Title: The Kingdom Fungi
1The Kingdom Fungi
- Mysterious Molds
- Mildews
- And Mushrooms
2Fungi are their own kingdom
3Fungi are not plants
- Plants make their own food (sugars) from light
- Fungi are more like animals than like plants
- Absorb food from plants or other substrates
(things they grow on)
7Yeasts are a type of fungus
- Yeasts grow by budding
- Yeasts are present almost everywhere
Budding yeasts
- Do not make their own food with photosynthesis
- Use food and give off carbon dioxide (CO2)
through respiration - This is how yeast
- makes bread rise
9Other types of fungi grow with hyphae
Hyphae are strands that are much smaller than
human hair. When you peel away bark from a dead,
fallen tree, white hyphae are sometimes visible.
10Mushrooms are another type of fungi
- Forest fungi have many ecological roles
- Diverse Plant pathogen
- Decomposer Food Source
- Tree/Plant helper Some Poisonous
Anatomy Cap Stipe Hymenium (gills, pores, teeth,
We use these features to ID mushrooms
Woody Sign of decay
13Cups, Puffballs, Earthstars
Kingdom Fungi is a diverse kingdom!
14Microscopy Photographs