Cancionero Biling - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Cancionero Biling


Cancionero Biling e – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Cancionero Biling

Cancionero Bilingüe de la Espada del Espíritu
  • Sword of the SpiritsBilingual Songbook

2 NACIMOS EN UNA BATALLA - Born into a battle
ESTRIBILLO Porque_el reino del mundo será por
fin el Reino de Cristo_y de nuestro Dios, y / él
reinará po?r todos los siglos.
Amén! Chorus For the kingdom of this world it
shall become The Kingdom of our Lord and of His
Christ And He shall reign for ever and evermore!
ESTRIBILLO Porque_el reino del mundo será por
fin el Reino de Cristo_y de nuestro Dios, y / él
reinará po?r todos los siglos.
Amén! Chorus For the kingdom of this world it
shall become The Kingdom of our Lord and of His
Christ And He shall reign for ever and evermore!
ESTRIBILLO Porque_el reino del mundo será por
fin el Reino de Cristo_y de nuestro Dios, y / él
reinará po?r todos los siglos.
Amén! Chorus For the kingdom of this world it
shall become The Kingdom of our Lord and of His
Christ And He shall reign for ever and evermore!
  • Nacimos en una batalla, debemos luchar
  • está más allá de lo visible dos reinos en guerra
    sin par.
  • Comenzó_hace mucho tiempo en el jardín del Edén
  • Satanás, el enemi?go, al hombre / engañó
  • y Dios hizo_una prome?sa Al fin te venceré.
  • Born into a battle, a warfare to know.
  • Beyond the visible we see it, the army, the field
    and the foe.
  • God alone in the garden, where it began long ago.
  • Where the enemy who rose up, deceived the man God
  • Where God stated His intention to crush that
    serpents head.

Hagamos nuestra la victoria que Cristo nos
da Mesías y_hombre / ordinario, nacido de / una
mujer. Satanás dijo_He vencido, al ver su
sangre correr a mi reino de peca?do
no_amenazará. Mas Jesús resucita?do, triunfante
lo venció. Entered into victory, what wisdom
this plan Gods son born of a woman, Messiah and
ordinary man. Satan said It seems so easy, as
nail through flesh and blood ran, Sure this
foolishness cant threaten my reign of death and
sin. But the third day Jesus rose up, and
triumphed over him..
Su Palabra nos conduce al triunfo
final marchamos siempre / hacia_el frente,
tomando las armas de Dios. Somos más que
vencedores quién le podrá resistir? Y nos
gozaremos to?dos en nuestro Creador y_al llamado
Mentiro? so, Dios lo destruirá. Entered Toward
the final conflict, Gods Word our command We
move inevitably onwards, Gods weapons held in
our hands. In Him we shall do more than conquer,
before Our Lord who can stand? Man shall glorify
his Maker, God shall be enjoyed. And the one
called the deceiver, his works shall be
3 SEÑOR, TÚ REINAS - The Lord Reigns
ESTRIBILLO HOM Seño?r, tú rei? nas. MUJ
Tú rei----na ?s, HOM
Seño?r, tú reinas. MUJ
tú rei--na?s, HOM Seño?---r,
tú re? ----i--nas. MUJ
tú? re? ----i--nas. Chorus The Lord reigns,
(The Lord reigns,)? The Lord reigns, (The Lord
reigns,)? The Lord reigns on earth. (the
Lord) reigns on earth
ESTRIBILLO HOM Seño?r, tú rei? nas. MUJ
Tú rei----na ?s, HOM
Seño?r, tú reinas. MUJ
tú rei--na?s, HOM Seño?---r,
tú re? ----i--nas. MUJ
tú? re? ----i--nas. Chorus The Lord reigns,
(The Lord reigns,)? The Lord reigns, (The Lord
reigns,)? The Lord reigns on earth. (the
Lord) reigns on earth
ESTRIBILLO HOM Seño?r, tú rei? nas. MUJ
Tú rei----na ?s, HOM
Seño?r, tú reinas. MUJ
tú rei--na?s, HOM Seño?---r,
tú re? ----i--nas. MUJ
tú? re? ----i--nas. Chorus The Lord reigns,
(The Lord reigns,)? The Lord reigns, (The Lord
reigns,)? The Lord reigns on earth. (the
Lord) reigns on earth
ESTRIBILLO HOM Seño?r, tú rei? nas. MUJ
Tú rei----na ?s, HOM
Seño?r, tú reinas. MUJ
tú rei--na?s, HOM Seño?---r,
tú re? ----i--nas. MUJ
tú? re? ----i--nas. Chorus The Lord reigns,
(The Lord reigns,)? The Lord reigns, (The Lord
reigns,)? The Lord reigns on earth. (the
Lord) reigns on earth
ESTRIBILLO HOM Seño?r, tú rei? nas. MUJ
Tú rei----na ?s, HOM
Seño?r, tú reinas. MUJ
tú rei--na?s, HOM Seño?---r,
tú re? ----i--nas. MUJ
tú? re? ----i--nas. Chorus The Lord reigns,
(The Lord reigns,)? The Lord reigns, (The Lord
reigns,)? The Lord reigns on earth. (the
Lord) reigns on earth
  • HOM Seño?r, tú rei? nas.
  • MUJ Tú rei----na ?s,
  • HOM Seño?r, tú reinas.
  • MUJ tú rei--na?s,
  • HOM Seño?---r, tú re? ----i--nas.
  • MUJ tú? re?
  • Chorus
  • The Lord reigns, (The Lord reigns,)?
  • The Lord reigns, (The Lord reigns,)?
  • The Lord reigns on earth.
  • (the Lord) reigns on earth

ESTRIBILLO HOM Seño?r, tú rei---nas.
Seño?r, tú rei--nas MUJ Tú
rei---na-?--s, tú rei--na?s, HOM
Seño?r, tú reinas. Seño?r, tú reinas.
reina----??s, tú reina---??s,
HOM Seño? ----------r, reina ya. MUJ
Señor, reina ya. Chorus The Lord
reigns, The Lord reigns (The Lord reigns, The
Lord reigns,)? The Lord reigns, The Lord
reigns (The Lord reigns, The Lord reigns,)? The
Lord reigns on earth. (the Lord reigns on
Sión se_alegra_al oír los juicios que vienen de
Dio?---s. Sobre cielo_y tierra Dios está
glorioso_es el Seño?r! Zion hears and is
glad Because of Your judgments, O God, For You
are most high oer all the earth, Exalted above
all gods!
Los cielos proclaman su gloria los pueblos
reconoce?rán que solo / él es el creador y / el
único Dios. The heavens themselves show His
glory All people of the earth can see That He is
creator and there is no God such as He!
Reina_el Señor en la tierra, entre nubes
y_oscuridad al enemigo con fuego lo
consumirá. Clouds and thick darkness surround
Him He reigns upon His throne.
Fire goes before Him
and burns Up His foes round about!
Brilló / un rayo de luz, el mundo
se_iluminó las montañas se derrumbarán delante
del Seño?r. His lightnings lighten the
world the earth sees and trembles! Mountains
melt like wax before the Lord, the Lord of all
the earth.
Tú vienes en el auxilio del que se_aleja del
mal, para_el de corazón limpio_y puro tu luz
brillará. The Lord loves those who hate evil He
will come to their aid. Light will dawn for the
righteous, and joy for the upright in heart!
4 SALMO 73 - Whom Have I In Heaven
  • A quién tengo_en el cielo? / A ti, Seño?r!
  • Al estar contigo la tierra no me_atrae.
  • Sí, mi ser se consume / hasta_el fin
  • mi roca_es Dio?s mi_herencia por sie??mpre!
  • Chorus
  • Whom have I in heaven but You, O Lord,
  • And when I am with You, The earth delights me
  • Though my heart And my flesh should waste away,
  • God is my rock, my portion forever.

ESTRIBILLO A quién tengo_en el cielo? / A ti,
Seño?r! Al estar contigo la tierra no
me_atrae. Sí, mi ser se consume / hasta_el
fin mi roca_es Dio?s mi_herencia por
sie??mpre! Chorus Whom have I in heaven but
You, O Lord, And when I am with You, The earth
delights me not! Though my heart And my flesh
should waste away, God is my rock, my portion
ESTRIBILLO A quién tengo_en el cielo? / A ti,
Seño?r! Al estar contigo la tierra no
me_atrae. Sí, mi ser se consume / hasta_el
fin mi roca_es Dio?s mi_herencia por
sie??mpre! Chorus Whom have I in heaven but
You, O Lord, And when I am with You, The earth
delights me not! Though my heart And my flesh
should waste away, God is my rock, my portion
ESTRIBILLO A quién tengo_en el cielo? / A ti,
Seño?r! Al estar contigo la tierra no
me_atrae. Sí, mi ser se consume / hasta_el
fin mi roca_es Dio?s mi_herencia por
sie??mpre! Chorus Whom have I in heaven but
You, O Lord, And when I am with You, The earth
delights me not! Though my heart And my flesh
should waste away, God is my rock, my portion
ESTRIBILLO A quién tengo_en el cielo? / A ti,
Seño?r! Al estar contigo la tierra no
me_atrae. Sí, mi ser se consume / hasta_el
fin mi roca_es Dio?s mi_herencia por
sie??mpre! Chorus Whom have I in heaven but
You, O Lord, And when I am with You, The earth
delights me not! Though my heart And my flesh
should waste away, God is my rock, my portion
Es purísima la ley de Dios, a los ojos brinda?
luz la norma del Señor es fiel, al simple da_el
saber más que_el oro fino_es la Palabra de Dios,
su verdad he de proclama?r. Mi delicia_está /
en él! The commandments of the Lord are pure,
Giving light to the eyes. The precepts of the
Lord are sure They make the simple wise. More to
be desired than the purest gold Let the law of
the Lord be told Then shall I rejoice in You.
Me gozo / en tu ley / y presto la_observa?ré de
noche te_alabaré, de día canto_a ti. Aunque_el
necio no respete_al Señor y no cumpla con su
le?y, yo_amaré_al Señor mi Dios! Your law is my
delight I hasten to keep Your ways. I rise to
bless You at night by day I sing Your
praise. Though the wicked do not fear the
Lord and refuse to keep His word, I shall love
the Lord my God.
Yo seré_el amigo fiel de quienes viven en tu?
ley, y mis enemigos son los que niegan tu
verdad al inicuo tú lo_aniquilarás, mas el justo
verá tu fa?z. Tú reinarás, triunfante Rey! I
shall be a loyal friend of all who love Your just
decrees. But those who defy Your name I count as
my enemies. For the wicked You will destroy, But
the righteous shall know Your joy. And You shall
reign, victorious King!
Yo contigo / estoy, tú cuidas de? mí me guías
con tu luz, me llevas en gloria mi gozo tan solo
/ es tus glorias pondera?r. Dios, mi Rey / y mi
porción! I am always with You, You hold my right
hand You guide me by Your truth and You lead me
to glory. My only joy is to be forever praising
Thee God, my Lord, my King, my all.
5 LA VOZ DEL SEÑOR - Ascribe To The Lord
  • Rendid al Señor, oh / hijos de Dios,
  • gloria_y poder al rey de la creación.
  • Rendid honor al glorioso nombre del Señor,
  • y / adoradlo_en su santo_esplendor.
  • Women
  • Ascribe to the Lord, O heavenly beings,
  • Ascribe to Him glory and strength.
  • O come ascribe to the Lord the glory of His name,
  • and worship Him in holy array.

HOMBRES Sobre los mares resuena la voz de
Dios glorioso_es Dios, su voz hace temblar. Qué
poderosa_es la voz del Altísimo! Men The voice
of God is upon many waters. The God of glory
thundering forth. The voice of God, full of
majesty and power.
MUJERES Sentado_está Dios sobre la tempestad,
sentado_está_el Señor cual Rey eterno.
La fuerza da / al que pone su
confianza_en él, y / a su pueblo
bendice con paz. Women The Lord sits enthroned
over all the flood. From there He reigns,
enthroned as King forever, Giving His strength to
the people who know His name. The Lord blessing
His people with peace.
HOMBRES Sobre los mares resuena la voz de
Dios glorioso_es Dios, su voz hace temblar. Qué
poderosa_es la voz del Altísimo! Men The voice
of God is upon many waters. The God of glory
thundering forth. The voice of God, full of
majesty and power.
Hallelujah! (4)
MUJ Aleluya!? HOM Su voz
desgaja los cedros de Líbano. MUJ
Aleluya!? HOM La voz del Señor
lanza llamas de fuego. (Women) Hallelujah (Men)
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars of
Lebanon (Women) Hallelujah (Men) The
voice of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire.
MUJ Aleluya! ? HOM Sacude
los bosques la voz del Altísimo. MUJ
Aleluya! ? HOM Y_en su
santuario gritan Glo?ria! (Women)
Hallelujah (Men) The voice of the Lord strips
the oaks and forests bare. (Women)
Hallelujah (Men) And in His
temple all cry, Glory!
MUJ Aleluya! ? HOM Su voz
desgaja los cedros de Líbano. MUJ Aleluya!
? HOM La voz del Señor lanza
llamas de fuego. (Women) Hallelujah (Men)
The voice of the Lord breaks the cedars of
Lebanon (Women) Hallelujah (Men) The voice
of the Lord flashes forth flames of fire.
MUJ Aleluya! ? HOM Sacude
los bosques la voz del Altísimo. MUJ
Aleluya! ? HOM Y_en su
santuario gritan Glo?ria! (Women)
Hallelujah (Men) The voice of the Lord strips
the oaks and forests bare. (Women)
Hallelujah (Men) And in His
temple all cry, Glory!
  • Grande_es nuestro Dios, por siempre nuestro Rey
  • toda la creación alabe / al Señor!
  • En el cielo entroniza?do, los ángeles le_ala?ban
  • Grande_es nuestro Dios, santo / es él!
  • Mighty is our God, the everlasting King.
  • All the earth proclaim the glories of His name.
  • Enthroned in the heavens, the angels sing His
  • Mighty is our God! Holy is He!

Proclamemos juntos el gozo del Señor, en nosotros
todos su_amor él derramó. Que toda le?ngua
confiese_etername?nte Cristo_es el Señor, digno
/ es él! Witness to all men the joy of the
Lord. For upon us all His love He has poured. Let
every tongue confess for ever Jesus is Lord!
Worthy is He!
ESTRIBILLO Alelu?ya, / a?leluya, / alelu?ya,
/ a?leluya! (2) CHORUS Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah!
ESTRIBILLO Alelu?ya, / a?leluya, / alelu?ya,
/ a?leluya! (2) CHORUS Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah!
ESTRIBILLO Alelu?ya, / a?leluya, / alelu?ya,
/ a?leluya! (2) CHORUS Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah!
FINAL Alelu?ya, / a?leluya, / alelu?ya, /
a?leluya! (2) FINAL CHORUS Hallelujah,
hallelujah, hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah,
hallelujah, Hallelujah, hallelujah!
Astros, luna_y sol, alaben al Señor! Cumbres y
/ abismos, proclamen su loor! Que se_alegre_el
firmame?nto / y exulte la tie?rra! Grande_es
nuestro Dios, santo / es él! Praise Him sun and
moon. Praise Him, stars of light. Praise Him in
the depths, aAnd praise Him in the heights. Let
the heavens be glad and the earth rejoice. Mighty
is our God! Holy is He!
7 AL SEÑOR INVOCARÉ - I Will Call Upon The Lord
  • HOM Al Señor invocaré,
  • MUJ Al Señor
  • HOM digno de_alabanza_es él
  • MUJ
    digno de_alabanza_es él!
  • MEN I will call upon the Lord.
  • WOMEN I will
    call upon the Lord
  • MEN Who is worthy to be praised.
    Who is worthy to be praised

HOM y me salva del enemi?go. MUJ
y me salva del
enemi?go.   TODOS Mi Dios vive! Bendita sea
mi Roca, y_exaltado sea_el Señor
que me_ha salvado. (2) MEN So shall I be
saved from my enemies! WOMEN
So shall I be saved from my enemies! ALL
The Lord reigneth! And blessed be my
rock And let the God of my salvation be
exalted! (2)
9 TÚ ERES MI DIOS For you are my God
  • Tú / eres mi Dios,
  • solo tú mi_alegría
  • defiéndeme, / oh Señor.
  • (Chorus)?
  • For you are my God
  • You alone are my joy.
  • Defend me O Lord.

ESTRIBILLO Tú / eres mi Dios, solo tú
mi_alegría defiéndeme, / oh Señor. (Chorus)? For
you are my God You alone are my joy. Defend me
O Lord.
ESTRIBILLO Tú / eres mi Dios, solo tú
mi_alegría defiéndeme, / oh Señor. (Chorus)? For
you are my God You alone are my joy. Defend me
O Lord.
ESTRIBILLO Tú / eres mi Dios, solo tú
mi_alegría defiéndeme, / oh Señor. (Chorus)? For
you are my God You alone are my joy. Defend me
O Lord.
ESTRIBILLO Tú / eres mi Dios, solo tú
mi_alegría defiéndeme, / oh Señor. (Chorus)? For
you are my God You alone are my joy. Defend me
O Lord.
ESTRIBILLO Tú / eres mi Dios, solo tú
mi_alegría defiéndeme, / oh Señor. (Chorus)? For
you are my God You alone are my joy. Defend me
O Lord.
Los hombres tienen ídolos y dioses y / en ellos
han puesto su_esperanza pero yo no / iré /
a_adorarlos ni mis labios pronunciarán sus no?
--mbres.   You give marvelous comrades to me The
faithful who dwell in your land. Those who choose
alien gods Have chosen an alien band.
Señor, tú_eres la_herencia que me toca, en tus
manos está mi destino me_asignaron un sitio de
delicias, magnífica / encuentro mi
parce?la.   You are my portion and cup It is you
that I claim for my prize. Your heritage is my
delight, The lot you have given to me.
Bendigo_al Señor que me_aconseja y de noche
me_instruye_internamente presente tengo
siempre_al Señor, con él a mi lado no
vaci?lo.   I bless the Lord who is my
counselor even at night my heart instructs me. I
keep the Lord before me always with him at my
right hand, nothing can shake me.
Mi corazón y mi / alma se / alegran, y mi carne
descansa serena, pues no me_entregarás a la
muerte ni dejarás que tu_amigo se
corro?mpa.   Glad are my heart and my
soul Securely my body shall rest. For you will
not leave me for dead, Nor lead your beloved
Me_enseñas el camino de la vida, el gran gozo que
/ es mirar tu rostro estar a tu
derecha_eternamente mi_alegría será para
sie?mpre!   You show me the path for my life In
your presence the fullness of joy. To be at your
right hand forever For me would be happiness
11 SANTO, SANTO, SANTO (1) - Holy, Holy, Holy
  • Santo, santo, santo, Dios podero?so
  • Santo, santo, santo, Dio?s Sebaot.
  •   Solo tú_eres santo, fiel y verdade?ro
  • misericordioso, Se?ñor mi Dios.
  • Aleluya, / alelu?ya?, / aleluya, / alelu? ya.
  • Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty,
  • Holy, holy, holy the Lord of Hosts.
  • Only you are holy, merciful and mighty,
  • Glorious, eternal, the Lord of Hosts.
  • Alleluia, Alleluia (2x)?

12 GUSTAD Y VED - Taste And See
  • Gustad y ved qué bueno_es el Seño?r
  • gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el Señor.
  • (Chorus)
  • Taste and see how good our God can be,
  • O taste and see how good our God can be.

ESTRIBILLO Gustad y ved qué bueno_es el
Seño?r gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el
Señor. (Chorus) Taste and see how good our God
can be, O taste and see how good our God can be.
ESTRIBILLO Gustad y ved qué bueno_es el
Seño?r gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el
Señor. (Chorus) Taste and see how good our God
can be, O taste and see how good our God can be.
ESTRIBILLO Gustad y ved qué bueno_es el
Seño?r gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el
Señor. (Chorus) Taste and see how good our God
can be, O taste and see how good our God can be.
FINAL Gustad y ved qué bueno_es el
Seño?r gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el
Señor. Gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el
Seño?r gu?stad y ved qué bueno_es el
Señor. (Chorus) Taste and see how good our God
can be, O taste and see how good our God can
be. Taste and see how good our God can be, O
taste and see how good our God can be.
Al Señor por siempre cantaré, con mi voz
alabanzas le daré. Yo me gloriaré_en el Señor, mi
Dios los humildes se_alegran en él. I will
bless the Lord at all times My mouth will
proclaim His praise, My soul makes it boast in
the Lord, our God. Let the humble hear and be
Alabad conmigo / al Señor, su grandeza cantemos
a_una voz. Mirad al Señor y resplandeced, vuestro
rostro no se_avergonzará. Come glorify the Lord
with me, Together let us praise his name. Look to
Him and grow bright in His radiant light And your
face will never be ashamed.
A los justos guarda / el Señor, él
siempre_escucha su clamor de los afligidos
cerca_está_el Señor, y salva / a los
abatidos. The eyes of the Lord are on the
just, And His ear toward all their cries. The
Lord is near to the broken heart And the crushed
in spirit He saves.
Gustad y ved qué bueno_es el Señor dichoso_el
que confía / en él. Santos del Señor, temed al
Señor nada bueno / os faltará. O taste and see
the Lord is good, And happy are all who trust in
Him. O fear the Lord, you His holy ones, Trust in
Him and lack of no good thing.

- HOM Den al
Señor sus alaba?nzas, MUJ una nueva canción,

- HOM denle
poder, honor y glo?ria MUJ canten al Señor
sus ala----banzas en su_honor. (2)
HOM a / una voz
canten un himno / al Señor. (2) TODOS Canten
al Seño??--------r! (Chorus)? MUJ Sing to the
- HOM Sing
to the Lord a new song, MUJ a new song,

- HOM Sing to the
Lord a new song, MUJ Sing to the Lord, sing to
the Lord a new song. (2) HOM Sing to the
Lord, sing to the Lord a new song. (2) TODOS
Sing to the Lord!
  • Den al Señor sus alaba?nzas,
  • denle poder, honor y glo?ria,
  • a / una voz canten un himno / al Señor.
  • (Chorus)?
  • Sing to the Lord a new song.
  • Sing to the Lord a new song.
  • Sing to the Lord, sing to the Lord a new song.

ESTRIBILLO Den al Señor sus alaba?nzas, denle
poder, honor y glo?ria, a / una voz canten un
himno / al Señor. (Chorus)? Sing to the Lord a
new song. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to
the Lord, sing to the Lord a new song.
ESTRIBILLO Den al Señor sus alaba?nzas, denle
poder, honor y glo?ria, a / una voz canten un
himno / al Señor. (Chorus)? Sing to the Lord a
new song. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to
the Lord, sing to the Lord a new song.
ESTRIBILLO Den al Señor sus alaba?nzas, denle
poder, honor y glo?ria, a / una voz canten un
himno / al Señor. (Chorus)? Sing to the Lord a
new song. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to
the Lord, sing to the Lord a new song.
ESTRIBILLO Den al Señor sus alaba?nzas, denle
poder, honor y glo?ria, a / una voz canten un
himno / al Señor. (Chorus)? Sing to the Lord a
new song. Sing to the Lord a new song. Sing to
the Lord, sing to the Lord a new song.
En siete días creó Dios el mu?ndo, Adán pecó / y
perdió / el cie?lo Jesús vino para
redimirnos, murió_en la cruz y nos salvó?.   God
made the world in seven days. Adam sinned and
then all men fell away. Jesus came to redeem my
soul. He died upon the cross and He made me
A Moisés Dios dijo / Haz mi pueblo li?bre yo
seré tu guía, siempre sígueme. Salieron ya
de_Egipto / y el mar pasaron, cantaron y
bailaron, se llenaron de júbilo.   God said to
Moses, Go and set My people free. I will be
your guide, just always follow Me. Moses led the
people through the parted Red Sea, Then they
sang, and they danced, and they had a jubilee!
Jesús dijo_a Pedro Ven, te lla?mo el camino_es
duro, mas iré conti?go. Pedro respondió Soy un
pecado?r, tiró su red y_hacia_el Señor
corrió?.   Jesus said to Peter, Come on, Im
calling you. I know the way is hard, but Ill
always see you through. Peter said, My Lord,
Im a sinful man. Then he threw down his net,
and to the Lord he ran!
Entrégate,_hermano / al Señor Jesú?s él te / ama
/ aunque seas pecador él pagó / el precio de tu
salvació?n y_ahora / eres una nueva
creació?n.   Surrender your life, brother, to
Jesus our Lord For He loves you dearly though
you are a sinner He paid the price of your
salvation And now you are a new creation.
14 HONRA Y GLORIA - Blessing And Glory
  • Honra / y gloria, fuerza / y_alaba?nza?,
  • sabiduría / y poder a nuestro Dios,
  • aho?ra / y sie?mpre, / amén, a?mén, a?mén!
  • (Chorus)
  • Blessing and glory, wisdom and thanksgiving,
  • honor and power, and might be to our God,
  • forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

ESTRIBILLO Honra / y gloria, fuerza /
y_alaba?nza?, sabiduría / y poder a nuestro
Dios, aho?ra / y sie?mpre, / amén, a?mén,
a?mén! (Chorus) Blessing and glory, wisdom and
thanksgiving, honor and power, and might be to
our God, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
ESTRIBILLO Honra / y gloria, fuerza /
y_alaba?nza?, sabiduría / y poder a nuestro
Dios, aho?ra / y sie?mpre, / amén, a?mén,
a?mén! (Chorus) Blessing and glory, wisdom and
thanksgiving, honor and power, and might be to
our God, forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.
El reino sobre_el mundo ya llegó, el reino del
Señor y de su Cristo, y / él reinará por to?dos
los si?glos, amén. The kingdom of the world has
become, The kingdom of our Lord And of His
Christ, And He shall reign forever and ever.
Y la salvación, y / el reino y_el poder de
nuestro Dios, la potestad de Jesucristo ya
llegó. Now the salvation, and the power, And the
kingdom of our God, And the authority of His
Christ have come.
Banners Of Love
  • Alzad estandartes de_amor, aleluya,
  • trompetas de guerra tocad
  • Cristo nos dio su victoria,_aleluya,
  • Jericó caerá!
  • (Chorus)
  • Lift high the banners of love, Hallelujah.
  • Sound the trumpets of war.
  • Christ has gotten us the victory, Hallelujah.
  • Jericho must fall.

ESTRIBILLO Alzad estandartes de_amor,
aleluya, trompetas de guerra tocad Cristo nos
dio su victoria,_aleluya, Jericó
caerá! (Chorus) Lift high the banners of love,
Hallelujah. Sound the trumpets of war. Christ has
gotten us the victory, Hallelujah. Jericho must
ESTRIBILLO Alzad estandartes de_amor,
aleluya, trompetas de guerra tocad Cristo nos
dio su victoria,_aleluya, Jericó
caerá! (Chorus) Lift high the banners of love,
Hallelujah. Sound the trumpets of war. Christ has
gotten us the victory, Hallelujah. Jericho must
ESTRIBILLO Alzad estandartes de_amor,
aleluya, trompetas de guerra tocad Cristo nos
dio su victoria,_aleluya, Jericó
caerá! (Chorus) Lift high the banners of love,
Hallelujah. Sound the trumpets of war. Christ has
gotten us the victory, Hallelujah. Jericho must
ESTRIBILLO Alzad estandartes de_amor,
aleluya, trompetas de guerra tocad Cristo nos
dio su victoria,_aleluya, Jericó
caerá! (Chorus) Lift high the banners of love,
Hallelujah. Sound the trumpets of war. Christ has
gotten us the victory, Hallelujah. Jericho must
ESTRIBILLO Alzad estandartes de_amor,
aleluya, trompetas de guerra tocad Cristo nos
dio su victoria,_aleluya, Jericó caerá! FINAL
Jericó caerá! (Chorus) Lift high the banners of
love, Hallelujah. Sound the trumpets of
war. Christ has gotten us the victory,
Hallelujah. Jericho must fall.FINAL Jericho
must fall.
El cuerpo de Cristo_está_en guerra contra
toda_oscuridad, dando libertad a los cauti?vos en
el nombre de Jesús, nuestro Rey. The body of
Christ is an army, Fighting powers
unseen. Bringing the captives to freedom In the
Name of Jesus, our King.
Hermano, seguirás tu llamado? lucharás en las
tropas del Rey? estás dispuesto_en esta
gue?rra por tu_hermano la vida_a_entregar? Brothe
rs, are you sure of your calling, Will you fight
for Jesus, the King? Are you prepared in this
battle To lay down your lives for your friends?
Vivamos la_unidad del Espíritu y de / él
recibamos poder, con Jesucristo por je?fe hasta
que triunfe_el Reino de Dios. We must stand in
unity, By the Spirit made strong. Stand with
Jesus, our captain, And fight till Gods Kingdom
has come.
Anuncia_a Jesús crucificado que murió / y_a la
vida volvió ven contra_el poder de las
tinie?blas en el nombre del Redentor. Preach the
Savior crucified, Dead, but risen again. Come
against the powers of darkness In His glorious
Lucharemos en el nombre del Padre y_en el nombre
de Cristo Jesús, y / en el poder del
Espíritu hasta_el día_en que nos llame_el
Señor. In the Name of God the Father, In the
Name of Jesus His Son, And in the Name of the
Spirit, We will fight till we are called home.
  • Yo pacté_una_alianza con mi_elegido,
  • a / él mi palabra juré
  • Tu linaje fundaré por siempre,
  • nunca se_acabará.
  • I have made a covenant with my chosen,
  • given my servant my word.
  • I have made your name to last forever,
  • built to outlast all time.

ESTRIBILLO Yo celebraré tu_amor eternamente, tu
lealtad, Señor, proclamaré tu fidelidad perdura
para siempre, y_es eterna tu bondad. (Chorus)? I
will celebrate your love forever, Yahweh. Age on
age, my words proclaim your love. For I claim
that love is built to last forever, founded firm
your faithfulness.
Señor, la_asamblea de los que te / aman aclama
tu_inmenso poder. Quién sobre las nubes a ti se
compara, quién puede ser tu rival? Yahweh, the
assembly of those who love you applaud your
marvelous word. Who in the skies can compare with
Yahweh? Who can rival Him?
ESTRIBILLO Yo celebraré tu_amor eternamente, tu
lealtad, Señor, proclamaré tu fidelidad perdura
para siempre, y_es eterna tu bondad. (Chorus)? I
will celebrate your love forever, Yahweh. Age on
age, my words proclaim your love. For I claim
that love is built to last forever, founded firm
your faithfulness.
Dichoso / el pueblo que sabe_aclamarte caminará
con tu luz tú_eres nuestra gloria / y nuestra
fuerza, nuestra_esperanza_está_en ti. Happy the
people who learn to acclaim you. They rejoice in
your light. You are our glory and you are our
courage. Our hope belongs to you.
ESTRIBILLO Yo celebraré tu_amor eternamente, tu
lealtad, Señor, proclamaré tu fidelidad perdura
para siempre, y_es eterna tu bondad. (Chorus)? I
will celebrate your love forever, Yahweh. Age on
age, my words proclaim your love. For I claim
that love is built to last forever, founded firm
your faithfulness.
Dichoso / el pueblo que sabe_aclamarte caminará
con tu luz tú_eres nuestra gloria / y nuestra
fuerza, nuestra_esperanza_está_en ti. I have
revealed my chosen servant And he can rely on
me Given him my love to last forever. He shall
rise in my name.
ESTRIBILLO Yo celebraré tu_amor eternamente, tu
lealtad, Señor, proclamaré tu fidelidad perdura
para siempre, y_es eterna tu bondad. (Chorus)? I
will celebrate your love forever, Yahweh. Age on
age, my words proclaim your love. For I claim
that love is built to last forever, founded firm
your faithfulness.
Él me_invocará Mi Dios, mi Padre, él es mi /
hijo mayor no revocaré jamás mi promesa, y_él
brillará como_el sol. He will call to me, My
Father! My God! For I make him my first-born
son. I cannot take back my given promise. Ive
called him to shine like the sun.
ESTRIBILLO Yo celebraré tu_amor eternamente, tu
lealtad, Señor, proclamaré tu fidelidad perdura
para siempre, y_es eterna tu bondad. (Chorus)? I
will celebrate your love forever, Yahweh. Age on
age, my words proclaim your love. For I claim
that love is built to last forever, founded firm
your faithfulness.
20 EXALTADO SEAS, SEÑOR - Be Exalted, O God
  • Te doy gracias, oh Señor,
  • en presencia de los pue?blos,
  • y te canto / alabanzas entre nacio?nes.
  • I will give thanks to Thee,
  • O Lord, among the people.
  • I will sing praises to Thee, Among the nations.

Pues tu_amor es firme_y grande, e?s grande /
hasta_el cie?lo, y_a las nubes a?lcanza tu?
lealtad. For Thy steadfast love is great, Is
great to the heavens, And Thy faithfulness, Thy
faithfulness to the clouds.
Te doy gracias, oh Señor, en presencia de los
pue?blos, y te canto / alabanzas entre
nacio?nes. I will give thanks to Thee, O Lord,
among the people. I will sing praises to Thee,
Among the nations.
Pues tu_amor es firme_y grande, e?s grande /
hasta_el cie?lo, y_a las nubes a?lcanza tu?
lealtad. For Thy steadfast love is great, Is
great to the heavens, And Thy faithfulness, Thy
faithfulness to the clouds.
Exaltado seas, Señor, sobre los cielos, y tu
gloria se_extienda po?r doquier! Exaltado seas,
Señor, sobre los cielos, y tu gloria se_extienda
po?r doquier. Be exalted, O God, above the
heavens. Let Thy glory be over all the earth. Be
exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let Thy glory
be over all the earth.
Exaltado seas, Señor, sobre los cielos, y tu
gloria se_extienda po?r doquier! Exaltado seas,
Señor, sobre los cielos, y tu glo?ria, / y tu
glo?ria, y tu gloria se_extienda po?r doquier!
(2) Be exalted, O God, above the heavens. Let
Thy glory be over all the earth. Be exalted, O
God, above the heavens. Let Thy glory, let Thy
glory, let Thy glory be over all the earth.
  • Qué_hermosos en los montes son los pies de_aquel
  • que_ anuncia salvación,
  • trayendo paz y nuevas de felicidad
  • Nuestro Dios reina ya!
  • Nuestro Dios reina ya!, nuestro Dio??s reina
  • How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him
  • Who brings good news, good news,
  • Announcing peace, proclaiming news of happiness
  • Our God reigns, our God reigns.
  • Our God reigns, our God reigns, Our God reigns,
    our God reigns.

27 OÍ POR FIN UNA GRAN VOZ - The Dwelling Of God
Is Among You Today
  • Oí por fin una gran voz
  • Ya Dios ha puesto su tienda con la_humanidad,
  • y quitará todo dolor
  • no_habrá más llanto, ni pena, ni muerte, por
  • And then I heard a loud voice say,
  • Behold, the dwelling of God is among you today!
  • And He shall wipe away your tears
  • Therell be no mourning, or crying, or pain, or
    death anymore!

Aleluya, / ale?lu?ya! Ha llegado / el Reino
de nuestro Se?ñor! Dios del poder, Dios de?l
a?mor, tú mereces la / honra_y la gloria por
siempre jamás! (2) Hallelujah! Hallelujah! For
the Lord God Almighty, Omnipotent reigns! Our
mighty God! Our risen Lord! All the glory, and
honor, And power are Yours evermore!
Of Jesus Name
  • Honor al nombre de Jesús tribute todo ser
  • traed diadema_y ce?tro real y corona?dle rey!
  • Traed diadema_y ce?tro real y corona??dle rey!
  • All hail the power of Jesus name! Let angels
    prostrate fall
  • Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord
    of all
  • Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord
    of all!

Oh pueblo de la redención, linaje de_Israel load
al que / os salva por su_amor, y corona?dle
rey. Load al que / os salva por su_amor y
corona??dle rey. Ye chosen seed of Israels
race, ye ransomed from the fall, Hail Him who
saves you by His grace and crown Him Lord of
all Hail Him who saves you by His grace and
crown Him Lord of all!
Que toda tribu / y nación se postre / ante /
él rendidle_honor y ma?je?stad, y corona?dle
rey. Rendidle_honor y ma?je?stad, y corona??dle
rey. Let every kindred, every tribe, on this
terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, and
crown Him Lord of all To Him all majesty
ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all!
Con esa santa multitud caigamos a sus
pies, para_entonar el cántico_eternal y
corona?rle rey. Para_entonar el cántico_eternal y
corona??rle rey. O that with yonder sacred
throng we at His feet may fall Well join the
everlasting song, and crown Him Lord of
all! Well join the everlasting song, and crown
Him Lord of all!
30 HIMNO DE GLORIA - Hymn Of Glory
  • Gloria, / alelu?ya!
  • Gloria, / alelu?ya!
  • Glory, hallelujah!
  • Glory, hallelujah!

ESTRIBILLO Gloria, / alelu?ya! Gloria, /
alelu?ya! CHORUS Glory, hallelujah! Glory,
ESTRIBILLO Gloria, / alelu?ya! Gloria, /
alelu?ya! CHORUS Glory, hallelujah! Glory,
ESTRIBILLO Gloria, / alelu?ya! Gloria, /
alelu?ya! CHORUS Glory, hallelujah! Glory,
ESTRIBILLO Gloria, / alelu?ya! Gloria, /
alelu?ya! (2) CHORUS Glory,
hallelujah! Glory, hallelujah! (2)
Digno_el Cordero que_ha sido_inmolado, él dio su
vida / y_ha resucitado, él nos ha dado vida sin
fin. Worthy the Lamb who was slain for our sins.
He laid down His life, he rose up again. To us
He gives unending life.
Den gracias a Dios y_alaben su nombre, con
corazón santo levanten las manos, juntos cantemos
a nuestro Dios. Give thanks to our God and let
Him be praised, With sanctified hearts and hands
that are raised. Come join a song of praise to
our God.
Al Verbo de Dios, su / Hijo / amado, canten los
hombres gloria / y_honor que pertenecen a nuestro
Señor. His Word ever true, the Son of His love.
Sing men of earth to the heavens above. Honor
and glory belong to our God.
Santo, santo, Señor poderoso, quien era, quien
es, y pronto vendrá! En gloria ven, Señor Jesús,
ven! Holy, holy, the Lord God Almighty Who was,
Who is, and Who is to come. In glory come, Lord
Jesus, come!
33 LOS ÁRBOLES DEL CAMPO Trees of the Field
  • Estén gozo?sos pues serán guiados en paz,
  • los montes ante_ustedes se rebajarán,
  • de gozo gritarán, alegres danzarán,
  • y_ustedes con gozo_irán.
  • You shall go out with joy and be led forth with
  • The mountains and the hills will break forth
    before you.
  • There'll be shouts of joy, and all the trees of
    the field
  • Will clap, will clap their hands.

Todos los árboles del campo_aplaudirán, los
árboles del campo_aplaudirán los árboles del
campo_aplaudirán, y_ustedes con gozo_irán.   And
all the trees of the field will clap their
hands, The trees of the field will clap their
hands, The trees of the field will clap their
hands While you go out with joy.
34 SALMO 150 Psalm 150
  • Aleluya! / A?leluya! / Alelu?ya!
  • (Chorus)?
  • Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Alaben a Dios en su templo sagrado, alábenlo por
su gloria / y amor, alábenlo por sus grandes
hazañas alábenlo po?r todo su? poder! Praise
God in His holy dwelling. Praise Him on His
mighty throne. Praise Him for His wonderful
deeds. Praise Him for His sovreign majesty!
ESTRIBILLO Aleluya! / A?leluya! /
Alelu?ya! (Chorus)? Alleluia, alleluia,
Alábenlo con el toque de flautas, alábenlo con la
cítara / y arpa, alábenlo con tambores y
danzas alábenlo con clangor de corno_y
laúd! Praise Him with the blast of
trumpet Praise Him now with lyre and harp. Praise
Him with the timbrel and dance. Praise Him with
the sound of string and reed!
ESTRIBILLO Aleluya! / A?leluya! /
Alelu?ya! (Chorus)? Alleluia, alleluia,
Alábenlo con platillos sonoros, alábenlo con
platillo triunfal alábelo todo cuanto
respira todo lo que vive_alabe_al Señor! Praise
Him with resounding cymbals, With cymbals that
crash give praise. O, let evrything that has
breath, Let all living creatures praise the Lord!
ESTRIBILLO Aleluya! / A?leluya! /
Alelu?ya! (Chorus)? Alleluia, alleluia,
Gloria / al Altísimo Padre gloria / a Jesús,
Redentor gloria / al Espíritu Santo gloria
demos siempre_a la Trinidad! Praise God the
almighty Father. Praise Christ, His beloved
Son. Give praise to the Spirit of love. Forever
the triune God be praised!
ESTRIBILLO Aleluya! / A?leluya! /
Alelu?ya! (Chorus)? Alleluia, alleluia,
  • Arriba,_hombres de Dios!,
  • queda mucho por hacer
  • den fuerza,_alma, mente_y corazón,
  • sirviendo / a nuestro Rey.
  • Rise up, O men of God!
  • Have done with lesser things.
  • Give heart, and soul, and mind, and strength
  • To serve the King of kings.

Arriba,_hombres de Dios!, su Reino se
tarda_aún promuevan el día de_hermandad
que_acabe la_oscuridad. Rise up, O men of
God! His Kingdom tarries long Bring in the day
of brotherhood And end the night of wrong.
Arriba,_hombres de Dios!, la_Iglesia / espera /
hoy necesita fuerza_en su misión, hagan grande
su labor. Rise up, O men of God! The Church for
you doth wait Her strength unequal to her
task Rise up and make her great!
Levanten ya su cruz y vayan en pos de /
él, sabiéndose_hermanos de Jesús arriba, /
hombres de Dios! Lift high the cross of
Christ! Tread where his feet have trod. As
brothers of the Son of man, Rise up, O men of
36 OH TU FIDELIDAD! - Great Is Thy
ESTRIBILLO Oh, tu fidelidad! Oh, tu
fidelidad! cada momento la veo / en mí nada me
falta, pues todo provees grande, Señor, es tu
fidelidad. CHORUS Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new
mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath
provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto
ESTRIBILLO Oh, tu fidelidad! Oh, tu
fidelidad! cada momento la veo / en mí nada me
falta, pues todo provees grande, Señor, es tu
fidelidad. CHORUS Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new
mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath
provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto
ESTRIBILLO Oh, tu fidelidad! Oh, tu
fidelidad! cada momento la veo / en mí nada me
falta, pues todo provees grande, Señor, es tu
fidelidad. CHORUS Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning new
mercies I see All I have needed Thy hand hath
provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto
  • Oh Dios eterno, tu misericordia
  • ni / una sombra de duda tendrá
  • tu compasión y bondad nunca fallan,
  • y por los siglos el mismo serás!
  • Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father,
  • There is no shadow of turning with Thee
  • Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not
  • As Thou has been Thou forever wilt be.

La noche_oscura, / el sol y la luna, las
estaciones del año también unen su canto cual
fieles criaturas, porque_eres bueno, por
siempre_eres fiel. Summer and winter, and
spring-time and harvest, Sun, moon and stars in
their courses above Join with all nature in
manifold witness To Thy great faithfulness, mercy
and love.
Tú me perdonas, me_impartes el gozo, tierno me
guías por sendas de paz eres mi fuerza, mi fe,
mi reposo, y por los siglos mi Padre
serás. Pardon for sin and peace that
endureth, Thy own dear presence to cheer and to
guide Strength for today and bright hope for
tomorrow, Blessings all mine, with ten thousand
39 GRANDES MARAVILLAS - Great and Wonderful
Quién no daría glo?ria y / honor a ti? Pues
solo tú_eres sa?nto, solo tú, Señor. Who shall
not fear and glorify Thy name O Lord? For Thou
alone art holy, Thou alone.
Quién no daría glo?ria y / honor a ti? Pues
solo tú_eres sa?nto, solo tú, Señor. Who shall
not fear and glorify Thy name O Lord? For Thou
alone art holy, Thou alone.
Todas las naciones te / adorará?n, porque_han
visto tu_inmensa gloria. Alelu?ya?, / alelu?ya?,
/ ale?luya, / amén. La, la, la, la, la... All
the nations shall come and worship Thee For Thy
glory shall be revealed. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Amen! La la la la la
Todas las naciones te / adorará?n, porque_han
visto tu_inmensa gloria. Alelu?ya?, / alelu?ya?,
/ ale?luya, / amén. La, la, la, la, la...
(2) All the nations shall come and worship
Thee For Thy glory shall be revealed. Hallelujah!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen! La la la la la
  • Grandes maravillas son tus o?bra?s,
  • Señor Dios de?l universo
  • justos y verdaderos tus cami?no?s,
  • rey de las naciones, Seño?r.
  • Great and wonderful are Thy wondrous deeds,
  • O Lord God, the Almighty.
  • Just and true are all Thy ways, O Lord
  • King of the ages art Thou.

Grandes maravillas son tus o?bra?s, Señor Dios
de?l universo justos y verdaderos tus
cami?no?s, rey de las naciones, Seño?r. Great
and wonderful are Thy wondrous deeds, O Lord God,
the Almighty. Just and true are all Thy ways, O
Lord King of the ages art Thou.
40 VIVA EL REY! - You Alone Are Holy
Solo tú / eres sa?nto, solo tú / El Shadday,
solo tú / eres di?gno, Adonai. You alone are
holy You alone, O Lord. You alone are
worthy Lamb of God.
Desde_el trono de gra?cia riges con
santidad, coronado de glo?ria_y majestad.
(2) FINAL Viva_el Rey! Viva_el Rey! We
behold Your splendor, seated on the throne, Robed
and crowned with glory, evermore,
(2) END Mighty Lord! Mighty Lord!
  • Oh Señor, Dios ete?rno! O?h Dio?s santísimo!,
  • eres nuestro Rey y libertador, el santo
  • Ante ti nos postra?mos y tu nombre / adora?mos,
  • poderoso Juez, invencible, / Altísimo Señor.
  • O Lord God Almighty, O Lord most holy
  • you are King of kings and Lord of lords, the
    Father of us all.
  • And we bow down before You, every creature shall
    adore You,
  • You are mighty God, the Messiah, the Savior of
    the world.

Oh Señor, Dios ete?rno! O?h Dio?s
santísimo!, eres nuestro Rey y libertador, el
santo de_Israel. Ante ti nos postra?mos y tu
nombre / adora?mos, poderoso Juez, invencible, /
Altísimo Señor. O Lord God Almighty, O Lord
most holy you are King of kings and Lord of
lords, the Father of us all. And we bow down
before You, every creature shall adore You, You
are mighty God, the Messiah, the Savior of the
41 CANTAD ALELUYA - Singing Hallelujah
A través de la sa?ngre de Jesús, Cordero de
Dios, purificad el corazón para rendirle culto /
al Señor. And weve come unto Jesus through the
blood of the new covenant. Made pure to stand
before the throne of grace With all the
first-born saints in endless praise,
Al haber encontra?do este reino que no
pasará, adoremos a Dios, eterno Rey, con
reverencia,_asombro_y gratitud. Since weve
found such a kingdom Which shall never be
removed, Let us worship the Lord in fear and
awe, In reverence and heart-felt gratitude.
  • Os habéis acerca?do
  • a Sión, el monte de Dios,
  • la celestial Jerusalén,
  • morada del Altísimo Señor.
  • We have come to Mount Zion,
  • to the city of the living God
  • The heavenly Jerusalem,
  • with myriads of angels round the throne,

ESTRIBILLO Cantad alelu?ya, cantad alelu?ya,
cantad alelu?ya?. CHORUS Singing Hallelujah,
singing Hallelujah, singing Hallelujah.
ESTRIBILLO Cantad alelu?ya, cantad alelu?ya,
cantad alelu?ya?. CHORUS Singing Hallelujah,
singing Hallelujah, singing Hallelujah.
ESTRIBILLO Cantad alelu?ya, cantad alelu?ya,
cantad alelu?ya?. Aleluya! CHORUS Singing
Hallelujah, singing Hallelujah, singing
Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
45 SALVE, OH CRISTO - All Hail King Jesus
  • Salve, / oh Cri?sto! Salve, / Emmanuel!
  • Dios y Rey, Redentor, Sol vencedor!
  • En tu Reino_habitaré toda mi vi?da,
  • y te_alabaré por la_eternidad.
  • All hail King Jesus! All hail Emanuel!
  • King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Bright Morning
  • And for all eternity Ill ever praise you,
  • And forevermore I will reign with you!

47 YO TE EXALTO - I Exalt Thee
HOM Yo te_exa?lto, ...............yo
te_exa?lto, .................. MUJ
Yo te_exa?lto,
.................yo te_ exa?lto, HOM Yo te
exa?lto, / ..................oh Señor. MUJ
Yo te_exa?lto_oh Señor.
(2) MEN I exalt Thee, I
exalt Thee WOMEN I exalt Thee,
I exalt Thee) MEN I exalt
Thee, O Lord! WOMEN
I exalt Thee, O Lord! (2)
HOM Yo te_exa?lto, ...............yo
te_exa?lto, .................. MUJ
Yo te_exa?lto,
.................yo te_ exa?lto, HOM Yo te
exa?lto, / ..................oh Señor. MUJ
Yo te_exa?lto_oh Señor.
(2) MEN I exalt Thee, I
exalt Thee WOMEN I exalt Thee,
I exalt Thee) MEN I exalt
Thee, O Lord! WOMEN
I exalt Thee, O Lord! (2)
  • Eres excelso,_oh Dios, más allá de los cie?los
  • eres excelso, no / hay dios como tú. (2)
  • For Thou O Lord art high above all the earth
  • Thou art exalted far above all gods.

Eres excelso,_oh Dios, más allá de los
cie?los eres excelso, no / hay dios como tú.
(2) For Thou O Lord art high above all the
earth Thou art exalted far above all gods.
Tongues to Sing
  • Mil voces para celebrar
  • a mi Libertador
  • las glorias de su majestad,
  • lo?s triunfos de su_amor.
  • O for a thousand tongues to sing
  • My great Redeemers praise,
  • The glories of my God and King,
  • The triumphs of his grace!

Oh mi glorioso Rey y Dios, ayúdame_a cantar, y_al
mundo_entero tu loor co?n gozo proclamar. My
gracious Master and my God, Assist me to
proclaim, To spread thro all the earth
abroad The honors of thy name.
El dulce nombre de Jesús nos libra del temor en
las tristezas trae luz, pe?rdón al
pecador. Jesus! The name that charms our
fears, That bids our sorrows cease, Tis music in
the sinners ears, Tis life, and health, and
Su cruz nos trajo redención, nos dio la
libertad su sangre nos purificó, co?n Dios nos
puso_en paz. He breaks the power of canceled
sin, He sets the prisoner free His blood can
make the foulest clean His blood availed for
Él habla, / y al oír su voz el muerto
vivirá se_alegra_el triste corazón lo?s pobres
hallan paz. He speaks, and listening to his
voice, New life the dead receive The mournful,
broken hearts recoice The humble poor believe.
Oídle, sordos y elevad, oh mudos, vuestra
voz oh ciegos, ved que viene ya go?zad en
vuestro Dios. Hear him, ye deaf his praise, ye
dumb Your loosened tongues employ Ye blind
behold your Savior come And leap, ye lame, for
50 LA LUZ DE JESÚS - The Light Of Christ
  • La lu?z de Jesús al mundo ya llegó. (2)
  • The light of Christ Has come into the world.

Todo / hombre debe renacer para ver el reino de
Dios el agua / y el Espíritu no?s traen vida
nue?va. All men must be born again To see the
kingdom of God The water and the Spirit
bring New life in Gods love.
Dios nos dio_a su_Unigénito, por su_amor para con
el mundo, y / ahora todo_el que cree / en
él vivirá? para sie?mpre. God gave up His only
Son Out of love for the world, So that all men
who believe in Him Will live forever.
ESTRIBILLO La lu?z de Jesús al mundo ya llegó.
(2) CHORUS The light of Christ Has come
into the world. (2)
La luz de Dios no?s vi?no para que, siendo
salvos del pecado_y las tinie?blas, caminemos
hacia_el cie?lo. The light of God has come to
us So that we might have salvation From the
darkness of our sins we walk Into glory with
Christ Jesus.
ESTRIBILLO La lu?z de Jesús al mundo ya llegó.
(2) CHORUS The light of Christ Has come
into the world. (2)
51 MAJESTAD - Majesty
  • Majestad, loemos su majestad
  • a Jesús sea gloria, / honra_y loor.
  • Majestad, reino / y autoridad
  • fluyen del trono / hacia su pueblo,
  • cantémosle_a / él!
  • Majesty, worship His majesty
  • Unto Jesus be glory, honor and praise.
  • Majesty, kingdom authority,
  • Flows from His throne, unto His own,
  • His anthem raise!

Exaltad y proclamad el nombre de
Cri?sto magnificad, glorificad a Cristo / el
Re?y. Majestad, loemos su majestad Jesús que
murió_y se glorificó, él es el Rey! So exalt
lift up on high the Name of Jesus. Magnify, come
glorify Christ Jesus the King. Majesty, worship
His majesty. Jesus Who died, now glorified, King
of all kings!
53 ROMANOS 8 53 Romans 8
  • Nuestro Dios con su poder interviene para bien
  • de los que lo_aman a / él y_a su plan.
  • Y los ha / hecho reflejar al Primogénito de
  • los ha_escogido como_hermanos de Jesús.
  • (Chorus)?
  • For to those who love God, who are called in His
  • Everything works out for good.
  • And God Himself chose them to bear the likeness
    of His son,
  • That He might be the first of many, many brothers.

ESTRIBILLO Nuestro Dios con su poder interviene
para bien de los que lo_aman a / él y_a su
plan. Y los ha / hecho reflejar al Primogénito
de Dios los ha_escogido como_hermanos de
Jesús.   (Chorus)? For to those who love God, who
are called in His plan, Everything works out for
good. And God Himself chose them to bear the
likeness of His son, That He might be the first
of many, many brothers.
ESTRIBILLO Nuestro Dios con su poder interviene
para bien de los que lo_aman a / él y_a su
plan. Y los ha / hecho reflejar al Primogénito
de Dios los ha_escogido como_hermanos de
Jesús.   (Chorus)? For to those who love God, who
are called in His plan, Everything works out for
good. And God Himself chose them to bear the
likeness of His son, That He might be the first
of many, many brothers.
ESTRIBILLO Nuestro Dios con su poder interviene
para bien de los que lo_aman a / él y_a su
plan. Y los ha / hecho reflejar al Primogénito
de Dios los ha_escogido como_hermanos de
Jesús.   (Chorus)? For to those who love God, who
are called in His plan, Everything works out for
good. And God Himself chose them to bear the
likeness of His son, That He might be the first
of many, many brothers.
ESTRIBILLO Nuestro Dios con su poder interviene
para bien de los que lo_aman a / él y_a su
plan. Y los ha / hecho reflejar al Primogénito
de Dios los ha_escogido como_hermanos de
Jesús.   (Chorus)? For to those who love God, who
are called in His plan, Everything works out for
good. And God Himself chose them to bear the
likeness of His son, That He might be the first
of many, many brothers.
Quién nos condenará si Jesús nos redimió, y por
nuestro pecado / en la cruz murió?   Who is able
to condemn? Only Christ who died for us Christ
who rose for us Christ who prays for us.
Ante / esto / hermanos, qué podemos decir? Dios
nos justificó quién nos culpará?   In the face
of all this, what is there left to say? For if
God is for us, who can be against us?
Quién nos separará del amor de? Dios? Ni
la_angustia, ni_el peligro, ni la_espada.   Who
can separate us from the love of Christ? Neither
trouble, nor pain, nor persecution.
Qué nos separará del amor de? Dios? Ni_el
pasado, ni_el presente, ni / el futuro.   What
can separate us from the love of Christ? Not the
past, the present, nor the future.
  • Lo que / era ganancia para mí
  • como pérdida lo / estimo / hoy,
  • frente_al gozo de conocer al Señor Jesús.
  • I believe that nothing can out weigh
  • The advantage of knowing Jesus Christ
  • The advantage of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.

ESTRIBILLO Solo quiero conocer a Jesús y_el
poder de su resurrección solo quiero conocer al
Señor y vivir en su_amo???r. CHORUS All I want
is to know Jesus Christ And the power of His
rising. All I want is to know my Lord And in Him
to abideOoh.
Por su causa ya todo lo perdí, y? todo_es basura
para mí por gana?r a Jesús y vivir en él. For
Him I take the loss of everything, And I look on
everything as naught, If only I have Christ and a
place in Him.
ESTRIBILLO Solo quiero conocer a Jesús y_el
poder de su resurrección solo quiero conocer al
Señor y vivir en su_amo???r. CHORUS All I want
is to know Jesus Christ And the power of His
rising. All I want is to know my Lord And in Him
to abideOoh.
Ya no busco ser justo / ante Dios por mi propio /
esfuerzo_y perfección, solo quiero_estar con Dios
por mi fe / en él. Im no longer trying on my
own For perfection coming from the law I want
only that which comes through my faith in Him.
ESTRIBILLO Solo quiero conocer a Jesús y_el
poder de su resurrección solo quiero conocer al
Señor y vivir en su_amo???r. CHORUS All I want
is to know Jesus Christ And the power of His
rising. All I want is to know my Lord And in Him
to abideOoh.
57 GLORIA A DIOS Glory to God
  • Gloria / a Dios, gloria / a Dios en el cie?lo,
  • y paz a los hombres que / ama_el Señor.
  • Gloria / a Dios en el cie?lo,
  • gloria / a Dios en el cielo?.
  • Glory to God! Glory to God in the Highest,
  • And peace to all those with whom he is pleased.
  • Glory to God in the highest!
  • Glory to God in the highest!

  • Mi fuerza / eres tú, Señor, y mi ca?nción,
  • y tú / has llegado_a ser mi? salvació?n
  • tú_eres mi Dios. (2)
  • The Lord is my
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