper
- Description
- To describe our contribution
- Algorithm
- Protocol
- Design
- Method
- Architecture
- etc.
- Lemma, theorem, corollary, etc.
- Figures, tables, etc.
11The scientific paper
- Results
- To describe what have we done so as to prove that
what we previously described... - ... Is right
- ... Accomplishes our goals
- Comparison with other methods!
- Tools
- Experiments
- Simulations
- Formal validations
- Lemma, theorem, corollary, etc.
- Figures and tables
12The scientific paper
- Conclusions
- A very important part!
- It must summarize what we have presented
- Written in past tense (the abstract is written in
present) - Usually more detailed than the abstract
- Can include an enumeration of items for going on
with this work (future work)
13The scientific paper
- References/Bibliography
- Up-to-date references
- Citation styles
- Author-date (Ferrer 2005), Ferrer 2005b
- Author-date summarized Ferr06, Sol94
- Numerical 5
- Inserted references P. Ferrer (Models matemàtics
amb llenguatge C. Columna, Barcelona, 1995)
14The scientific paper
- References/Bibliography
- Bibliography styles
- Numerical
- Alphabetical
- Alphabetical summarized
- Chicago
1 Michael Laszlo and Sumitra Mukherjee. Minimum
spanning tree partitioning algorithm for
microaggregation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering, 17(7)902911, 2005.
LM05 Michael Laszlo and Sumitra Mukherjee.
Minimum spanning tree partitioning algorithm for
microaggregation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering, 17(7)902911, 2005.
LM05 M. Laszlo and S. Mukherjee. Minimum
spanning tree partitioning algorithm for
microaggregation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering, 17(7)902911, 2005.
Laszlo, M. and Mukherjee, S. (2005) Minimum
spanning tree partitioning algorithm for
microaggregation. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge
and Data Engineering, 17(7)902911.
15The scientific paper
- Other parts
- Appendices
- Contain tables, figures, proofs, etc. which are
not essentials for the paper to be
self-contained, but interesting for the reader - Acknowledgements
- Research funding
- Peers or reviewers who helped to improve the paper
16The scientific paper
- To take into account...
- Style, neatness, exactness
- Cannot be written in a few hours
- Read and read again
- Well-structured
- Sections, subsections
- Elements numbered and with captions
- Tables, figures, equations, etc.
- Servei Lingüístic!
17The scientific paper
- Language
- Do not use synonymy
- Client, customer, user, client, user, ...
- User, user, user, user, ...
- No ambiguity
- Els estudiants que perden classes freqüentment
suspenen - She could not explain why she wanted to get
married to her mother - Impersonal / passive voice
- (mandatory in some cases!)
- The protocol has been implemented using C
language - We have implemented the protocol using C language
18The scientific paper
- Language
- Parallelism
- Sha implementat lalgorisme amb C i es va
comprovar que era més eficient - Sha implementat lalgorisme amb C i sha
comprovat que és més eficient - Short and well-build sentences
- La millora en el protocol ve donada per la
supressió del pas 7 i sha implementat un nou
sistema que el substitueix i la millora és
important - La important millora del protocol ve donada per
la substitució del pas 7 per un de nou
Read, read, read, read... And write, write, ....
19The scientific paper
20The scientific paper