Title: Ancient Rome - Regents Review
1Rome and Early Christianity
- 1. The Foundations of Rome
- 2. From Republic to Empire
- 3. Roman Society and Culture
- 4. The Rise of Christianity
- 5. The Fall of Rome
750 BC to AD 500
2750 BC- AD 500
1. The Foundations of Rome
3750 BC- AD 500
The Mythical Founding of Rome
4750 BC- AD 500
Italy in 750 BCE
5750 BC- AD 500
Influence of the Etruscans
- Writing
- Religion
- The Arch
6750 BC- AD 500
2. From Republic to an Empire
7750 BC- AD 500
The Twelve Tables, 450 BCE
- Providing political and social rights for the
8750 BC- AD 500
Republican Government
(Rulers of Rome)
(Representative body for patricians, land holders
and the upper class) (Representative
body for plebeians, the commoners of Rome)
9750 BC- AD 500
The Roman Forum
10750 BC- AD 500
Carthaginian Empire
11750 BC- AD 500
Hannibals Route
12750 BC- AD 500
Rome Becomes an Empire
Reform Leaders
- Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
- the poor should be given grain and small plots of
free land.
Military Reformer
- Gaius Marius
- recruited an army from the poorand homeless.
- professional standing army.
13750 BC- AD 500
Civil War Dictators
Julius Caesar
Gnaeus Pompey
14750 BC- AD 500
The First Triumvirate
- Julius Caesar-conquered Gaul, modern day France
and defeated Pompey - Marcus Licinius Crassus,
- Gaius Magnus Pompey, conquered parts of Asia Minor
15750 BC- AD 500
Crossing the Rubicon, 49 BC
The Die is Cast!
- Caesar took his army over the Rubicon River and
marched into Rome
16750 BC- AD 500
Beware the Ides of March! 44 BCE
17750 BC- AD 500
The Second Triumvirate
- Octavian Augustus, adopted son of Caesar
- Marc Antony,a loyal officer
- Marcus Lepidus, high priest
18750 BC- AD 500
Octavian AugustusRomes First Emperor
19750 BC- AD 500
The First Roman Dynasty
20750 BC- AD 500
3. Roman Society and Culture
21750 BC- AD 500
Romes Early Road System
22750 BC- AD 500
Imperial Roman Road System
23750 BC- AD 500
Roman Roads The Appian Way
24750 BC- AD 500
Roman Aqueducts
25750 BC- AD 500
The Roman Colosseum
26750 BC- AD 500
The Colosseum Interior
27750 BC- AD 500
Circus Maxims
28Roman Religion
750 BC- AD 500
29750 BC- AD 500
Diocletian Splits the Empire in Two 294 CE
30750 BC- AD 500
Constantine 312 - 337
- Diocletian abdicated his thrown and threw Rome
into civil war once again - Constantine, in 312, proclaimed new emperor
31750 BC- AD 500
Constantinople The 2nd Rome (Founded in 330)
32750 BC- AD 500
ByzantiumThe Eastern Roman Empire
33750 BC- AD 500
The Byzantine EmpireDuring the Reign of Justinian
34750 BC- AD 500
The Byzantine Emperor Justinian
35750 BC- AD 500
The Empire in Crisis 3c
36750 BC- AD 500
Barbarian Invasions 4c-5c
37750 BC- AD 500
Attila the HunThe Scourge of God
38750 BC- AD 500
The Legacy of Rome
- Republic Government
- Roman Law
- Latin Language
- Roman Catholic Church
- City Planning
- Romanesque Architectural Style
- Roman Engineering
- Aqueducts
- Sewage systems
- Dams
- Cement
- Arch
39The Greatest Extent of the Roman Empire 14 CE
750 BC- AD 500
40The Discovery of Pompeii
750 BC- AD 500
41750 BC- AD 500
42750 BC- AD 500