- DECEMBER 31, 2010
- February 8, 2011
2General Fund Mid-YearFinancial Update
- General Fund Revenues Budget vs. Actual
- General Fund Expenditures Budget vs. Actual
- Historical Trends
- Revenues and Expenditures
- Population and Employees
- GF Budget Adjusted for CPI and Population
- Fund Balance
3General Fund Mid-YearFinancial Update
- NOT reviewing revenue or expenditure projections
for this year or next year. - County budget process is underway by CAO.
4General Fund Mid-YearFinancial Update
- Why focus on the General Fund?
Appropriations (Uses) Adopted FY 2010-11 Budget Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget
General Fund 370,117,887 373,005,860
Special Purpose Funds 47,972,017 48,467,710
Subtotal County Funds 418,089,904 421,473,570
Special Districts-Bd Governed 132,891,920 133,699,241
Total All Funds 550,981,824 555,172,811
Adjusted Budget is the Adopted Budget plus
mid-year changes adopted by the Board.
5 6General Fund Revenues- Taxes -
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Revenues Prior YTD July-Dec Revenues
Property Taxes 49,073,256 24,382,315 49.7 24,282,079
Vehicle License Fee In-Lieu 24,374,086 12,187,244 50.0 12,262,043
Sales Tax In-Lieu 1,931,549 946,481 49.0 870,707
Sales Tax 5,312,896 2,298,674 43.3 1,943,258
Deed Transfer Tax 1,136,000 468,219 41.2 507,241
Deed Transfer Recovery 414,000 127,975 30.9 110,205
Transient Occupancy Tax 3,577,109 2,320,655 64.9 2,049,095
Other Taxes 72,540 51,757 71.3 51,757
Total Taxes 85,891,436 42,783,320 49.8 42,076,385
7General Fund Revenues- Total Revenues -
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Revenues Prior YTD July-Dec Revenues
Total Taxes 85,891,436 42,783,320 49.8 42,076,385
Licenses, Permits, Franchises 9,130,432 3,503,398 38.4 3,660,256
Fines, Forfeitures, Assessment 5,595,647 1,702,814 30.4 2,106,773
Use of Money and Property 1,461,262 540,407 37.0 756,183
Intergovernmental Aid 187,468,304 51,188,533 27.3 52,185,097
Charges for Services 50,515,702 16,627,208 32.9 16,497,568
Miscellaneous 3,495,459 1,360,013 38.9 697,818
Operating Transfers In 26,810,830 9,189,860 34.3 10,421,109
Total GF Revenues 370,369,072 126,895,553 34.3 128,401,189
8General Fund Revenues- Total Revenues -
9General Fund Revenues- Total General Purpose
Revenues -
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Revenues Prior YTD July-Dec Revenues
Total Taxes 85,891,436 42,783,320 49.8 42,076,385
Licenses, Permits, Franchises 3,871,000 880,691 22.8 905,504
Fines, Forfeitures, Assessment 1,000,000 382,198 38.2 564,014
Use of Money and Property 366,311 134,082 36.6 278,500
Intergovernmental Aid 2,618,429 143,466 5.5 421,065
Charges for Services 397,568 519,727 130.7 486,145
Miscellaneous 0 203,087 40
Operating Transfers In 0 0 0
Total GF Revenues 94,144,744 45,046,571 47.8 44,731,653
10General Fund Revenues- Total General Purpose
Revenues -
11- Specific
- Revenues
- Property Tax
- Sales and Use Tax
- Interest Rates
- Intergovernmental Aid
12Property TaxesProperty Tax Pie Before RDA and
13Property TaxesProperty Tax Pie After RDA Before
14Property TaxesProperty Tax Pie After ERAF
15Assessed Value of Real Property20 Years Percent
16Assessed Value of Real Property The Impact of
the Cal CPI
- Per Prop 13, assessed values on an individual
property may increase by up to 2 annually, based
on statewide Cal CPI. - Cal CPI factor for FY 2010-11 was .237, the
first time it has been negative since Prop 13. - This contributed to the Countys overall drop in
assessed value in FY 2010-11 of 0.61. - The State Board of Equalization has announced the
Cal CPI for FY 2011-12 will be .753. - Increase in CPI may be offset by other reductions.
17Property Tax Revenue
- Countywide Assessed Value 33,189,161,052
- Property Taxes - 1 of AV 331,891,610
- Special Levies, etc 66,645,900
- Total Tax Roll 398,537,510
- The County General Fund receives about 13 of the
basic 1 property tax, or about 44 million, - plus supplemental and other property taxes, for a
total of about 49 million in property taxes.
18Property Tax Revenue Projection?FY 2011-12
- We wont know final growth/decline until July.
- Assessor has advised that Countywide assessed
value could remain flat for FY 2011-12. - Regional variations Watsonville and San Lorenzo
Valley are traditionally lower growth. - Reductions are occurring in the unsecured tax
19Property Tax DelinquenciesFY 2004-05 through
2010-11 (projected)
20Sales and Use Tax Rates
Unincorporated County 9.00
Capitola 9.25
Santa Cruz 9.50
Scotts Valley 9.25
Watsonville 9.25
21Breakdown of Sales and Use Tax Rates
22Sales and Use Tax Rates
General 4.75
General .25
General 1.00
Local Revenue (County Health and Welfare programs, 1991) .50
Public Safety (Proposition 172, 1993) .50
Fiscal Recovery (Triple Flip, July 2004) .25
Total State Rate 7.25
Countywide Transportation .25
Local Agency .75
Base Statewide Rate 8.25
Metro Transit District (1979) .50
County Public Library System (1997 / 2008) .25
23Sales Per Capita
City of Capitola currently about 9,000 sales per
capita each quarter. Dropped fast during
Cities of Watsonville, Santa Cruz, and Scotts
Valley all currently about 2,700 in sales per
capita each quarter.
Unincorporated County about 1,300 sales per
capita each quarter.
24Interest Rates on Treasury Pool
25Intergovernmental Aid
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Revenues Prior YTD July-Dec Revenues
State Aid
Motor Vehicle Realignment 8,519,834 3,346,768 39.3 3,423,570
Prop 172 12,882,540 3,082,233 23.9 3,719,595
Public Assistance 31,190,922 8,483,188 27.2 8,184,782
Short Doyle 31,914,811 15,557,148 48.7 15,169,135
State Aid-Other 23,090,323 3,554,110 15.4 2,825,419
Federal Aid
Public Assist Admin (Welfare,GAIN,WIB,etc) 41,326,095 6,831,297 16.5 8,965,179
Public Assist (CalWorks,Adopt,IHSS) 19,607,120 6,482,990 33.1 6,526,336
Fed Health Admin 4,406,963 1,353,027 30.7 1,278,066
ARRA 4,724,583 840,001 17.8 302,144
Federal Aid-Other 7,298,591 1,210,086 16.6 1,360,701
Other Governmental Agencies 2,506,522 447,685 17.9 430,170
Total Intergovernmental Aid 187,468,304 51,188,533 27.3 52,185,097
26Intergovernmental Aid
- Tied to expenditures and paid on a reimbursement
basis. - State and federal governments are historically
slow in paying. - Most major categories of state and federal aid
are lagging slightly behind last year receipts.
27 28General Fund Adjusted Budget - By Expenditure
Character FY 2010-11
29General Fund Adjusted Budget - By Functional
Area -FY 2010-11
30General Fund Expenditures - General Government -
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Expends Prior YTD July-Dec Expends
ASSESSOR 3,340,862 1,546,931 46.3 1,633,194
AUDITOR-CONTROLLER 2,607,162 1,061,565 40.7 1,072,208
BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 2,238,525 1,066,332 47.6 1,065,576
COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 2,569,674 602,892 23.5 1,172,553
COUNTY CLERK-ELECTIONS 3,665,018 1,902,828 51.9 991,620
COUNTY COUNSEL 1,352,566 681,987 50.4 769,171
GENERAL SERVICES 3,739,469 2,606,742 69.7 3,069,322
TECHNICAL RADIO SERVICE 814,204 365,001 44.8 248,285
PERSONNEL 3,475,566 2,027,040 58.3 1,831,500
PUBLIC WORKS-GEN FUND ONLY 1,017,424 291,597 28.7 297,608
TREASURER-TAX COLLECTOR 1,928,241 829,659 43.0 848,247
OTHER-CONTRIB TO OTHER GOVT 785,626 537,725 68.4 409,471
TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 27,534,337 13,520,298 49.1 13,408,755
31General Fund Expenditures - Public Protection -
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Expends Prior YTD July-Dec Expends
AGRICULTURAL COMMISSIONER 3,177,143 1,425,894 44.9 1,462,799
ANIMAL SERVICES - GF CONTRIB 1,139,121 797,385 70.0 840,314
COUNTY RECORDER 1,471,218 434,817 29.6 473,565
CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES 6,838,659 3,465,022 50.7 3,327,173
DISTRICT ATTORNEY/PUBL ADMSTR 11,662,585 5,962,175 51.1 5,845,553
EMERGENCY SERVICES 2,149,468 1,472,246 68.5 1,257,860
GRAND JURY 51,739 25,401 49.1 24,981
COURT - GF CONTRIBUTION 2,155,152 1,773,841 82.3 1,816,406
PLANNING 11,658,215 5,860,881 50.3 6,083,205
PROBATION 14,098,678 6,731,202 47.7 6,816,386
PUBLIC DEFENDER 8,558,234 4,528,856 52.9 4,492,875
SHERIFF-CORONER 48,184,524 22,852,795 47.4 23,420,250
TOTAL PUBLIC PROTECTION 111,144,736 55,330,514 49.8 55,861,367
32General Fund Expenditures - Other Departments -
Adjusted FY 2010-11 Budget YTD July-Dec Expends Prior YTD July-Dec Expends
HEALTH SERVICES AGENCY 117,112,626 50,001,056 42.7 52,833,205
HUMAN SERVICES DEPT 102,180,322 46,575,409 45.6 45,925,052
PARKS, OPEN SPACE CULTURAL 5,782,049 2,870,163 49.6 3,026,440
DEBT SERVICE 6,427,253 3,357,584 52.2 3,693,265
CONTINGENCIES 2,824,537 0 0.0 0
TOTAL GENERAL FUND 373,005,860 171,655,024 46.0 174,748,084
33 34General Fund Net County Cost- General Government
Estimated Revenues Appropriations Net County Cost
35General Fund Net County Cost- Public Protection -
Estimated Revenues Appropriations Net County Cost
36General Fund Net County Cost- Other Departments -
Estimated Revenues Appropriations Net County Cost
37 3810 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Revenues -
3910 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Revenues -
4010 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Revenues -
4110 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Expends by
4210 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Expends by
4310 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Expends by
44General Fund Budget Adjusted for Consumer Price
Index and Population
45County Population and Number of Employees
46 47Fund Balance Levels
- As of June 30, 2010, fund balance was 14.5
million when we closed the books. - All of it was reserved or designated, leaving no
unreserved/undesignated fund balance. - Unreserved / Undesignated Fund Balance is used to
fund next years budget, or rebuild reserves or
designations. - Fund Balance was initially projected to decline
again to 12.1 million this coming June 30. It
could be even lower than this.
4810 Year Historical TrendGeneral Fund Total Fund
49Fund Balance Levels
- Fund balance is important to rating agencies when
issuing bonds. Our small fund balance is a
negative factor. - Moodys notified us in November that they were
concerned about our low fund balance, implying
they might downgrade us.
50Fund Balance Levels
- This prompted us to implement a change in
accounting practice for 14.2 million of fund
balance previously recorded as deferred revenue
in a Health Trust. - The result of this change is that June 30 , 2010
General Fund fund balance increased from 14.5
million to 28.7 million. - The funds are designated strictly for potential
risks related to health services.
51Fund Balance Levels
- Hopefully, will relieve Moodys concerns
somewhat, but really just a cosmetic change. - 100 of fund balance is still reserved or
designated, leaving no unreserved/undesignated
fund balance.
52GASB 54
- Government Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 54
changes the definition of fund balance - Currently three categories
- Reserved
- Designated
- Undesignated
- Replaced with five new categories
- Nonspendable 4. Assigned
- Restricted 5. Unassigned
- Committed
53GASB 54
- Also requires your Board to adopt a formal policy
defining the purpose of various parts of fund
balance. - If no Board policy, fund balance will be
classified as Unassigned. - CAO and I are developing a recommended fund
balance policy. - Will bring this back to the Board in the spring.
- General Fund revenues at 34.3 of budget.
- General Fund expenditures at 46.4 of budget.
- Similar to last year at the half way mark.
- Assessed property values / property taxes may
remain flat next fiscal year. - Property tax delinquencies hopefully will
stabilize. - Interest rates low but stable.
- Fund Balance too low.
- State budget will have negative impact on the